
Defines functions tmplUpdate tmplUpdate.tmpl tmplUpdate.function tmplEval tmplAsFun

Documented in tmplAsFun tmplEval tmplUpdate tmplUpdate.function tmplUpdate.tmpl

#' Update and evaluate templates
#' Functions operating on \link{tmpl} objects. They can be updated and / or
#' evaluated as an expression.
#' @param .t (tmpl) and object of class \code{tmpl}
#' @param ... (name = value | name ~ value) name-value expressions used to
#'   update the snippets in \code{x}
#' @param .envir (environment) the environment in which the template is
#'   evaluated
#' @details
#' \code{tmplUpdate} will evaluate all snippets in a template. Objects are
#' searched for in the list of arguments supplied as \code{...} and the
#' environment of the template. The results are substituted within the snippets.
#' \code{tmplEval} will evaluate the template in place or in the specified
#' environment after substituting the elements in \code{...}.
#' @examples
#' tmpl("This is {{ a }} very similar to {{ b }}", a = "actually", b = "sprintf")
#' tmpl("But I consider it to be ({{ sprintf('%i', a) }}) orthogonal", a = 1.0)
#' tmpl("and ({{ sprintf('%i', b) }}) with a different scope:", b = 2.0)
#' tmpl("SELECT {{ var }} FROM {{ table }} WHERE {{ condition }};",
#'      var = "someVar", table = "someTable", condition = "primaryKey = 1")
#' template <- tmpl("cat({{ toupper(x) }})")
#' tmplUpdate(template, x ~ "hi")
#' tmplEval(template, x ~ "hi")
#' @rdname utils
#' @export
tmplUpdate <- function(.t, ...) UseMethod("tmplUpdate")

#' @export
#' @rdname utils
tmplUpdate.tmpl <- function(.t, ...) {

  evaluate <- function(x, envir) {
    flatmap(x, function(sexpr) {
      asCharacter(eval(parse(text = sexpr), envir = envir))

  deparseFormulas <- function(substitutes) {
    ind <- flatmap(substitutes, inherits, what = "formula")
    if (any(ind)) {
      subtExpr <- extract(substitutes, ind) %>% flatmap(f ~ deparse(f[[2]]))
      exprList <- extract(substitutes, ind) %>% flatmap(f ~ deparse(f[[3]]))
      substitutes <- replace(substitutes, ind, exprList)
      names(substitutes)[ind] <- subtExpr

  constructContext <- function(substitutes, templateEnvir) {
    nestedElements <- substitutes
    for (element in nestedElements) # unlist 1st level nested list structure
      if (is.list(element)) nestedElements[names(element)] <- element[names(element)]
      parent = list2env(nestedElements, parent = templateEnvir)

  evaluateSnippets <- function(template, context) {
    stringr::str_extract_all(.t, pattern = getPattern()) %>%
      unlist %>%
      stringr::str_replace_all("(^\\{\\{)|(\\}\\}$)", "") %>%
      stringr::str_trim() %>%

  substituteSnippets <- function(template, replacements) {
    ret <- Reduce(x = replacements, init = template, function(acc, r) {
      stringr::str_replace(acc, getPattern(), r)
    tmplConstructor(ret, .envir = attr(template, "envir"))

  substitutes <- list(...)
  substitutes <- deparseFormulas(substitutes)
  #  stopifnot(length(substitutes) == 0 || !is.null(names(substitutes)))
  context <- constructContext(substitutes, attr(.t, "envir"))
  replacements <- evaluateSnippets(.t, context)
  substituteSnippets(.t, replacements)


#' @export
#' @rdname utils
tmplUpdate.function <- function(.t, ...) {

  newBody <- as.formula(paste("~", paste(deparse(body(.t)), collapse = "\n")))
  newBody <- tmpl(newBody, ...)

  body(.t) <- parse(text = unclass(newBody))


#' @rdname utils
#' @export
tmplEval <- function(.t, ..., .envir = new.env(parent = parent.frame())) {
  template <- tmplUpdate(.t, ...)
  eval(parse(text = template), envir = .envir, enclos = attr(.t, "envir"))

#' @rdname utils
#' @export
tmplAsFun <- function(.t, ...) {

  .t <- tmplUpdate(.t, ...)

  function(...) {
    eval(parse(text = .t), envir = list(...), enclos = attr(.t, "envir"))


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templates documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:33 a.m.