
ADSL <- teal.transform::rADSL
ADTTE <- teal.transform::rADTTE
data_list <- list(ADSL = reactive(ADSL), ADTTE = reactive(ADTTE), ADLB = reactive(ADLB))
join_keys <- teal.data::default_cdisc_join_keys[c("ADSL", "ADTTE", "ADLB")]
primary_keys_list <- lapply(join_keys, function(x) x[[1]])

choices <- c("val1", "val2", "val3")
choices_d <- c("val1", "val1", "val2", "val3")
choices_f <- as.factor(choices)
choices_l <- as.list(choices)

testthat::test_that("Proper argument types", {
  testthat::expect_error(filter_spec(vars = list("var"), choices = choices), "Assertion failed.+vars")
  testthat::expect_error(filter_spec(vars = "var", choices = choices_l), "Assertion failed.+choices")
    filter_spec(vars = "var", choices = choices, selected = list("val2")),
    "Assertion failed.+selected"
  testthat::expect_error(filter_spec(vars = 1, choices = choices, selected = choices[1]), "Assertion failed.+vars")
    filter_spec(vars = factor("var"), choices = choices, selected = choices[1]),
    "Assertion failed.+vars"
    filter_spec(vars = "var", choices = choices_f, selected = choices_f[1]),
    "Assertion failed.+choices"
  testthat::expect_error(filter_spec(vars = "var", choices = choices, multiple = 1), "Assertion on 'multiple'")
  testthat::expect_error(filter_spec(vars = "var", choices = choices, label = factor("test")), "Assertion on 'label'")

  testthat::expect_error(filter_spec(vars = "var", choices = choices_d), "duplicated")
    filter_spec(vars = "var", choices = choices, label = c("test", "test2")),
    "Assertion on 'label'"
  testthat::expect_error(filter_spec(vars = "var", choices = choices, sep = c("-", ",")), "Assertion on 'sep'")

testthat::test_that("Single choice", {
  testthat::expect_silent(f1 <- filter_spec(
    vars = "var1",
    choices = choices,
    selected = choices[1],
    multiple = FALSE,
    label = "test"
  testthat::expect_identical(names(f1), c(
  testthat::expect_identical(f1$choices, choices, choices)
  testthat::expect_identical(f1$selected, choices[1])
  testthat::expect_identical(f1$label, "test")

testthat::test_that("Multiple choices", {
  testthat::expect_error(filter_spec(vars = "var1", choices = choices, selected = choices[1:2], multiple = FALSE))
  testthat::expect_silent(f1 <- filter_spec(vars = "var1", choices = choices, selected = choices[1:2], multiple = TRUE))
  testthat::expect_silent(f2 <- filter_spec(vars = "var1", choices = choices, selected = choices[1:2]))
  testthat::expect_identical(f1, f2)

  testthat::expect_identical(f1$choices, choices)
  testthat::expect_identical(f1$selected, choices[1:2])

testthat::test_that("Multiple vars", {
    filter_spec(vars = c("var1", "var2"), choices = c("val1.1-val2.1", "val1.1-val2.2"), sep = ":")
  testthat::expect_error(filter_spec(vars = c("var1", "var2"), choices = c("val1.1-val2.1", "val1.1-val2.2")))
  testthat::expect_error(filter_spec(vars = "var1", choices = c("val-1", "val2", "val3", "val4"), sep = "-"))

  testthat::expect_silent(f1 <- filter_spec(
    vars = c("var1", "var2"),
    choices = c("val1.1 - val2.1", "val1.1 - val2.2"),
    sep = " - "

    f2 <- filter_spec(vars = c("var1", "var2"), choices = c("val1.1 - val2.1", "val1.1 - val2.2"))

  testthat::expect_silent(f5 <- filter_spec(
    vars = c("var1", "var2"),
    choices = c(`combo1` = "val1.1 - val2.1", `combo2` = "val1.1 - val2.2")

  testthat::expect_identical(f1, f2)
  testthat::expect_true(all(names(f1$choices) != names(f5$choices)))

  testthat::expect_identical(f1$vars_choices, c("var1", "var2"))
  testthat::expect_identical(f1$choices, c("val1.1 - val2.1", "val1.1 - val2.2"))
  testthat::expect_identical(names(f5$choices), c("combo1", "combo2"))
  testthat::expect_identical(f1$selected, c("val1.1 - val2.1"))

