Man pages for templateICAr
Estimate Brain Networks and Connectivity with ICA and Empirical Priors

activationsActivations of (s)tICA
bdiag_mBlock diagonal matrix
check_req_ifti_pkgCheck required packages for the data format
compute_mu_sCompute posterior mean and precision of s
compute_R_invCompute SPDE and prior precision matrices for S
dual_regDual Regression
dual_reg2Dual Regression wrapper
EM_FCtemplateICAEM Algorithm for FC Template ICA Model
EM_templateICAEM Algorithms for Template ICA Models
estimate_nu_matrixEstimate IW dof parameter nu based on method of moments
estimate_templateEstimate template
estimate_template_FCEstimate FC template
estimate_template_from_DREstimate template from DR
estimate_template_from_DR_twoEstimate template from DR estimates (when there are two...
export_templateExport template
get_FORMATGet FORMAT from format
Gibbs_AS_posteriorCPPUse a Gibbs sampler for the A and S variables (E-step of the...
groupICA.ciftiPerform group ICA based on CIFTI data
INLA_checkCheck for INLA
IW_varCompute theoretical Inverse-Wishart variance of covariance...
LL2_kappaCompute part of appa log-likelihood
loglik_kappa_estKappa log-likelihood
make_maskCreate a mask based on vertices that are invalid
make_meshMake INLA mesh from '"surf"' object
make_mesh_2DMake 2D INLA mesh
make_PmatMake permutation matrix
norm_BOLDNormalize BOLD data
plot.template.ciftiPlot template
plot.template.giftiPlot template
plot.template.matrixPlot template
plot.template.niftiPlot template
plot.tICA_act.ciftiPlot activations
plot.tICA.ciftiPlot template
plot.tICA.matrixPlot template
plot.tICA.niftiPlot template
Q2_max_checkCheck 'Q2_max'
removebs_templateRemove brain structure from CIFTI template
resample_templateResample CIFTI template
rm_nuisICRemove nuisance ICs from data
struct_templateApply data structure to templates
summary.template.ciftiSummarize a '"template.cifti"' object
summary.template.giftiSummarize a '"template.gifti"' object
summary.template.matrixSummarize a '"template.matrix"' object
summary.template.niftiSummarize a '"template.nifti"' object
summary.tICA_act.ciftiSummarize a '"tICA_act.cifti"' object
summary.tICA_act.matrixSummarize a '"tICA_act.matrix"' object
summary.tICA.ciftiSummarize a '"tICA.cifti"' object
summary.tICA.matrixSummarize a '"tICA.matrix"' object
summary.tICA.niftiSummarize a '"tICA.nifti"' object
templateICATemplate ICA
UpdateTheta_FCtemplateICAUpdate FC Template ICA parameters (tau_sq, alpha, G)
UpdateTheta_FCtemplateICAcppUpdate parameters (M-step of the EM)
UpdateThetaSQUAREM_templateICAUpdate theta SQUAREM
UpdateTheta_templateICAParameter Estimates in EM Algorithm for Template ICA Model
var_sq_errCompute the error between empirical and theoretical variance...
templateICAr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:45 a.m.