
Defines functions getOrder3Tensor

Documented in getOrder3Tensor

#' Generate a random order-3 tensor
#' Generate an order-3 random tensor based on tensor block model.
#' @param n the dimension at mode 1
#' @param p the dimension at mode 2
#' @param q the dimension at mode 3
#' @param k an positive integer, the numbers of clusters at mode 1
#' @param r an positive integer, the numbers of clusters at mode 2
#' @param l an positive integer, the numbers of clusters at mode 3
#' @param error a positive numeric value, noise level
#' @param sort if TRUE, the tensor entries belonging to the same cluster would be assumed together
#' @param sparse.percent the proportion of zero entries based on the Gaussian tensor block model
#' @param center if True, the data tensor would be centered to zero-mean before clustering
#' @param seed a positive integer, used to specify the random seed
#' @param mumin a numeric value, the lower bound of the block mean
#' @param mumax a numeric value, the upper bound of the block mean
#' @return a list 
#'                \code{x} the tensor   
#'                \code{truthX} the underlying signal tensor following block model
#'                \code{truthCs} true cluster label assignment at mode 1   
#'                \code{truthDs} true cluster label assignment at mode 2   
#'                \code{truthEs} true cluster label assignment at mode 3   
#'                \code{mus} the block means
#'                \code{binaryX} the 0-1 tensor (0:the mean signal = 0; 1:the mean signal != 0)   
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' getOrder3Tensor(20,20,20,2,2,2)$x
getOrder3Tensor = function(n,p,q,k=NULL,r=NULL,l=NULL,error=3,sort=TRUE,sparse.percent=0,center=FALSE,seed=NULL,mumin = -3, mumax = 3){#multiplicative=0,
  if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  #if(multiplicative == 0){
    mus = runif(k*r*l,mumin,mumax)#take the mean of k*r*l biclusters/cubes
    if(sparse.percent!=0) mus[sample(k*r*l,floor(k*r*l*sparse.percent),replace=F)]= 0
    mus = array(mus,c(k,r,l))
  if(is.null(mus)) stop("multiplicative must be a positive integer!") 
  if (k!=1) truthCs = ReNumber(sample(1:k,n,replace=TRUE)) else truthCs = rep(1,n)
  if (r!=1) truthDs = ReNumber(sample(1:r,p,replace=TRUE)) else truthDs = rep(1,p)
  if (l!=1) truthEs = ReNumber(sample(1:l,q,replace=TRUE)) else truthEs = rep(1,q)
  ##### added
  x = array(rnorm(n*p*q,mean=0,sd=error),dim = c(n,p,q))
  truthX = array(rep(0,n*p*q),c(n,p,q))
  for(i in 1:max(truthCs)){
    for(j in 1:max(truthDs)){
      for(m in 1:max(truthEs)){
        x[truthCs==i, truthDs==j, truthEs==m] = x[truthCs==i, truthDs==j, truthEs==m] + mus[i,j,m]
        truthX[truthCs==i, truthDs==j, truthEs==m] =  mus[i,j,m]
  if (center == TRUE) x = x - mean(x)
  #### removed
  # truthX = reorderClusters(truthX,truthCs,truthDs,truthEs)$x
  # neworder = reorderClusters(x,truthCs,truthDs,truthEs)
  # binaryX = (truthX!=0)*1
  # result = list("x"=neworder$x,"truthX"=truthX,"truthCs"=neworder$Cs,"truthDs"=neworder$Ds,"truthEs"=neworder$Es,"mus"=mus,"binaryX"=binaryX)
  #} else {
  binaryX = (truthX!=0)*1
  result = list("x"=x,"truthX"=truthX,"truthCs"=truthCs,"truthDs"=truthDs,"truthEs"=truthEs,"mus"=mus,"binaryX"=binaryX)
  # } else {
  #   n = as.integer(n)
  #   m1 = list();m2 = list();m3 = list()
  #   mus = array(rep(0,n*p*q),c(n,p,q))
  #   l1 = sample(1:k,n,replace = TRUE); l2 = sample(1:r,p,replace = TRUE); l3 = sample(1:l,q,replace = TRUE)
  #   s1 = sample(1:k,floor(k*sparse.percent)); s2 = sample(1:r,floor(r*sparse.percent)); s3 = sample(1:l,floor(l*sparse.percent))
  #   for (i in 1:multiplicative){
  #       r1 = runif(k,mumin,mumax);r2 = runif(r,mumin,mumax);r3 = runif(l,mumin,mumax)
  #       r1[s1] = 0; r2[s2] = 0; r3[s3] = 0
  #       m1 = r1[l1] ; m2 = r2[l2] ; m3 = r3[l3]
  #       m1t = new("Tensor",3L,c(n,1L,1L),data=m1)
  #       m2t = matrix(m2,ncol=1)
  #       m3t = matrix(m3,ncol=1)
  #       mus = mus + ttm(ttm(m1t,m2t,2),m3t,3)@data
  #   }
  #   truthX = mus
  #   noise = array(rnorm(n*p*q,0,error),dim = c(n,p,q))
  #   x = truthX + noise
  #   if (center == TRUE) x = x - mean(x)
  #   binaryX = (truthX!=0)*1
  #   return(list(x = x, truthX = truthX, binaryX = binaryX, truthCs = l1, truthDs = l2, truthEs = l3))
  # }#' @param multiplicative if multiplicative !=0, then it would produce overlapping multiplicative data, the number refers to the number of components.

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tensorsparse documentation built on Jan. 8, 2021, 5:40 p.m.