Man pages for tensorflow
R Interface to 'TensorFlow'

all_dimsAll dims
evaluateEvaluate a Model
export_savedmodelExport a Saved Model
install_tensorflowInstall TensorFlow and its dependencies
parse_argumentsParse Command Line Arguments
parse_flagsParse Configuration Flags for a TensorFlow Application
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
set_random_seedSet random seed for TensorFlow
shapeCreate a 'tf.TensorShape' object
sub-.tensorflow.tensorSubset tensors with '['
tensorboardTensorBoard Visualization Tool
tensorflowTensorFlow for R
tfMain TensorFlow module
tf_configTensorFlow configuration information
tf_extract_optsTensor extract options
tf_functionCreates a callable TensorFlow graph from an R function.
tf_gpu_configuredTensorFlow GPU configuration information
tf_probabilityTensorFlow Probability Module
train(Deprecated) Train a Model
train_and_evaluate(Deprecated) Simultaneously Train and Evaluate a Model
use_compatUse Compatibility
use_session_with_seedUse a session with a random seed
view_savedmodelView a Saved Model
tensorflow documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:13 a.m.