
Defines functions nested_closeable_modal

Documented in nested_closeable_modal

#' Nested Closeable Modal Popup
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Alternative to `shiny::modalDialog`. Create a nested modal popup that can be shown/hidden
#' using `jQuery` and modal `id`, without disturbing the parent modal.
#' @param id (`character(1)`) `shiny` module id for the component.\cr
#'           Note that this id can be used to show/hide this modal
#'           with the appended `jQuery` methods show/hide.
#' @param ... (`shiny.tag`) `shiny` UI elements that will be displayed in the modal UI
#' @param modal_args (`list`) optional list of arguments for the `shiny::modalDialog` function
#'                   to customize the modal. Has `easyClose` set to `TRUE` as default
#' @return (`shiny.tag`) returns `HTML` for `shiny` module UI which can be nested into a modal popup
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # nolint start
#' library(shiny)
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#'   shinyjs::useShinyjs(),
#'   actionButton("show_1", "$('#modal_1').modal('show')"),
#'   nested_closeable_modal(
#'     "modal_1",
#'     modal_args = list(
#'       size = "l",
#'       title = "First Modal",
#'       easyClose = TRUE,
#'       footer = NULL
#'     ),
#'     tags$div(
#'       "This modal can be closed by running", tags$code("$('#modal_1').modal('hide')"),
#'       "in the JS console!",
#'       tags$br(),
#'       "Note that the second modal is placed right within this modal",
#'       tags$br(),
#'       "Alternatively, calling the", tags$code("removeModal()"),
#'       "will remove all the active modal popups",
#'       tags$br(), tags$br(),
#'       actionButton("show_2", "$('#modal_2').modal('show')"),
#'       actionButton("hide_1", "$('#modal_1').modal('hide')"),
#'       nested_closeable_modal(
#'         id = "modal_2",
#'         modal_args = list(
#'           size = "m",
#'           title = "Second Modal",
#'           footer = NULL,
#'           easyClose = TRUE
#'         ),
#'         div(
#'           "This modal can be closed by running", tags$code("$('#modal_1').modal('hide')"),
#'           "in the JS console!",
#'           "Note that removing the parent will remove the child.
#'            But, reopening will remember the open state of child",
#'           actionButton("hide_2", "$('#modal_2').modal('hide')"),
#'           actionButton("hide_all", "$('#modal_1').modal('hide')")
#'         )
#'       )
#'     )
#'   )
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output) {
#'   observeEvent(input$show_1, {
#'     shinyjs::runjs("$('#modal_1').modal('show')")
#'   })
#'   observeEvent(input$show_2, {
#'     shinyjs::runjs("$('#modal_2').modal('show')")
#'   })
#'   observeEvent(c(input$hide_1, input$hide_all), {
#'     shinyjs::runjs("$('#modal_1').modal('hide')")
#'   })
#'   observeEvent(input$hide_2, {
#'     shinyjs::runjs("$('#modal_2').modal('hide')")
#'   })
#' }
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shiny::shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' # nolint end
nested_closeable_modal <- function(id, ..., modal_args = list(easyClose = TRUE)) {
  modal_args <- append(list(...), modal_args)
    htmltools::tagQuery(do.call(modalDialog, modal_args))$
      addAttrs(id = id, `aria-hidden` = "true", class = "custom-modal", `data-backdrop` = "false")$
      removeAttrs(c("data-dismiss", "data-bs-dismiss"))$
      addAttrs(onclick = paste0("$('#", id, "').modal('hide');"))$

Try the teal.widgets package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

teal.widgets documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:41 a.m.