
Defines functions text_width shape_text

Documented in shape_text text_width

#' Calculate glyph positions for strings
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge('experimental')`
#' Do basic text shaping of strings. This function will use freetype to
#' calculate advances, doing kerning if possible. It will not perform any font
#' substitution or ligature resolving and will thus be much in line with how
#' the standard graphic devices does text shaping. Inputs are recycled to the
#' length of `strings`.
#' @param strings A character vector of strings to shape
#' @param id A vector grouping the strings together. If strings share an id the
#' shaping will continue between strings
#' @inheritParams systemfonts::match_fonts
#' @param features A [systemfonts::font_feature()] object or a list of them,
#' giving the OpenType font features to set
#' @param size The size in points to use for the font
#' @param res The resolution to use when doing the shaping. Should optimally
#' match the resolution used when rendering the glyphs.
#' @param lineheight A multiplier for the lineheight
#' @param align Within text box alignment, either `'left'`, `'center'`, `'right'`,
#' `'justified-left'`, `'justified-right'`, `'justified-center'`, or `'distributed'`
#' @param hjust,vjust The justification of the textbox surrounding the text
#' @param max_width The requested with of the string in inches. Setting this to
#' something other than `NA` will turn on word wrapping.
#' @param tracking Tracking of the glyphs (space adjustment) measured in 1/1000
#' em.
#' @param indent The indent of the first line in a paragraph measured in inches.
#' @param hanging The indent of the remaining lines in a paragraph measured in
#' inches.
#' @param space_before,space_after The spacing above and below a paragraph,
#' measured in points
#' @param path,index path an index of a font file to circumvent lookup based on
#' family and style
#' @return
#' A list with two element: `shape` contains the position of each glyph,
#' relative to the origin in the enclosing textbox. `metrics` contain metrics
#' about the full strings.
#' `shape` is a data.frame with the following columns:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{glyph}{The glyph as a character}
#'   \item{index}{The index of the glyph in the font file}
#'   \item{metric_id}{The index of the string the glyph is part of (referencing a row in the `metrics` data.frame)}
#'   \item{string_id}{The index of the string the glyph came from (referencing an element in the `strings` input)}
#'   \item{x_offset}{The x offset in pixels from the origin of the textbox}
#'   \item{y_offset}{The y offset in pixels from the origin of the textbox}
#'   \item{x_mid}{The x offset in pixels to the middle of the glyph, measured from the origin of the glyph}
#' }
#' `metrics` is a data.frame with the following columns:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{string}{The text the string consist of}
#'   \item{width}{The width of the string}
#'   \item{height}{The height of the string}
#'   \item{left_bearing}{The distance from the left edge of the textbox and the leftmost glyph}
#'   \item{right_bearing}{The distance from the right edge of the textbox and the rightmost glyph}
#'   \item{top_bearing}{The distance from the top edge of the textbox and the topmost glyph}
#'   \item{bottom_bearing}{The distance from the bottom edge of the textbox and the bottommost glyph}
#'   \item{left_border}{The position of the leftmost edge of the textbox related to the origin}
#'   \item{top_border}{The position of the topmost edge of the textbox related to the origin}
#'   \item{pen_x}{The horizontal position of the next glyph after the string}
#'   \item{pen_y}{The vertical position of the next glyph after the string}
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom systemfonts font_feature match_fonts
#' @examples
#' string <- "This is a long string\nLook; It spans multiple lines\nand all"
#' # Shape with default settings
#' shape_text(string)
#' # Mix styles within the same string
#' string <- c(
#'   "This string will have\na ",
#'   "very large",
#'   " text style\nin the middle"
#' )
#' shape_text(string, id = c(1, 1, 1), size = c(12, 24, 12))
shape_text <- function(strings, id = NULL, family = '', italic = FALSE,
                       weight = 'normal', width = 'normal', features = font_feature(),
                       size = 12, res = 72, lineheight = 1, align = 'left',
                       hjust = 0, vjust = 0, max_width = NA, tracking = 0,
                       indent = 0, hanging = 0, space_before = 0, space_after = 0,
                       path = NULL, index = 0, bold = deprecated()) {
  n_strings = length(strings)
  if (is.null(id)) id <- seq_len(n_strings)
  id <- rep_len(id, n_strings)
  id <- match(id, unique(id))
  if (anyNA(id)) {
    stop('id must be a vector of valid integers', call. = FALSE)
  ido <- order(id)
  id <- id[ido]
  strings <- as.character(strings)[ido]

  if (lifecycle::is_present(bold)) {
    lifecycle::deprecate_soft("0.4.0", "shape_text(bold)", "shape_text(weight='bold')")
    weight <- ifelse(bold, "bold", "normal")

  if (inherits(features, 'font_feature')) features <- list(features)
  features <- rep_len(features, n_strings)

