
Defines functions plot.stPredict

Documented in plot.stPredict

#' Plot stPredict objects
#' This function provides basic plotting for telefit package data.
#' @export
#' @method plot stPredict
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom fields rdist.earth
#' @param type One of the following options to specify what type of plot to build
#'    \describe{
#'      \item{prediction}{ Spatial plot of predicted response variable for 
#'        a given timepoint t. }
#'      \item{residual}{ Spatial plot of residual for a given timepoint t.  
#'        Note, this plot is only available if the model has been
#'        evaluated and the predictions have been compared to another response
#'        dataset. }
#'      \item{observed}{ Spatial plot of observed response variable for a given
#'        timepoint t. Note, this plot is only available if the model has been
#'        evaluated and the predictions have been compared to another response
#'        dataset.  }
#'      \item{standard_error (or 'se')}{ Spatial plot of prediction standard 
#'        errors for a given timepoint t.}
#'      \item{local}{ Spatial plot of the local components of the
#'        response variable for a given timepoint t.}
#'      \item{remote}{ Spatial plot of the remote components of the 
#'        response variable for a given timepoint t.}
#'      \item{w}{ Spatial plot of the spatial noise component of the reponse 
#'        variable for a given timepoint t.}
#'      \item{correlation}{ Scatterplot of observed vs. predicted response 
#'        variables for a given timepoint t.  Note, this plot is only available 
#'        if the model has been evaluated and the predictions have been compared 
#'        to another response dataset.   }
#'      \item{teleconnection}{ Spatial plot of remote coefficients associated
#'        with a location coord.s in the spatial response domain. }
#'      \item{teleconnection_knot}{ Spatial plot of remote knot coefficients 
#'        associated with a location coord.s in the spatial response domain. }
#'      \item{teleconnection_knot_transect}{ }
#'      \item{errors}{ Series of plots that measure overall prediction error 
#'        across prediction timepoints. }
#'      \item{cat.prediction}{ Spatial plot of the predicted response variable
#'        category (i.e., above/below average) for a given timepoint t. }
#'      \item{truth}{ Note, this plot is only available if the model has been
#'        evaluated and the predictions have been compared to another response
#'        dataset. }
#'      \item{residual}{ Note, this plot is only available if the model has been
#'        evaluated and the predictions have been compared to another response
#'        dataset. }
#'      \item{eof_alpha_knots}{ A map of the local domain where the plotted colors
#'        show the remote influence coefficients mapped onto the eof pattern
#'        specified by the "pattern" argument.   }
#'    }
#' @param x Object of class stPredict to plot.
#' @param t timepoint to plot.  Will automatically plot the first timepoint if
#'  t=NULL.
#' @param stData Object of class stData to provide coordinate and related
#'  information for plotting estimated teleconnection effects
#' @param stFit Object of class stFit to provide related
#'  information and structures for plotting estimated teleconnection effects
#' @param err.comparison data.frame with Year column  and a column for a variable
#'  that will be used to plot annual errors against
#' @param err.var name of variable in err.comparison for plotting against
#' @param err.lab label for name of variable in err.comparison for plotting against
#' @param pattern if type=='eof_alpha_knots', this specified which eof the remote 
#'  coefficients should be mapped onto and then plotted over the local domain
#' @param burn number of observations to exclude from graph
#' @param signif.telecon TRUE to highlight significant teleconnection effects
#' @param dots additional named arguments with defaults to pass to additional 
#'   functions
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to lower-level plotting functions
#' @return a ggplot object with the specified map
#' @examples
#' data("coprecip.predict")
#' p = plot(coprecip.predict, t=1981)

