estimate_template_from_DR: Estimate template from DR

View source: R/estimate_template.R

estimate_template_from_DRR Documentation

Estimate template from DR


Estimate variance decomposition and templates from DR estimates.


estimate_template_from_DR(DR, LV = NULL)



the test/retest dual regression estimates, as an array with dimensions M \times N \times (L \times V), where M is the number of visits (2), N is the number of subjects, L is the number of IC networks, and V is the number of data locations.

(L and V are collapsed because they are treated equivalently in the context of calculating the variance decomposition and templates).


A length-two integer vector giving the dimensions L and V to reshape the result. Default: NULL (do not reshape the result).


List of two elements: the templates and the variance decomposition.

There are two version of the variance template: varUB gives the unbiased variance estimate, and varNN gives the upwardly-biased non-negative variance estimate. Values in varUB will need to be clamped above zero before using in templateICA.

templateICAr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:45 a.m.