
Defines functions is.Updater Updater stop_polling start_polling

Documented in is.Updater start_polling stop_polling Updater

#### METHODS ####

#' Start polling
#' Starts polling updates from Telegram. You can stop the polling either by
#' using the the \code{interrupt R} command in the session menu or with the
#' \code{\link{stop_polling}} method.
#' @param timeout (Optional). Passed to \code{\link{getUpdates}}.
#'     Default is 10.
#' @param clean (Optional). Whether to clean any pending updates on Telegram
#'     servers before actually starting to poll. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param allowed_updates (Optional). Passed to \code{\link{getUpdates}}.
#' @param verbose (Optional). If \code{TRUE}, prints status of the polling.
#'     Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Start polling example
#' start <- function(bot, update) {
#'   bot$sendMessage(
#'     chat_id = update$message$chat_id,
#'     text = sprintf(
#'       "Hello %s!",
#'       update$message$from$first_name
#'     )
#'   )
#' }
#' updater <- Updater("TOKEN") + CommandHandler("start", start)
#' updater$start_polling(verbose = TRUE)
#' }
start_polling <- function(timeout = 10L,
                          clean = FALSE,
                          allowed_updates = NULL,
                          verbose = FALSE) {
  private$verbose <- verbose
  if (!private$running) private$running <- TRUE

  if (private$verbose) cat("Start polling", fill = TRUE)

  if (clean) {
    if (private$verbose) {
      cat("Cleaning updates from Telegram server", fill = TRUE)

  while (private$running) {
    updates <- tryCatch(
          offset = private$last_update_id,
          timeout = timeout,
          allowed_updates = allowed_updates
      error = function(e) {
        if (identical(conditionMessage(e), interruptError())) {
        } else {
          if (private$verbose) warning(as.character(e))

    if (!is.error(updates)) {
      if (!private$running) {
        if (private$verbose && !is.null(updates) && length(updates) > 0L) {
            "Updates ignored and will be pulled again on restart",
            fill = TRUE

      if (length(updates)) {
        for (update in updates) {
          if (private$verbose) {
            cat(sprintf("Processing Update %i", update$update_id), fill = TRUE)

        private$last_update_id <- updates[[length(updates)]]$update_id + 1L

#' Stop polling
#' Stops the polling. Requires no parameters.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Example of a 'kill' command
#' kill <- function(bot, update) {
#'   bot$sendMessage(
#'     chat_id = update$message$chat_id,
#'     text = "Bye!"
#'   )
#'   # Clean 'kill' update
#'   bot$getUpdates(offset = update$update_id + 1)
#'   # Stop the updater polling
#'   updater$stop_polling()
#' }
#' updater <<- updater + CommandHandler("kill", kill)
#' updater$start_polling(verbose = TRUE) # Send '/kill' to the bot
#' }
stop_polling <- function() {
  if (private$verbose) cat("End polling", fill = TRUE)
  if (private$running) private$running <- FALSE

#### CLASS ####

#' Building a Telegram Bot with Update Polling
#' This class, which employs the class \code{\link{Dispatcher}}, provides a
#' front-end to class \code{\link{Bot}} to the programmer, so you can focus on
#' coding the bot. Its purpose is to receive the updates from Telegram and to
#' deliver them to said dispatcher. The dispatcher supports
#' \code{\link{Handler}} classes for different kinds of data: Updates from
#' Telegram, basic text commands and even arbitrary types. See
#' \code{\link{add}} (\code{+}) to learn more about building your
#' \code{Updater}.
#' \strong{Note:} You \strong{must} supply either a \code{bot} or a
#' \code{token} argument.
#' @format An \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @name Updater
#' @aliases is.Updater
#' @param token (Optional). The bot's token given by the \emph{BotFather}.
#' @param base_url (Optional). Telegram Bot API service URL.
#' @param base_file_url (Optional). Telegram Bot API file URL.
#' @param request_config (Optional). Additional configuration settings
#'     to be passed to the bot's POST requests. See the \code{config}
#'     parameter from \code{?httr::POST} for further details.
#'     The \code{request_config} settings are very
#'     useful for the advanced users who would like to control the
#'     default timeouts and/or control the proxy used for HTTP communication.
#' @param bot (Optional). A pre-initialized \code{\link{Bot}} instance.
#' @section Methods: \describe{
#'     \item{\code{\link{start_polling}}}{Starts polling updates from
#'       Telegram.}
#'     \item{\code{\link{stop_polling}}}{Stops the polling.}
#' }
#' @references \href{https://core.telegram.org/bots}{Bots: An
#'     introduction for developers} and
#'     \href{https://core.telegram.org/bots/api}{Telegram Bot API}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' updater <- Updater(token = "TOKEN")
#' # In case you want to set a proxy (see ?httr:use_proxy)
#' updater <- Updater(
#'   token = "TOKEN",
#'   request_config = httr::use_proxy(...)
#' )
#' # Add a handler
#' start <- function(bot, update) {
#'   bot$sendMessage(
#'     chat_id = update$message$chat_id,
#'     text = sprintf(
#'       "Hello %s!",
#'       update$message$from$first_name
#'     )
#'   )
#' }
#' updater <- updater + CommandHandler("start", start)
#' # Start polling
#' updater$start_polling(verbose = TRUE) # Send '/start' to the bot
#' }
#' @export
Updater <- function(token = NULL,
                    base_url = NULL,
                    base_file_url = NULL,
                    request_config = NULL,
                    bot = NULL) {
  UpdaterClass$new(token, base_url, base_file_url, request_config, bot)

UpdaterClass <- R6::R6Class("Updater",
  inherit = TelegramObject,
  public = list(
    initialize = function(token,
                          request_config, bot) {
      if (is.null(token) & is.null(bot)) {
        stop("`token` or `bot` must be passed.")
      if (!is.null(token) & !is.null(bot)) {
        stop("`token` and `bot` are mutually exclusive.")

      if (!is.null(bot)) {
        if (is.Bot(bot)) {
          self$bot <- bot
        } else {
          stop("`bot` must be an instance of `Bot`.")
      } else {
        self$bot <- Bot(token, base_url, base_file_url, request_config)

      self$dispatcher <- Dispatcher(self$bot)

    # Methods
    start_polling = start_polling,
    stop_polling = stop_polling,

    # Params
    bot = NULL,
    dispatcher = NULL
  private = list(
    last_update_id = 0L,
    running = FALSE,
    verbose = FALSE

#' @rdname Updater
#' @param x Object to be tested.
#' @export
is.Updater <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "Updater")

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telegram.bot documentation built on Sept. 7, 2022, 5:07 p.m.