Defines functions not_implemented initialize set_token set_default_chat_id make_body request last_request make_methods_string tgprint check_chat_id check_param check_file parsed_content forwardMessage getFile getMe getUpdates getUserProfilePhotos sendAudio sendChatAction sendDocument sendLocation sendMessage sendPhoto sendSticker sendVideo sendVoice setWebhook

Documented in forwardMessage getFile getMe getUpdates getUserProfilePhotos sendAudio sendDocument sendLocation sendMessage sendPhoto sendSticker sendVideo sendVoice

## ------
## ------

self    <- 'shut up R CMD CHECK'
private <- 'shut up R CMD CHECK'
not_implemented <- function() stop('Currently not implemented')

initialize <- function(token) {

set_token <- function(token){
    if (!missing(token))
        private$token <- token

set_default_chat_id <- function(chat_id){
    if (!missing(chat_id))
        private$default_chat_id <- as.character(chat_id)

make_body <- function(...){
    body <- list(...)
    body <- body[!unlist(lapply(body, is.null))]

request <- function(method = NULL, body = NULL){
    if (is.null(method)) stop("method can't be null")
    api_url <- sprintf('https://api.telegram.org/bot%s/%s',
    private$lr_method <- method
    private$lr_body <- body
    private$lr_response <- r <- httr::POST(url = api_url, body = body)

last_request <- function(){

    list('method'   = private$lr_method,
         'body'     = private$lr_body,
         'response' = private$lr_response)


make_methods_string <- function(meth, incipit){
    wrap_at <- 72
    meth_string <- paste0(incipit, '\n',  paste(meth, collapse = ", "))
    paste0(paste(strwrap(meth_string, width = wrap_at),
                 collapse = '\n'),

tgprint <- function(){
    obj <- objects(self)
    api_methods <- c("getMe",
    dont_show <- c("clone", "initialize", "print")
    avail_methods <- sort(api_methods[api_methods %in% obj])
    remaining_methods <- sort(obj[! obj %in% avail_methods])
    remaining_methods <- remaining_methods[!(remaining_methods %in% dont_show)]
    api_string <- make_methods_string(avail_methods, "API methods: ")
    remaining_string <- make_methods_string(remaining_methods,
                                            "Other methods: ")
    if (!is.null(private$bot_first_name))
        cat(sprintf('Bot name:\t%s\n', private$bot_first_name))
    if (!is.null(private$bot_first_name))
        cat(sprintf('Bot username:\t%s\n\n', private$bot_username))
    cat(api_string, '\n')
    cat(remaining_string, '\n')

check_chat_id <- function(chat_id){
    if (is.null(chat_id)){
        if (is.null(private$default_chat_id))
            stop("chat_id can't be missing")
    } else

check_param <- function(param, type, required = FALSE){
    char_name <- deparse(substitute(char))
    coerce <- c('char'      = as.character,
                'int'       = as.integer,
                'log'       = as.logical,
                'float'     = as.numeric)
        if (required) stop(char_name, " can't be missing.")
        else NULL
    else coerce[[type]](param[1])

check_file <- function(path, required = FALSE){
    if (file.exists(path))
    else {
        if (required) stop(path, 'is not a valid path')
        else NULL

parsed_content <- function(x){
    tx <- httr::content(x, as = 'text', encoding = 'UTF-8')
    rval <- jsonlite::fromJSON(tx)$result

## ------
## ------

#' forwardMessage
#' Forward messages of any kind
#' @param from_chat_id Unique identifier for the chat where the
#'     original message was sent (required)
#' @param message_id Unique message identifier (required)
#' @param chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of
#'     the target channel (required)
forwardMessage <- function(from_chat_id = NULL,
                           message_id = NULL,
                           chat_id = NULL)
    ## params
    chat_id <- private$check_chat_id(chat_id = chat_id)
    from_chat_id <- check_param(from_chat_id, 'char', required = TRUE)
    message_id <- check_param(message_id, 'char', required = TRUE)
    ## request body
    body <- make_body('chat_id' = chat_id,
                      'from_chat_id' = from_chat_id,
                      'message_id' = message_id)
    ## request
    r <- private$request('forwardMessage', body = body)
    ## response handling

