
Defines functions include_teal_css_js run_js_files include_js_files include_css_files

Documented in include_css_files include_js_files include_teal_css_js run_js_files

#' Include `CSS` files from `/inst/css/` package directory to application header
#' `system.file` should not be used to access files in other packages, it does
#' not work with `devtools`. Therefore, we redefine this method in each package
#' as needed. Thus, we do not export this method.
#' @param pattern (`character`) pattern of files to be included
#' @return HTML code that includes `CSS` files.
#' @keywords internal
include_css_files <- function(pattern = "*") {
  css_files <- list.files(
    system.file("css", package = "teal", mustWork = TRUE),
    pattern = pattern, full.names = TRUE

    tags$head(lapply(css_files, includeCSS))

#' Include `JS` files from `/inst/js/` package directory to application header
#' `system.file` should not be used to access files in other packages, it does
#' not work with `devtools`. Therefore, we redefine this method in each package
#' as needed. Thus, we do not export this method
#' @param pattern (`character`) pattern of files to be included, passed to `system.file`
#' @param except (`character`) vector of basename filenames to be excluded
#' @return HTML code that includes `JS` files.
#' @keywords internal
include_js_files <- function(pattern = NULL, except = NULL) {
  checkmate::assert_character(except, min.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, null.ok = TRUE)
  js_files <- list.files(system.file("js", package = "teal", mustWork = TRUE), pattern = pattern, full.names = TRUE)
  js_files <- js_files[!(basename(js_files) %in% except)] # no-op if except is NULL

  singleton(lapply(js_files, includeScript))

#' Run `JS` file from `/inst/js/` package directory
#' This is triggered from the server to execute on the client
#' rather than triggered directly on the client.
#' Unlike `include_js_files` which includes `JavaScript` functions,
#' the `run_js` actually executes `JavaScript` functions.
#' `system.file` should not be used to access files in other packages, it does
#' not work with `devtools`. Therefore, we redefine this method in each package
#' as needed. Thus, we do not export this method.
#' @param files (`character`) vector of filenames.
#' @return returns `NULL`, invisibly.
#' @keywords internal
run_js_files <- function(files) {
  checkmate::assert_character(files, min.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE)
  lapply(files, function(file) {
    shinyjs::runjs(paste0(readLines(system.file("js", file, package = "teal", mustWork = TRUE)), collapse = "\n"))

#' Code to include `teal` `CSS` and `JavaScript` files
#' This is useful when you want to use the same `JavaScript` and `CSS` files that are
#' used with the `teal` application.
#' This is also useful for running standalone modules in `teal` with the correct
#' styles.
#' Also initializes `shinyjs` so you can use it.
#' Simply add `include_teal_css_js()` as one of the UI elements.
#' @return A `shiny.tag.list`.
#' @keywords internal
include_teal_css_js <- function() {
    # init.js is executed from the server
    include_js_files(except = "init.js"),
    shinyjs::hidden(icon("gear")), # add hidden icon to load font-awesome css for icons

Try the teal package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

teal documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:11 a.m.