  # Multiple vars and multiple = TRUE
  choices <- c("val1.1 - val2.1", "val1.1 - val2.2", "val1.1 - val2.3")

    f1m <- filter_spec(
      vars = c("var1", "var2"),
      choices = choices,
      selected = choices[1:2],
      multiple = TRUE,
      sep = " - "

    f2m <- filter_spec(vars = c("var1", "var2"), choices = choices, selected = choices[1:2], sep = " - ")

  testthat::expect_identical(f1m, f2m)

  # correct object structure
  testthat::expect_identical(f1m$choices, c("val1.1 - val2.1", "val1.1 - val2.2", "val1.1 - val2.3"))
  testthat::expect_identical(f1m$selected, c("val1.1 - val2.1", "val1.1 - val2.2"))

  testthat::expect_identical(f1m$label, "Filter by")

testthat::test_that("Dropping keys attribute", {
  testthat::expect_silent(f1 <- filter_spec(
    vars = "var1",
    choices = choices,
    selected = choices[1]

  testthat::expect_silent(f2 <- filter_spec(
    vars = "var1",
    choices = choices,
    selected = choices[1],
    drop_keys = FALSE

testthat::test_that("delayed filter_spec", {
  ADSL <- data.frame(
    USUBJID = letters[1:10],
    SEX = sample(c("F", "M", "U"), 10, replace = TRUE),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  expected_spec <- filter_spec(
    vars = variable_choices(ADSL, "SEX"),
    sep = "-",
    choices = value_choices(ADSL, "SEX", "SEX"),
    selected = "F",
    multiple = FALSE

  # spec obtained using delayed approach
  delayed <- filter_spec(
    vars = variable_choices("ADSL", "SEX"),
    sep = "-",
    choices = value_choices("ADSL", "SEX", "SEX"),
    selected = "F",
    multiple = FALSE

  testthat::expect_equal(names(expected_spec), names(delayed))

  data_list <- list(ADSL = reactive(ADSL))
  key_list <- list(ADSL = c("STUDYID", "USUBJID"))

  result_spec <- isolate(resolve(delayed, data_list, key_list))
  testthat::expect_identical(expected_spec, isolate(resolve(delayed, data_list, key_list)))

testthat::test_that("filter_spec with choices_selected where all selected in choices does not throw an error", {
  valid_cs <- choices_selected(
    choices = stats::setNames(LETTERS[1:5], paste("Letter", LETTERS[1:5])),
    selected = c("A", "B")
  testthat::expect_no_error(filter_spec(vars = valid_cs))

testthat::test_that("filter_spec_internal", {
      vars_choices = letters,
      vars_selected = letters[1]

      vars_choices = letters,
      vars_selected = letters[1:5]

      vars_choices = variable_choices("ADSL")

testthat::test_that("filter_spec_internal contains dataname", {
  ADSL <- teal.transform::rADSL

  x_filter <- filter_spec_internal(
    vars_choices = variable_choices(ADSL)


  x <- data_extract_spec(
    dataname = "ADSL",
    filter = x_filter

  testthat::expect_equal(x$filter[[1]]$dataname, "ADSL")

testthat::test_that("delayed filter_spec works", {
  ADSL <- data.frame(
    USUBJID = letters[1:10],
    SEX = sample(c("F", "M", "U"), 10, replace = TRUE),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  expected_spec <- filter_spec_internal(
    vars_choices = variable_choices(ADSL),
    vars_selected = "SEX"