#' getFile
#' Get info about a file and download it
#' @param file_id File identifier (required)
#' @param destfile Destination path; if specified the file will be
#'     downloaded
getFile <- function(file_id, destfile = NULL) {
    file_id <- check_param(file_id, 'char', required = TRUE)
    ## request body
    body <- make_body('file_id' = file_id)
    ## request
    r <- private$request('getFile', body = body)
    ## response handling
    if (r$status == 200){
        path <- parsed_content(r)$file_path
        dl_url <- sprintf('https://api.telegram.org/file/bot%s/%s',
        if (!is.null(destfile))
            curl::curl_download(dl_url, destfile = destfile)
    } else

#' getMe
#' Test your bot's auth token
getMe <- function()
    r <- private$request('getMe')
    if (r$status == 200){
        pc <- parsed_content(r)
        private$bot_first_name <- pc$first_name
        private$bot_username <- pc$username
        cat(sprintf('Bot name:\t%s\nBot username:\t%s\n',

#' getUpdates
#' Receive incoming updates
#' @param offset Identifier of the first update to be returned
#'     returned.
#' @param limit Limits the number of updates to be retrieved. Values
#'     between 1-100 are accepted. Defaults to 100
getUpdates <- function(offset = NULL,
                       limit = NULL)
    ## params
    offset <- check_param(offset, 'int')
    limit <- check_param(limit, 'int')
    ## request body
    body <- make_body('offset' = offset,
                      'limit' = limit)
    r <- private$request('getUpdates', body = body)
    if (r$status == 200){
        rval <- parsed_content(r)

#' getUserProfilePhotos
#' Get a list of profile pictures for a user
#' @param user_id Unique identifier of the target user (required)
#' @param offset Sequential number of the first photo to be
#'     returned. By default, all photos are returned
#' @param limit Limits the number of photos to be retrieved. Values
#'     between 1-100 are accepted. Defaults to 100
#' @param destfile if a path is specified save the image (by default
#'     the bigger) in a local file
getUserProfilePhotos <- function(user_id = NULL,
                                 offset = NULL,
                                 limit = NULL,
                                 destfile = NULL)
    ## params
    user_id <- check_param(user_id, 'int', required = TRUE)
    offset <- check_param(offset, 'int')
    limit <- check_param(limit, 'int')
    ## request body
    body <- make_body('user_id' = user_id,
                      'offset' = offset,
                      'limit' = limit)
    ## request
    r <- private$request('getUserProfilePhotos', body = body)
    ## response handling
    if (r$status == 200){
        file_id <- parsed_content(r)$photos
        rval <- do.call(rbind, file_id)
        if (!is.null(destfile)){
            path <- rval$file_path
            path <- path[!is.na(path)]
            dl_url <- sprintf('https://api.telegram.org/file/bot%s/%s',
            curl::curl_download(dl_url, destfile = destfile)
        } else
    } else

#' sendAudio
#' Send \code{mp3} files
#' @param audio path to audio file to send (required)
#' @param duration duration of the audio in seconds
#' @param performer performer
#' @param title track name
#' @param reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the
#'     original message
#' @param chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of
#'     the target channel (required)
sendAudio <- function(audio = NULL,
                      duration = NULL,
                      performer = NULL,
                      title = NULL,
                      reply_to_message_id = NULL,
                      chat_id = NULL)
    ## params
    chat_id <- private$check_chat_id(chat_id = chat_id)
    audio <- check_file(audio, required = TRUE)
    duration <- check_param(duration, 'int')
    performer <- check_param(performer, 'char')
    title <- check_param(title, 'char')
    reply_to_message_id <- check_param(reply_to_message_id, 'int')
    ## request body
    body <- make_body('chat_id' = chat_id,
                      'audio' = httr::upload_file(audio),
                      'duration' = duration,
                      'performer' = performer,
                      'title' = title,
                      'reply_to_message_id' = reply_to_message_id)
    ## request
    r <- private$request('sendAudio', body = body)
    ## response handling

sendChatAction <- function() not_implemented()

#' sendDocument
#' Send general files
#' @param document path to the file to send (required)
#' @param reply_to_message_id if the message is a reply, ID of the
#'     original message
#' @param chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of
#'     the target channel (required)
sendDocument <- function(document = NULL,
                         reply_to_message_id = NULL,
                         chat_id = NULL)
    ## params
    chat_id <- private$check_chat_id(chat_id = chat_id)
    document <- check_file(document, required = TRUE)
    reply_to_message_id <- check_param(reply_to_message_id, 'int')
    ## request body
    body <- make_body('chat_id' = chat_id,
                      'document' = httr::upload_file(document),
                      'reply_to_message_id' = reply_to_message_id)
    ## request
    r <- private$request('sendDocument', body = body)
    ## response handling

