
Defines functions SubDenton SubRegressionBased

# # Dates, or POSIXct Time Stamp, specified as end of period

# # The reason why we specify enf of periods is that only that way we can extract
# # the number of forecasted high frequency period from the data. It is assumed
# # that hf and lf series start at the same point in time

# lf <- seq.Date(as.Date("2014-02-01"), to = as.Date("2016-12-01"),  by = "month")-1
# hf <- seq.Date(as.Date("2014-01-01"), to = as.Date("2017-01-31"),  by = "day")

# # back to start of period
# lf <- seq.Date(as.Date("2014-02-01"), to = as.Date("2016-12-01"),  by = "month")
# hf <- seq.Date(as.Date("2014-01-01"), to = as.Date("2017-01-31"),  by = "day")

# lf.end <- as.Date("2016-12-31")

# y_l <- as.matrix(rnorm(length(lf)))
# X <- as.matrix(rep(1, length(hf)))

# z0 <- SubRegressionBased(y_l, X, lf = lf, hf = hf, lf.end = lf.end, method = "chow-lin-fixed", fixed.rho = 0.9)
# z1 <- SubDenton(y_l, X, lf = lf, hf = hf, lf.end = lf.end, method = "denton-cholette")

SubRegressionBased <- function(y_l, X,
                               lf = NULL, lf.end = NULL, hf = NULL,
                               n.bc = NULL, n.fc = NULL, conversion = "sum",
                               method = "chow-lin-maxlog", fr = 4,
                               truncated.rho = 0,
                               fixed.rho = 0.5, tol = 1e-16,
                               lower = -0.999, upper = 0.999) {
  # performs temporal disaggregation for regression based methods
  # Args:
  #   y_l:          vector of the low-frequency left-hand side variable
  #   X:            matrix of high-frequency indicators
  #   n.bc, n.fc    integer, number of hf periods to backcast, forecast
  #   conversion:   type of conversion ("sum", "average", "first", "last")
  #   method:       method
  #   truncated.rho:lower bound for rho (AR1-parameter)
  #   fixed.rho:    set a predefined rho
  #   fr:           ratio of high-frequency units per low-frequency unit
  #   tol:          desired accuracy, passed on to optim()
  #   lower, upper: scalar indicating the limits of the rho parameter
  # Returns:
  #   A list, containing the output of CalcGLS() and the following elements:
  #     values          vector, interpolated (and extrapolated) high frequency
  #                     series
  #     fitted.values   vector, low-frequency residuals fitted values of the
  #                     regression
  #     p               vector, preliminary high frequency series
  #     residuals       vector, low-frequency residuals
  #     rho             scalar, autoregressive parameter
  #     truncated       logical, whether rho has been truncated to 0

  # stopifnot(inherits(n.bc, "integer"))
  # stopifnot(inherits(n.fc, "integer"))

  # dimensions of y_l and X
  n_l <- length(y_l)
  n <- dim(X)[1]
  m <- dim(X)[2]

  # conversion matrix expanded with zeros
  # no real need to keep this separate, but will do so to keep old code save
  if (!is.null(hf)) {
    C <- CalcCLfHf(lf = lf, hf = hf, lf.end = lf.end, conversion = conversion)
  } else {
    C <- CalcC(n_l = n_l, conversion = conversion, fr = fr, n.bc = n.bc, n.fc = n.fc)

  pm <- CalcPowerMatrix(n)

