
Defines functions deep_copy_filter c.teal_slices as.teal_slices teal_slices

Documented in as.teal_slices c.teal_slices deep_copy_filter teal_slices

#' Filter settings for `teal` applications
#' Specify initial filter states and filtering settings for a `teal` app.
#' Produces a `teal_slices` object.
#' The `teal_slice` components will specify filter states that will be active when the app starts.
#' Attributes (created with the named arguments) will configure the way the app applies filters.
#' See argument descriptions for details.
#' @inheritParams teal.slice::teal_slices
#' @param module_specific optional (`logical(1)`)
#'  - `FALSE` (default) when one filter panel applied to all modules.
#'  All filters will be shared by all modules.
#'  - `TRUE` when filter panel module-specific.
#'  Modules can have different set of filters specified - see `mapping` argument.
#' @param mapping `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' _This is a new feature. Do kindly share your opinions on
#' [`teal`'s GitHub repository](https://github.com/insightsengineering/teal/)._
#'  (named `list`) specifies which filters will be active in which modules on app start.
#'  Elements should contain character vector of `teal_slice` `id`s (see [`teal.slice::teal_slice`]).
#'  Names of the list should correspond to `teal_module` `label` set in [module()] function.
#'  - `id`s listed under `"global_filters` will be active in all modules.
#'  - If missing, all filters will be applied to all modules.
#'  - If empty list, all filters will be available to all modules but will start inactive.
#'  - If `module_specific` is `FALSE`, only `global_filters` will be active on start.
#' @param app_id (`character(1)`)
#'  For internal use only, do not set manually.
#'  Added by `init` so that a `teal_slices` can be matched to the app in which it was used.
#'  Used for verifying snapshots uploaded from file. See `snapshot`.
#' @param x (`list`) of lists to convert to `teal_slices`
#' @return
#' A `teal_slices` object.
#' @seealso [`teal.slice::teal_slices`], [`teal.slice::teal_slice`], [slices_store()]
#' @examples
#' filter <- teal_slices(
#'   teal_slice(dataname = "iris", varname = "Species", id = "species"),
#'   teal_slice(dataname = "iris", varname = "Sepal.Length", id = "sepal_length"),
#'   teal_slice(
#'     dataname = "iris", id = "long_petals", title = "Long petals", expr = "Petal.Length > 5"
#'   ),
#'   teal_slice(dataname = "mtcars", varname = "mpg", id = "mtcars_mpg"),
#'   mapping = list(
#'     module1 = c("species", "sepal_length"),
#'     module2 = c("mtcars_mpg"),
#'     global_filters = "long_petals"
#'   )
#' )
#' app <- init(
#'   data = teal_data(iris = iris, mtcars = mtcars),
#'   modules = list(
#'     module("module1"),
#'     module("module2")
#'   ),
#'   filter = filter
#' )
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shinyApp(app$ui, app$server)
#' }
#' @export
teal_slices <- function(...,
                        exclude_varnames = NULL,
                        include_varnames = NULL,
                        count_type = NULL,
                        allow_add = TRUE,
                        module_specific = FALSE,
                        app_id = NULL) {
    if (!missing(mapping)) checkmate::assert_list(mapping, types = c("character", "NULL"), names = "named")
    checkmate::assert_string(app_id, null.ok = TRUE)

    slices <- list(...)
    all_slice_id <- vapply(slices, `[[`, character(1L), "id")

    if (missing(mapping)) {
      mapping <- list(global_filters = all_slice_id)
    if (!module_specific) {
      mapping[setdiff(names(mapping), "global_filters")] <- NULL

    failed_slice_id <- setdiff(unlist(mapping), all_slice_id)
    if (length(failed_slice_id)) {
        "Filters in mapping don't match any available filter.\n %s not in %s",

    tss <- teal.slice::teal_slices(
      exclude_varnames = exclude_varnames,
      include_varnames = include_varnames,
      count_type = count_type,
      allow_add = allow_add
    attr(tss, "mapping") <- mapping
    attr(tss, "module_specific") <- module_specific
    attr(tss, "app_id") <- app_id
    class(tss) <- c("modules_teal_slices", class(tss))

#' @rdname teal_slices
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
as.teal_slices <- function(x) { # nolint: object_name.
  lapply(x, checkmate::assert_list, names = "named", .var.name = "list element")

  attrs <- attributes(unclass(x))
  ans <- lapply(x, function(x) if (is.teal_slice(x)) x else as.teal_slice(x))
  do.call(teal_slices, c(ans, attrs))

#' @rdname teal_slices
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
c.teal_slices <- function(...) {
  x <- list(...)
  checkmate::assert_true(all(vapply(x, is.teal_slices, logical(1L))), .var.name = "all arguments are teal_slices")

  all_attributes <- lapply(x, attributes)
  all_attributes <- coalesce_r(all_attributes)
  all_attributes <- all_attributes[names(all_attributes) != "class"]

      unique(unlist(x, recursive = FALSE)),

#' Deep copy `teal_slices`
#' it's important to create a new copy of `teal_slices` when
#' starting a new `shiny` session. Otherwise, object will be shared
#' by multiple users as it is created in global environment before
#' `shiny` session starts.
#' @param filter (`teal_slices`)
#' @return `teal_slices`
#' @keywords internal
deep_copy_filter <- function(filter) {
  checkmate::assert_class(filter, "teal_slices")
    filter_copy <- lapply(filter, function(slice) {
    attributes(filter_copy) <- attributes(filter)

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teal documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:11 a.m.