#' sendLocation
#' Send point on the map
#' @param latitude Latitude of location (required)
#' @param longitude Longitude of location (required)
#' @param reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the
#'     original message
#' @param chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of
#'     the target channel (required)
sendLocation <- function(latitude = NULL,
                         longitude = NULL,
                         reply_to_message_id = NULL,
                         chat_id = NULL)
    ## params
    chat_id <- private$check_chat_id(chat_id = chat_id)
    latitude <- check_param(latitude, 'float', required = TRUE)
    longitude <- check_param(longitude, 'float', required = TRUE)
    reply_to_message_id <- check_param(reply_to_message_id, 'int')
    ## request body
    body <- make_body('chat_id' = chat_id,
                      'latitude' = latitude,
                      'longitude' = longitude,
                      'reply_to_message_id' = reply_to_message_id)
    ## request
    r <- private$request('sendLocation', body = body)
    ## response handling

#' sendMessage
#' Send text messages
#' @param text Text of the message to be sent (required)
#' @param parse_mode send 'Markdown' if you want Telegram apps to show
#'     bold, italic and inline URLs in your bot's message
#' @param disable_web_page_preview Disables link previews for links in
#'     this message
#' @param reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the
#'     original message
#' @param chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of
#'     the target channel (required)
sendMessage <- function(text = NULL,
                        parse_mode = NULL,
                        disable_web_page_preview = NULL,
                        reply_to_message_id = NULL,
                        chat_id = NULL)
    ## params
    chat_id <- private$check_chat_id(chat_id = chat_id)
    text <- check_param(text, 'char', required = TRUE)
    parse_mode <- check_param(parse_mode, 'char')
    disable_web_page_preview <- check_param(disable_web_page_preview, 'log')
    reply_to_message_id <- check_param(reply_to_message_id, 'int')
    ## request body
    body <- make_body('chat_id' = chat_id,
                      'text' = as.character(text),
                      'parse_mode' = parse_mode,
                      'reply_to_message_id' = reply_to_message_id)
    ## request
    r <- private$request('sendMessage', body = body)
    ## response handling

#' sendPhoto
#' Send image files
#' @param photo photo to send (required)
#' @param caption photo caption
#' @param reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the
#'     original message
#' @param chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of
#'     the target channel (required)
sendPhoto <- function(photo = NULL,
                      caption = NULL,
                      reply_to_message_id = NULL,
                      chat_id = NULL)
    ## params
    chat_id <- private$check_chat_id(chat_id = chat_id)
    photo <- check_file(photo, required = TRUE)
    caption <- check_param(caption, 'char')
    reply_to_message_id <- check_param(reply_to_message_id, 'int')
    ## request body
    body <- make_body('chat_id' = chat_id,
                      'photo' = httr::upload_file(photo),
                      'caption' = caption,
                      'reply_to_message_id' = reply_to_message_id)
    ## request
    r <- private$request('sendPhoto', body = body)
    ## response handling

#' sendSticker
#' Send \code{.webp} stickers
#' @param sticker sticker to send (required)
#' @param reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the
#'     original message
#' @param chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of
#'     the target channel (required)
sendSticker <- function(sticker = NULL,
                        reply_to_message_id = NULL,
                        chat_id = NULL)
    ## params
    chat_id <- private$check_chat_id(chat_id = chat_id)
    sticker <- check_file(sticker, required = TRUE)
    reply_to_message_id <- check_param(reply_to_message_id, 'int')
    ## request body
    body <- make_body('chat_id' = chat_id,
                      'sticker' = httr::upload_file(sticker),
                      'reply_to_message_id' = reply_to_message_id)
    ## request
    r <- private$request('sendSticker', body = body)
    ## response handling

#' sendVideo
#' Send \code{mp4} videos
#' @param video Video to send (required)
#' @param duration Duration of sent video in seconds
#' @param caption Video caption
#' @param reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the
#'     original message
#' @param chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of
#'     the target channel (required)
sendVideo <- function(video = NULL,
                      duration = NULL,
                      caption = NULL,
                      reply_to_message_id = NULL,
                      chat_id = NULL)
    ## params
    chat_id <- private$check_chat_id(chat_id = chat_id)
    video <- check_file(video, required = TRUE)
    duration <- check_param(duration, 'int')
    caption <- check_param(caption, 'char')
    reply_to_message_id <- check_param(reply_to_message_id, 'int')
    ## request body
    body <- make_body('chat_id' = chat_id,
                      'video' = httr::upload_file(video),
                      'duration' = duration,
                      'caption' = caption,
                      'reply_to_message_id' = reply_to_message_id)
    ## request
    r <- private$request('sendVideo', body = body)
    ## response handling