  # sanity test
  stopifnot(identical(dim(C)[2], dim(X)[1]))

  # aggregated values
  X_l <- C %*% X

  # default value for the truncated indicator
  truncated <- FALSE

  # method specific optimization objective
  if (method == "chow-lin-maxlog") {
    Objective <- function(rho) {
        y = y_l, X = X_l, vcov = C %*% CalcQ(rho, pm) %*% t(C),
        stats = FALSE
  } else if (method == "chow-lin-minrss-ecotrim") {
    Objective <- function(rho) {
        y = y_l, X = X_l, vcov = C %*% CalcR(rho, pm) %*% t(C), logl = FALSE,
        stats = FALSE
  } else if (method == "chow-lin-minrss-quilis") {
    Objective <- function(rho) {
        y = y_l, X = X_l, vcov = C %*% CalcQ(rho, pm) %*% t(C), logl = FALSE,
        stats = FALSE
  } else if (method == "litterman-maxlog") {
    Objective <- function(rho) {
        y = y_l, X = X_l, vcov = C %*% CalcQ_Lit(X, rho) %*% t(C),
        stats = FALSE
  } else if (method == "litterman-minrss") {
    Objective <- function(rho) {
        y = y_l, X = X_l, vcov = C %*% CalcQ_Lit(X, rho) %*% t(C),
        logl = FALSE, stats = FALSE
  } else if (method == "dynamic-maxlog") {
    Objective <- function(rho) {
      # data adjustment for dynamic Chow-Lin procedure (Santos-Silva-Cardoso)
      X_adj <- CalcDynAdj(X, rho = rho)
      X_l_adj <- C %*% X_adj
        y = y_l, X = X_l_adj, vcov = C %*% CalcQ(rho, pm) %*% t(C),
        stats = FALSE
  } else if (method == "dynamic-minrss") {
    Objective <- function(rho) {
      # data adjustment for dynamic Chow-Lin procedure (Santos-Silva-Cardoso)
      X_adj <- CalcDynAdj(X, rho = rho)
      X_l_adj <- C %*% X_adj
        y = y_l, X = X_l_adj, vcov = C %*% CalcQ(rho, pm) %*% t(C),
        logl = FALSE, stats = FALSE

  # finding the optimal rho parameter
  if (method %in% c(
    "chow-lin-maxlog", "chow-lin-minrss-ecotrim",
    "chow-lin-minrss-quilis", "litterman-maxlog",
    "litterman-minrss", "dynamic-maxlog", "dynamic-minrss"
  )) {
    optimize.results <- optimize(Objective,
      lower = lower, upper = upper, tol = tol,
      maximum = FALSE
    rho <- optimize.results$minimum

    # set negative rho to truncated.rho if specified
    # (faster than 'lower' = truncated.rho)
    if (rho < truncated.rho) {
      rho <- truncated.rho
      truncated <- TRUE
  } else if (method == "fernandez") {
    rho <- 0
  } else if (method == "ols") {
    rho <- 0
  } else if (method %in% c("chow-lin-fixed", "litterman-fixed", "dynamic-fixed")) {
    rho <- fixed.rho

  # finding Q
  if (method %in% c(
    "fernandez", "litterman-maxlog", "litterman-minrss",
  )) {
    Q <- CalcQ_Lit(X = X, rho = rho)
  } else if (method %in% c(
    "chow-lin-maxlog", "chow-lin-minrss-ecotrim",
    "chow-lin-minrss-quilis", "chow-lin-fixed",
    "dynamic-maxlog", "dynamic-minrss",
    "dynamic-fixed", "ols"
  )) {
    Q <- CalcQ(rho = rho, pm = pm)
  } else {
    stop("method not supported: ", method)

  if (method %in% c("dynamic-maxlog", "dynamic-minrss", "dynamic-fixed")) {
    # data adjustment for dynamic Chow-Lin procedure (Santos-Silva-Cardoso)
    # do not add truncation remainder if rho = 0
    if (rho != 0) {
      # overwrite X and X_l with adjusted data
      X <- CalcDynAdj(X, rho = rho)
      X_l <- C %*% X

  # aggregating Q
  Q_l <- C %*% Q %*% t(C)
  # final GLS estimation (aggregated)
  z <- CalcGLS(y = y_l, X = X_l, vcov = Q_l)