plot.stPredict = function( x, type='prediction', t=NULL, stFit=NULL, 
                           stData=NULL, err.comparison=NULL, err.var=NULL,
                           err.lab=err.var, pattern=1, dots=NULL, burn=1, 
                           signif.telecon = F, ... ) {
  stPredict = x
  # merge unique list of dots
    dots = c(dots, list(...))
    dots = dots[!duplicated(dots)]
  # overwrite arguments to function if they exist in dots
    for(x in setdiff(names(formals(eval(match.call()[[1]]))), c('dots', '...'))) {
      if(x %in% names(dots)) {
        assign(eval(x), dots[[x]])
  # determine which type of plot is requested
  match.opts = c('prediction', 'residual', 'observed', 'standard_error', 'se', 
                 'local', 'remote', 'correlation', 'teleconnection', 
                 'cat.prediction', 'teleconnection_knot', 'eof_alpha_knots',
                 'teleconnection_knot_transect', 'errors', 'teleconnection_knot_local',
  type = match.opts[pmatch(type, match.opts)]
  # create a basic stData object for plotting
  if(is.null(stData)) {
    stData = list(
      coords.s = stPredict$coords.s
    class(stData) = 'stData'
  # get timepoint to plot
  # extract data for the right timepoint to plot
  if(length(stPredict$tLabs)==1) {
    pred = stPredict$pred[[1]]
    stData$tLabs = stPredict$tLabs
  } else {
    pred = stPredict$pred[[match(t, stPredict$tLabs)]]
    stData$tLabs = t
  # build plot
  if( type=='prediction' ) {
    stData$Y = pred$pred$Y
    # stData$Y.lab = paste('Predicted', stPredict$Y.lab)
    stData$Y.lab = stPredict$Y.lab
    ret = plot.stData(stData, dots=dots, ...)
  } else if( type=='residual' ) {
    stData$Y = pred$pred$resid
    stData$Y.lab = 'Residual'
    ret = plot.stData(stData, dots=dots, ...)
  } else if( type=='observed' ) {
    stData$Y = pred$pred$Y + pred$pred$resid
    stData$Y.lab = paste('Observed', stPredict$Y.lab)
    ret = plot.stData(stData, dots=dots, ...)
  } else if( type=='standard_error' || type=='se' ) {
    stData$Y = pred$pred$se
    stData$Y.lab = 'SE'
    ret = plot.stData(stData, dots=dots, zmid=mean(stData$Y), ...)
  } else if( type=='local' ) {
    stData$Y = pred$pred$Y.local
    stData$Y.lab = paste('Local contribution to', stPredict$Y.lab)
    ret = plot.stData(stData, dots=dots, ...)
  } else if( type=='remote' ) {
    stData$Y = pred$pred$Y.remote
    stData$Y.lab = paste('Remote contribution to', stPredict$Y.lab)
    ret = plot.stData(stData, dots=dots, ...)
  } else if( type=='w' ) { 
    stData$Y = pred$pred$Y - (pred$pred$Y.local + pred$pred$Y.remote)
    stData$Y.lab = paste('Spatial noise contribution to', stPredict$Y.lab)
    ret = plot.stData(stData, dots=dots, ...)
  } else if( type=='correlation' ) {
    ret = ggplot(pred$pred, aes(y=Y, x=Y+resid)) +
      geom_abline(slope=1, intercept=0) +
      geom_errorbar(aes(x=Y+resid, ymax = Y.upr, ymin = Y.lwr), 
                    alpha=.2) +
      geom_point(alpha=.5) +
      ylab(paste('Predicted', stPredict$Y.lab)) +
      xlab(paste('Observed', stPredict$Y.lab))
  } else if( type=='eof_alpha_knots' ) {
    if(is.null(stData)) {
      stop('stData object required for plotting estimated teleconnection effects.')
    if(is.null(stFit)) {
      stop('stFit object required for plotting estimated teleconnection effects.')
    stData$Y = matrix(stPredict$eof_alpha_knots$eof_alpha, 
                      nrow=nrow(stData$coords.s), byrow = T)
    attr(stData$Y, 'signif') = matrix(stPredict$eof_alpha_knots$signif, 
                                      nrow=nrow(stData$coords.s), byrow = T)
    stData$tLabs = 1:ncol(stData$Y)
    stData$Y.lab = 'Coef.'
    ret = plot.stData(stData, type='response', t=pattern, 
                      signif.telecon = signif.telecon, dots=dots) + 
  } else if( type=='teleconnection' ) {
    if(is.null(stData)) {
      stop('stData object required for plotting estimated teleconnection effects.')
    if(is.null(stFit)) {
      stop('stFit object required for plotting estimated teleconnection effects.')
    stFit$alpha$summary = stPredict$alpha
    ret = plot.stFit(stFit = stFit, stData = stData, type='teleconnection', 
                     dots=dots, signif.telecon = signif.telecon, ...)
  } else if( type=='teleconnection_knot') {
    if(is.null(stData)) {
      stop('stData object required for plotting estimated teleconnection effects.')
    if(is.null(stFit)) {
      stop('stFit object required for plotting estimated teleconnection effects.')
    stFit$alpha_knots$summary = stPredict$alpha_knots
    ret = plot.stFit(stFit = stFit, stData = stData, type='teleconnection_knot', 
                     dots=dots, ...)
  } else if( type=='teleconnection_knot_local') {
    if(is.null(stData)) {
      stop('stData object required for plotting estimated teleconnection effects.')
    if(is.null(stFit)) {
      stop('stFit object required for plotting estimated teleconnection effects.')
    stFit$alpha_knots$summary = stPredict$alpha_knots
    ret = plot.stFit(stFit = stFit, stData = stData, type='teleconnection_knot_local', 
                     dots=dots, ...)
  } else if( type=='teleconnection_knot_transect') {
    stFit$alpha_knots$summary = stPredict$alpha_knots
    ret = plot.stFit(stFit = stFit, type='teleconnection_knot_transect', 
                     dots=dots, ...)
  } else if( type=='cat.prediction' ) {
    stData$Y.cat = factor(pred$pred$Y.cat)
    # stData$Y.lab = paste('Predicted', stPredict$Y.lab)
    stData$Y.lab = stPredict$Y.lab
    ret = plot.stData(stData, type='cat.response', 
                      category.breaks = stPredict$category.breaks, 
                      dots=dots, ...)
  } else if( type=='errors' ) {
    # extract yearly errors
    errsum = foreach(f=stPredict$pred, .combine='rbind') %do% {
      data.frame(Year=f$yrLab, f$err)
    } %>% mutate(RMSPE = sqrt(mspe), mspe = NULL,
                 'Brier skill' = bss, bss = NULL,
                 'Categorical Accuracy' = cat.correct, cat.correct = NULL,
                 'Heidke skill' = cat.heidke, cat.heidke = NULL,
                 'Response Correlation' = cor, cor = NULL,
                 'R sq.' = r2, r2 = NULL,
                 'PPL' = ppl, ppl=NULL,
                 'Coverage' = coverage, coverage=NULL
    errsum = cbind(errsum, err.comparison)
    errsum.plottable = melt(errsum, id.vars = c('Year', err.var))
    ret = ggplot(errsum.plottable, aes_string(x=err.var, y='value')) +
      facet_wrap(~variable, scales='free') +
      geom_smooth(span=1) +
      geom_label(aes(label=Year), alpha=.8) +
      ylab('') +
      xlab(err.lab) +
      annotate("segment", x=-Inf, xend=Inf, y=-Inf, yend=-Inf) +
      annotate("segment", x=-Inf, xend=-Inf, y=-Inf, yend=Inf)

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telefit documentation built on Feb. 4, 2020, 9:08 a.m.