#' sendVoice
#' Send \code{.ogg} files encoded with OPUS
#' @param voice Audio file to send (required)
#' @param duration Duration of sent audio in seconds
#' @param reply_to_message_id If the message is a reply, ID of the
#'     original message
#' @param chat_id Unique identifier for the target chat or username of
#'     the target channel (required)
sendVoice <- function(voice = NULL,
                      duration = NULL,
                      reply_to_message_id = NULL,
                      chat_id = NULL)
    ## params
    chat_id <- private$check_chat_id(chat_id = chat_id)
    voice <- check_file(voice, required = TRUE)
    duration <- check_param(duration, 'int')
    reply_to_message_id <- check_param(reply_to_message_id, 'int')
    ## request body
    body <- make_body('chat_id' = chat_id,
                      'voice' = httr::upload_file(voice),
                      'duration' = duration,
                      'reply_to_message_id' = reply_to_message_id)
    ## request
    r <- private$request('sendVoice', body = body)
    ## response handling

setWebhook <- function() not_implemented()

#' TGBot
#' Package main class (implementing the Telegram bot).
#' @docType class
#' @format An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object.
#' @section API Methods: \describe{
#'     \item{\code{\link{forwardMessage}}}{forward messages of any
#'     kind} \item{\code{\link{getFile}}}{get info about a file and
#'     download it} \item{\code{\link{getMe}}}{test your bot's auth
#'     token} \item{\code{\link{getUpdates}}}{receive incoming
#'     updates} \item{\code{\link{getUserProfilePhotos}}}{get a list
#'     of profile pictures for a user}
#'     \item{\code{\link{sendAudio}}}{send \code{mp3} files}
#'     \item{\code{\link{sendDocument}}}{send general files}
#'     \item{\code{\link{sendLocation}}}{send point on the map}
#'     \item{\code{\link{sendMessage}}}{send text messages}
#'     \item{\code{\link{sendPhoto}}}{send image files}
#'     \item{\code{\link{sendSticker}}}{send \code{.webp} stickers}
#'     \item{\code{\link{sendVideo}}}{send \code{mp4} videos}
#'     \item{\code{\link{sendVoice}}}{send ogg files encoded with
#'     OPUS} }
#' @references \href{http://core.telegram.org/bots}{Bots: An
#'     introduction for developers} and
#'     \href{http://core.telegram.org/bots/api}{Telegram Bot API}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' bot <- TGBot$new(token = bot_token('RBot'))
#' }
#' @export
TGBot <- R6::R6Class("TGBot",
                     public = list(
                         ## ---------------------
                         ## methods - class utils
                         ## ---------------------
                         initialize = initialize,
                         set_token = set_token,
                         set_default_chat_id = set_default_chat_id,
                         print = tgprint,
                         last_request = last_request, ## for debug only,
                                                      ## comment on release!

                         ## ---------------------
                         ## methods - TG api
                         ## ---------------------
                         forwardMessage       = forwardMessage,
                         getFile              = getFile,
                         getMe                = getMe,
                         getUpdates           = getUpdates,
                         getUserProfilePhotos = getUserProfilePhotos,
                         sendAudio            = sendAudio,
                         sendChatAction       = sendChatAction,
                         sendDocument         = sendDocument,
                         sendLocation         = sendLocation,
                         sendMessage          = sendMessage,
                         sendPhoto            = sendPhoto,
                         sendSticker          = sendSticker,
                         sendVideo            = sendVideo,
                         sendVoice            = sendVoice,
                         setWebhook           = setWebhook
                     private = list(
                         ## ---------------------
                         ## members
                         ## ---------------------
                         token = NULL,
                         default_chat_id = NULL,
                         bot_first_name = NULL,
                         bot_username = NULL,
                         lr_method = NULL,    ## last requested method
                         lr_body = NULL,      ## last request's body
                         lr_response = NULL,  ## last request's response
                         ## ---------------------
                         ## methods
                         ## ---------------------
                         request = request,   ## make the request
                         check_chat_id = check_chat_id

Try the telegram package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

telegram documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:05 p.m.