  # Check if X is singular
  if (qr(X)$rank < min(dim(X))) {
    warning("\nX is singular!\n")

  # preliminary series
  p <- X %*% z$coefficients

  # distribution matrix
  D <- Q %*% t(C) %*% z$vcov_inv

  # low frequency residuals
  u_l <- y_l - C %*% p

  # final series
  y <- p + D %*% u_l

  # output
  z$vcov_inv <- NULL # no need to keep
  z$values <- as.numeric(y)
  z$fitted.values <- as.numeric(C %*% p)
  z$p <- as.numeric(p)
  z$residuals <- as.numeric(u_l)
  z$rho <- rho
  z$truncated <- truncated

SubDenton <- function(y_l, X,
                      lf = NULL, hf = NULL, lf.end = NULL,
                      n.bc = NULL, n.fc = NULL, conversion = "sum",
                      method = "Denton", fr = NULL, criterion = "proportional",
                      h = 1) {
  # performs temporal disaggregation for denton methods
  # Args:
  #   y_l:          vector of the low-frequency left-hand side variable
  #   X:            matrix of high-frequency indicators
  #   conversion:   type of conversion ("sum", "average", "first", "last")
  #   method:       method
  #   fr:           ratio of high-frequency units per low-frequency unit
  # Returns:
  #   a list containing the following variables
  #     fitted.values   interpolated (and extrapolated) high frequency series
  #     p               preliminary high frequency series
  #     residuals       low-frequency residuals

  if (dim(as.matrix(X))[2] > 1) {
    stop("Right hand side is not a vector, only one series allowed in
         Denton methods")
  if (!(criterion %in% c("additive", "proportional"))) {
    stop("criterion for Denton methods must be additive or proportional")

  # uniform is a special case of denton
  if (method == "uniform") {
    h <- 0
    criterion <- "additive"
    method <- "denton"

  # dimensions of y_l and X
  n_l <- length(y_l)
  n <- length(as.numeric(X))

  # conversion matrix expanded with zeros
  # no real need to keep this separate, but will do so to keep old code save
  if (!is.null(hf)) {
    C <- CalcCLfHf(lf = lf, hf = hf, lf.end = lf.end, conversion = conversion)
  } else {
    C <- CalcC(n_l = n_l, conversion = conversion, fr = fr, n.bc = n.bc, n.fc = n.fc)

  D <- D_0 <- diag(n)
  diag(D[2:n, 1:(n - 1)]) <- -1
  X_inv <- diag(1 / (as.numeric(X) / mean(X)))

  if (h == 0) {
    if (criterion == "proportional") {
      D_0 <- D_0 %*% X_inv
  } else if (h > 0) {
    for (i in 1:h) {
      D_0 <- D %*% D_0
    if (criterion == "proportional") {
      D_0 <- D_0 %*% X_inv
  } else {
    stop("wrong specification of h")

  # low frequency residuals
  u_l <- y_l - C %*% X

  if (method == "denton-cholette") {
    if (h == 0) {
      D_1 <- D_0
    } else {
      D_1 <- D_0[-(1:h), ]
    A <- t(D_1) %*% D_1

    # Eq. (2.2) from Denton (1971); Eq (6.8) from Cholette and Dagum (2006)
    y <- solve(
      rbind(cbind(A, t(C)), cbind(C, matrix(0, nrow = n_l, ncol = n_l)))
    ) %*% rbind(
      cbind(A, matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n_l)),
      cbind(C, diag(1, nrow = n_l, ncol = n_l))
    ) %*% matrix(c(X, u_l))

    # final series
    y <- y[1:n]
  } else if (method == "denton") {
    D_1 <- D_0

    # Denton (1971), in the text below Eq. (2.2)
    Q <- solve(t(D_1) %*% D_1)

    # distribution matrix
    D <- Q %*% t(C) %*% solve(C %*% Q %*% t(C))

    # final series
    y <- X + D %*% u_l
  } else {
    stop("wrong method: ", method)

  # output
  z <- list()
  z$values <- as.numeric(y)
  z$fitted.values <- as.numeric(C %*% X)
  z$p <- as.numeric(X)
  z$residuals <- as.numeric(u_l)
  z$criterion <- criterion
  z$h <- h


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