h_map_for_count_abnormal: Helper function to create a map data frame for...

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h_map_for_count_abnormalR Documentation

Helper function to create a map data frame for trim_levels_to_map()



Helper function to create a map data frame from the input dataset, which can be used as an argument in the trim_levels_to_map split function. Based on different method, the map is constructed differently.


  variables = list(anl = "ANRIND", split_rows = c("PARAM"), range_low = "ANRLO",
    range_high = "ANRHI"),
  abnormal = list(low = c("LOW", "LOW LOW"), high = c("HIGH", "HIGH HIGH")),
  method = c("default", "range"),
  na_str = "<Missing>"



data set containing all analysis variables.


(named list of string)
list of additional analysis variables.


(named list)
identifying the abnormal range level(s) in df. Based on the levels of abnormality of the input dataset, it can be something like list(Low = "LOW LOW", High = "HIGH HIGH") or ⁠abnormal = list(Low = "LOW", High = "HIGH"))⁠


indicates how the returned map will be constructed. Can be "default" or "range".


string used to replace all NA or empty values in the output.


A map data.frame.


If method is "default", the returned map will only have the abnormal directions that are observed in the df, and records with all normal values will be excluded to avoid error in creating layout. If method is "range", the returned map will be based on the rule that at least one observation with low range > 0 for low direction and at least one observation with high range is not missing for high direction.


adlb <- df_explicit_na(tern_ex_adlb)

  df = adlb,
  variables = list(anl = "ANRIND", split_rows = c("LBCAT", "PARAM")),
  abnormal = list(low = c("LOW"), high = c("HIGH")),
  method = "default",
  na_str = "<Missing>"

df <- data.frame(
  USUBJID = c(rep("1", 4), rep("2", 4), rep("3", 4)),
  AVISIT = c(
    rep("WEEK 1", 2),
    rep("WEEK 2", 2),
    rep("WEEK 1", 2),
    rep("WEEK 2", 2),
    rep("WEEK 1", 2),
    rep("WEEK 2", 2)
  PARAM = rep(c("ALT", "CPR"), 6),
  ANRIND = c(
    "NORMAL", "NORMAL", "LOW",
    "HIGH", "LOW", "LOW", "HIGH", "HIGH", rep("NORMAL", 4)
  ANRLO = rep(5, 12),
  ANRHI = rep(20, 12)
df$ANRIND <- factor(df$ANRIND, levels = c("LOW", "HIGH", "NORMAL"))
  df = df,
  variables = list(
    anl = "ANRIND",
    split_rows = c("PARAM"),
    range_low = "ANRLO",
    range_high = "ANRHI"
  abnormal = list(low = c("LOW"), high = c("HIGH")),
  method = "range",
  na_str = "<Missing>"

tern documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:25 a.m.