  # spec obtained using delayed approach
  delayed <- filter_spec_internal(
    vars_choices = variable_choices("ADSL"),
    vars_selected = "SEX"


  testthat::expect_equal(names(expected_spec), names(delayed))

  delayed$dataname <- "ADSL"
  expected_spec$dataname <- "ADSL"

  data_list <- list(ADSL = reactive(ADSL))
  key_list <- list(ADSL = character(0))

    isolate(resolve(delayed, data_list, key_list))

  expected_spec <- data_extract_spec(
    dataname = "ADSL",
    filter = filter_spec_internal(
      vars_choices = variable_choices(ADSL),
      vars_selected = "SEX"

  delayed <- data_extract_spec(
    dataname = "ADSL",
    filter = filter_spec_internal(
      vars_choices = variable_choices("ADSL"),
      vars_selected = "SEX"

  testthat::expect_identical(expected_spec, isolate(resolve(delayed, data_list, key_list)))

vc_hard <- variable_choices("ADSL", subset = c("STUDYID", "USUBJID"))
vc_hard_exp <- structure(
  list(data = "ADSL", subset = c("STUDYID", "USUBJID"), key = NULL),
  class = c("delayed_variable_choices", "delayed_data", "choices_labeled")

vc_hard_short <- variable_choices("ADSL", subset = "STUDYID")
vc_hard_short_exp <- structure(
  list(data = "ADSL", subset = "STUDYID", key = NULL),
  class = c("delayed_variable_choices", "delayed_data", "choices_labeled")

vc_fun <- variable_choices("ADSL", subset = function(data) colnames(data)[1:2])
vc_fun_exp <- structure(
  list(data = "ADSL", subset = function(data) colnames(data)[1:2], key = NULL),
  class = c("delayed_variable_choices", "delayed_data", "choices_labeled")

vc_fun_short <- variable_choices("ADSL", subset = function(data) colnames(data)[1])
vc_fun_short_exp <- structure(
  list(data = "ADSL", subset = function(data) colnames(data)[1], key = NULL),
  class = c("delayed_variable_choices", "delayed_data", "choices_labeled")

testthat::test_that("delayed version of filter_spec", {
  # hard-coded vars & choices & selected
  obj <- filter_spec(
    vars = variable_choices("ADSL", subset = "ARMCD"),
    choices = value_choices("ADSL", var_choices = "ARMCD", var_label = "ARM", subset = c("ARM A", "ARM B")),
    selected = value_choices("ADSL", var_choices = "ARMCD", var_label = "ARM", subset = "ARM A"),
    multiple = FALSE

        vars_choices = variable_choices("ADSL", subset = "ARMCD"),
        vars_selected = variable_choices("ADSL", subset = "ARMCD"),
        vars_label = NULL,
        vars_fixed = TRUE,
        vars_multiple = TRUE,
        choices = value_choices("ADSL", var_choices = "ARMCD", var_label = "ARM", subset = c("ARM A", "ARM B")),
        selected = value_choices("ADSL", var_choices = "ARMCD", var_label = "ARM", subset = "ARM A"),
        label = "Filter by",
        multiple = FALSE,
        fixed = FALSE,
        sep = " - ",
        drop_keys = FALSE,
        dataname = NULL,
        initialized = FALSE
      class = c(

  res_obj <- isolate(resolve(obj, datasets = data_list, key = primary_keys_list))
  exp_obj <- filter_spec(
    vars = variable_choices(ADSL, subset = "ARMCD"),
    choices = value_choices(ADSL, var_choices = "ARMCD", var_label = "ARM", subset = c("ARM A", "ARM B")),
    selected = value_choices(ADSL, var_choices = "ARMCD", var_label = "ARM", subset = "ARM A"),
    multiple = FALSE

