
Defines functions srv_tabs_with_filters ui_tabs_with_filters

Documented in srv_tabs_with_filters ui_tabs_with_filters

#' Add right filter panel into each of the top-level `teal_modules` UIs
#' The [ui_nested_tabs] function returns a nested tabbed UI corresponding
#' to the nested modules.
#' This function adds the right filter panel to each main tab.
#' The right filter panel's filter choices affect the `datasets` object. Therefore,
#' all modules using the same `datasets` share the same filters.
#' This works with nested modules of depth greater than 2, though the filter
#' panel is inserted at the right of the modules at depth 1 and not at the leaves.
#' @name module_tabs_with_filters
#' @inheritParams module_teal
#' @param datasets (named `list` of `FilteredData`)
#'   object to store filter state and filtered datasets, shared across modules. For more
#'   details see [`teal.slice::FilteredData`]. Structure of the list must be the same as structure
#'   of the `modules` argument and list names must correspond to the labels in `modules`.
#'   When filter is not module-specific then list contains the same object in all elements.
#' @param reporter (`Reporter`) object from `teal.reporter`
#' @return
#' A `shiny.tag.list` containing the main menu, placeholders for filters and placeholders for the `teal` modules.
#' @keywords internal

#' @rdname module_tabs_with_filters
ui_tabs_with_filters <- function(id, modules, datasets, filter = teal_slices()) {
  checkmate::assert_class(modules, "teal_modules")
  checkmate::assert_list(datasets, types = c("list", "FilteredData"))
  checkmate::assert_class(filter, "teal_slices")

  ns <- NS(id)
  is_module_specific <- isTRUE(attr(filter, "module_specific"))

  teal_ui <- ui_nested_tabs(ns("root"), modules = modules, datasets, is_module_specific = is_module_specific)
  filter_panel_btns <- tags$li(
    class = "flex-grow",
      class = "btn action-button filter_hamburger", # see sidebar.css for style filter_hamburger
      href = "javascript:void(0)",
      onclick = "toggleFilterPanel();", # see sidebar.js
      title = "Toggle filter panels",
      icon("fas fa-bars")
  teal_ui$children[[1]] <- tagAppendChild(teal_ui$children[[1]], filter_panel_btns)

  if (!is_module_specific) {
    # need to rearrange html so that filter panel is within tabset
    tabset_bar <- teal_ui$children[[1]]
    teal_modules <- teal_ui$children[[2]]
    filter_ui <- unlist(datasets)[[1]]$ui_filter_panel(ns("filter_panel"))
      tags$hr(class = "my-2"),
        column(width = 9, teal_modules, class = "teal_primary_col"),
        column(width = 3, filter_ui, class = "teal_secondary_col")
  } else {

#' @rdname module_tabs_with_filters
srv_tabs_with_filters <- function(id,
                                  reporter = teal.reporter::Reporter$new(),
                                  filter = teal_slices()) {
  checkmate::assert_class(modules, "teal_modules")
  checkmate::assert_list(datasets, types = c("list", "FilteredData"))
  checkmate::assert_class(reporter, "Reporter")
  checkmate::assert_class(filter, "teal_slices")

  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
    logger::log_trace("srv_tabs_with_filters initializing the module.")

    is_module_specific <- isTRUE(attr(filter, "module_specific"))
    manager_out <- filter_manager_modal_srv("filter_manager", filtered_data_list = datasets, filter = filter)

    active_module <- srv_nested_tabs(
      id = "root",
      datasets = datasets,
      modules = modules,
      reporter = reporter,
      is_module_specific = is_module_specific

    if (!is_module_specific) {
      active_datanames <- reactive({
        if (identical(active_module()$datanames, "all")) {
        } else {
      singleton <- unlist(datasets)[[1]]
      singleton$srv_filter_panel("filter_panel", active_datanames = active_datanames)

        eventExpr = active_datanames(),
        handlerExpr = {
          script <- if (length(active_datanames()) == 0 || is.null(active_datanames())) {
            # hide the filter panel and disable the burger button
          } else {
            # show the filter panel and enable the burger button
        ignoreNULL = FALSE

    showNotification("Data loaded - App fully started up")
    logger::log_trace("srv_tabs_with_filters initialized the module")


Try the teal package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

teal documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:11 a.m.