  if (is.null(path)) {
    family <- rep_len(family, n_strings)
    italic <- rep_len(italic, n_strings)
    weight <- rep_len(weight, n_strings)
    width <- rep_len(width, n_strings)
    loc <- match_fonts(family, italic, weight, width)
    path <- loc$path[ido]
    index <- loc$index[ido]
    features <- Map(c, loc$features, features)[ido]
  } else {
    path <- rep_len(path, n_strings)[ido]
    index <- rep_len(index, n_strings)[ido]
    features <- features[ido]
  size <- rep_len(size, n_strings)[ido]
  res <- rep_len(res, n_strings)[ido]
  lineheight <- rep_len(lineheight, n_strings)[ido]
  align <- match.arg(align, c('left', 'center', 'right', 'justified-left', 'justified-center', 'justified-right', 'distributed'), TRUE)
  align <- match(align, c('left', 'center', 'right', 'justified-left', 'justified-center', 'justified-right', 'distributed'))
  align <- rep_len(align, n_strings)[ido]
  hjust <- rep_len(hjust, n_strings)[ido]
  vjust <- rep_len(vjust, n_strings)[ido]
  max_width <- rep_len(max_width, n_strings)[ido]
  max_width[is.na(max_width)] <- -1
  tracking <- rep_len(tracking, n_strings)[ido]
  indent <- rep_len(indent, n_strings)[ido]
  hanging <- rep_len(hanging, n_strings)[ido]
  space_before <- rep_len(space_before, n_strings)[ido]
  space_after <- rep_len(space_after, n_strings)[ido]

  max_width <- max_width * res
  tracking <- tracking * res
  indent <- indent * res
  hanging <- hanging * res
  space_before <- space_before * res / 72
  space_after <- space_after * res / 72

  if (!all(file.exists(path))) stop("path must point to a valid file", call. = FALSE)
  shape <- get_string_shape_c(
    strings, id, path, as.integer(index), features, as.numeric(size),
    as.numeric(res), as.numeric(lineheight), as.integer(align) - 1L,
    as.numeric(hjust), as.numeric(vjust), as.numeric(max_width), as.numeric(tracking),
    as.numeric(indent), as.numeric(hanging), as.numeric(space_before),
  if (nrow(shape$shape) == 0) return(shape)

  shape$metrics$string <- vapply(split(strings, id), paste, character(1), collapse = '')
  shape$metrics[-1] <- lapply(shape$metrics[-1], function(x) x * 72 / res[!duplicated(id)])

  shape$shape$string_id <- ido[(cumsum(c(0, rle(id)$lengths)) + 1)[shape$shape$metric_id] + shape$shape$string_id - 1]
  shape$shape <- shape$shape[order(shape$shape$string_id), , drop = FALSE]
  shape$shape$x_offset <- shape$shape$x_offset * (72 / res[shape$shape$string_id])
  shape$shape$y_offset <- shape$shape$y_offset * (72 / res[shape$shape$string_id])
  shape$shape$advance <- shape$shape$advance * (72 / res[shape$shape$string_id])
  shape$shape$ascender <- shape$shape$ascender * (72 / res[shape$shape$string_id])
  shape$shape$descender <- shape$shape$descender * (72 / res[shape$shape$string_id])
#' Calculate the width of a string, ignoring new-lines
#' This is a very simple alternative to [shape_string()] that simply calculates
#' the width of strings without taking any newline into account. As such it is
#' suitable to calculate the width of words or lines that has already been
#' splitted by `\n`. Input is recycled to the length of `strings`.
#' @inheritParams systemfonts::font_info
#' @param strings A character vector of strings
#' @param include_bearing Logical, should left and right bearing be included in
#' the string width?
#' @return A numeric vector giving the width of the strings in pixels. Use the
#' provided `res` value to convert it into absolute values.
#' @export
#' @importFrom systemfonts match_fonts
#' @examples
#' strings <- c('A short string', 'A very very looong string')
#' text_width(strings)
text_width <- function(strings, family = '', italic = FALSE, bold = FALSE,
                       size = 12, res = 72, include_bearing = TRUE, path = NULL,
                       index = 0) {
  n_strings <- length(strings)
  if (is.null(path)) {
    fonts <- match_fonts(
      rep_len(family, n_strings),
      rep_len(italic, n_strings),
      ifelse(rep_len(bold, n_strings), "bold", "normal")
    path <- fonts$path
    index <- fonts$index
  } else {
    if (!all(c(length(path), length(index)) == 1)) {
      path <- rep_len(path, n_strings)
      index <- rep_len(index, n_strings)
  if (length(size) != 1) size <- rep_len(size, n_strings)
  if (length(res) != 1) res <- rep_len(res, n_strings)
  if (length(include_bearing) != 1) include_bearing <- rep_len(include_bearing, n_strings)
  if (!all(file.exists(path))) stop("path must point to a valid file", call. = FALSE)
    as.character(strings), path, as.integer(index), as.numeric(size),
    as.numeric(res), as.logical(include_bearing)

Try the textshaping package in your browser

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textshaping documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:55 a.m.