  # comparison not implemented, must be done individually
  testthat::expect_equal(res_obj$choices, exp_obj$choices)
  testthat::expect_equal(res_obj$selected, exp_obj$selected)
    res_obj[-match(c("choices", "selected"), names(res_obj))],
    exp_obj[-match(c("choices", "selected"), names(exp_obj))]

  # functional choices & selected
  obj <- filter_spec(
    vars = variable_choices("ADSL", subset = function(data) "ARMCD"),
    choices = value_choices(
      var_choices = "ARMCD",
      var_label = "ARM",
      subset = function(data) levels(data$ARMCD)[1:2]
    selected = value_choices(
      var_choices = "ARMCD",
      var_label = "ARM",
      subset = function(data) "ARM A"
    multiple = FALSE

        vars_choices = variable_choices("ADSL", subset = function(data) "ARMCD"),
        vars_selected = variable_choices("ADSL", subset = function(data) "ARMCD"),
        vars_label = NULL,
        vars_fixed = TRUE,
        vars_multiple = TRUE,
        choices = value_choices(
          var_choices = "ARMCD",
          var_label = "ARM",
          subset = function(data) levels(data$ARMCD)[1:2]
        selected = value_choices(
          var_choices = "ARMCD",
          var_label = "ARM",
          subset = function(data) "ARM A"
        label = "Filter by",
        multiple = FALSE,
        fixed = FALSE,
        sep = " - ",
        drop_keys = FALSE,
        dataname = NULL,
        initialized = FALSE
      class = c(

  res_obj <- isolate(resolve(obj, datasets = data_list, key = primary_keys_list))

  # comparison not implemented, must be done individually
  testthat::expect_equal(res_obj$choices, exp_obj$choices)
  testthat::expect_equal(res_obj$selected, exp_obj$selected)
    res_obj[-match(c("choices", "selected"), names(res_obj))],
    exp_obj[-match(c("choices", "selected"), names(exp_obj))]

testthat::test_that("all_choices passed to selected identical to all choices", {
    filter_spec(vars = "test", choices = c(1, 2), selected = c(1, 2)),
    filter_spec(vars = "test", choices = c(1, 2), selected = all_choices())

# With resolve_delayed
testthat::test_that("delayed filter_spec - resolve_delayed", {
  expected_spec <- filter_spec(
    vars = variable_choices(ADSL, "SEX"),
    sep = "-",
    choices = value_choices(ADSL, "SEX", "SEX"),
    selected = "F",
    multiple = FALSE

  # spec obtained using delayed approach
  delayed <- filter_spec(
    vars = variable_choices("ADSL", "SEX"),
    sep = "-",
    choices = value_choices("ADSL", "SEX", "SEX"),
    selected = "F",
    multiple = FALSE

  testthat::expect_equal(names(expected_spec), names(delayed))
  result_spec <- isolate(resolve_delayed(delayed, datasets = data_list, keys = primary_keys_list))
  testthat::expect_identical(expected_spec, result_spec)

  desc = "filter_spec with choices_selected where all selected in choices does not throw an error - resolve_delayed",
  code = {
    valid_cs <- choices_selected(
      choices = stats::setNames(LETTERS[1:5], paste("Letter", LETTERS[1:5])),
      selected = c("A", "B")
    testthat::expect_no_error(filter_spec(vars = valid_cs))

testthat::test_that("delayed filter_spec works - resolve_delayed", {
  expected_spec <- filter_spec_internal(
    vars_choices = variable_choices(ADSL),
    vars_selected = "SEX"

