
evd.dgpd <- texmex:::.evd.dgpd

myTest <- function(sig, xi, thresh, label){
  myd <- sapply(1:nreps, function(i) dgpd(x[,i], sig[i], xi[i],u=thresh[i]))
  ed <- sapply(1:nreps, function(i) evd.dgpd(x[,i], loc=thresh[i], scale=sig[i], shape=xi[i]))
  expect_equal(ed, myd, label=label)


# 6.12. Test dgpd. Note that .evd.dgpd is NOT vectorized.

nreps <- 100
nsim <- 1000
p <- matrix(runif(2*nreps, -1, 1),ncol=2)
p[, 1] <- p[, 1] + 1
thresh <- rep(0,nreps)

x <- sapply(1:nreps,
            function(i)rgpd(nsim,sigma=p[i,1], xi=p[i,2],u=thresh[i]))

myTest(sig=p[,1], xi=p[,2], thresh=thresh, label="dgpd: random xi")

# 6.13. Test dgpd when some or all of xi == 0

p[sample(1:nreps,nreps/2),2] <- 0
x <- sapply(1:nreps,function(i)rgpd(nsim,sigma=p[i,1],xi=p[i,2],u=thresh[i]))
myTest(sig=p[,1], xi=p[,2], thresh=thresh, label="dgpd: some zero xi")

p[,2] <-  0
x <- sapply(1:nreps,function(i)rgpd(nsim,sigma=p[i,1],xi=p[i,2],u=thresh[i]))
myTest(sig=p[,1], xi=p[,2], thresh=thresh, label="dgpd: all zero xi")

# 6.14. Test vectorization of dgpd.

sig <- runif(nsim, 0, 2)
xi <- runif(nsim)
thresh <- rnorm(nsim)

x <- rgpd(nsim, sig, xi,u=thresh)
myd <- dgpd(x, sig, xi,u=thresh)

ed <- sapply(1:nsim, function(i) evd.dgpd(x[i], loc=thresh[i], scale=sig[i], shape=xi[i]))
expect_equal(ed, myd, label="dgpd:vectorisation")

# 6.15 test log.d argument

ld <- dgpd(x,sig,xi,u=thresh,log.d=TRUE)
expect_equal(myd, exp(ld), label="dgpd:logdensity")

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