  # spec obtained using delayed approach
  delayed <- filter_spec_internal(
    vars_choices = variable_choices("ADSL"),
    vars_selected = "SEX"

  resolved <- isolate(resolve_delayed(delayed, datasets = data_list))
  testthat::expect_identical(expected_spec, resolved)

  expected_spec <- data_extract_spec(
    dataname = "ADSL",
    filter = filter_spec_internal(
      vars_choices = variable_choices(ADSL),
      vars_selected = "SEX"

  delayed <- data_extract_spec(
    dataname = "ADSL",
    filter = filter_spec_internal(
      vars_choices = variable_choices("ADSL"),
      vars_selected = "SEX"

    isolate(resolve_delayed(delayed, datasets = data_list))

testthat::test_that("delayed version of filter_spec - resolve_delayed", {
  # hard-coded vars & choices & selected
  obj <- filter_spec(
    vars = variable_choices("ADSL", subset = "ARMCD"),
    choices = value_choices("ADSL", var_choices = "ARMCD", var_label = "ARM", subset = c("ARM A", "ARM B")),
    selected = value_choices("ADSL", var_choices = "ARMCD", var_label = "ARM", subset = "ARM A"),
    multiple = FALSE

        vars_choices = variable_choices("ADSL", subset = "ARMCD"),
        vars_selected = variable_choices("ADSL", subset = "ARMCD"),
        vars_label = NULL,
        vars_fixed = TRUE,
        vars_multiple = TRUE,
        choices = value_choices("ADSL", var_choices = "ARMCD", var_label = "ARM", subset = c("ARM A", "ARM B")),
        selected = value_choices("ADSL", var_choices = "ARMCD", var_label = "ARM", subset = "ARM A"),
        label = "Filter by",
        multiple = FALSE,
        fixed = FALSE,
        sep = " - ",
        drop_keys = FALSE,
        dataname = NULL,
        initialized = FALSE
      class = c(

  res_obj <- isolate(resolve_delayed(obj, datasets = data_list, keys = primary_keys_list))
  exp_obj <- filter_spec(
    vars = variable_choices(ADSL, subset = "ARMCD"),
    choices = value_choices(ADSL, var_choices = "ARMCD", var_label = "ARM", subset = c("ARM A", "ARM B")),
    selected = value_choices(ADSL, var_choices = "ARMCD", var_label = "ARM", subset = "ARM A"),
    multiple = FALSE

  # comparison not implemented, must be done individually
  testthat::expect_equal(res_obj$choices, exp_obj$choices)
  testthat::expect_equal(res_obj$selected, exp_obj$selected)
    res_obj[-match(c("choices", "selected"), names(res_obj))],
    exp_obj[-match(c("choices", "selected"), names(exp_obj))]

  # functional choices & selected
  obj <- filter_spec(
    vars = variable_choices("ADSL", subset = function(data) "ARMCD"),
    choices = value_choices(
      var_choices = "ARMCD",
      var_label = "ARM",
      subset = function(data) levels(data$ARMCD)[1:2]
    selected = value_choices(
      var_choices = "ARMCD",
      var_label = "ARM",
      subset = function(data) "ARM A"
    multiple = FALSE

        vars_choices = variable_choices("ADSL", subset = function(data) "ARMCD"),
        vars_selected = variable_choices("ADSL", subset = function(data) "ARMCD"),
        vars_label = NULL,
        vars_fixed = TRUE,
        vars_multiple = TRUE,
        choices = value_choices(
          var_choices = "ARMCD",
          var_label = "ARM",
          subset = function(data) levels(data$ARMCD)[1:2]
        selected = value_choices(
          var_choices = "ARMCD",
          var_label = "ARM",
          subset = function(data) "ARM A"
        label = "Filter by",
        multiple = FALSE,
        fixed = FALSE,
        sep = " - ",
        drop_keys = FALSE,
        dataname = NULL,
        initialized = FALSE
      class = c(

  res_obj <- isolate(resolve_delayed(obj, datasets = data_list, keys = primary_keys_list))

  # comparison not implemented, must be done individually
  testthat::expect_equal(res_obj$choices, exp_obj$choices)
  testthat::expect_equal(res_obj$selected, exp_obj$selected)
    res_obj[-match(c("choices", "selected"), names(res_obj))],
    exp_obj[-match(c("choices", "selected"), names(exp_obj))]

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teal.transform documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:06 a.m.