Man pages for this.path
Get Executing Script's Path

basename2Manipulate File Paths
check.pathCheck 'this.path()' is Functioning Correctly
EnhancesFunctions That Enhance the Use of Other Packages
extFile Extensions
FILEMacros in Package 'this.path'
getinitwdGet Initial Working Directory
hereConstruct Path to File, Starting With Script's Directory
is.mainTop-Level Code Environment
LINENOLine Number of Executing Expression
OS.typeDetect the Operating System Type
path.functionsConstructs Path Functions Similar to 'this.path()'
path.joinConstruct Path to File
path.splitSplit File Path Into Individual Components
print.ThisPathDocumentContextPrinting "ThisPathDocumentContext" Objects
progArgsProviding Arguments to a Script
relpathMake a Path Relative to Another
R.from.shellUsing R From a Shell
set.gui.pathDeclare GUI's Active Document
set.jupyter.pathDeclare Executing 'Jupyter' Notebook's Filename
set.sys.pathImplement 'this.path()' For Arbitrary 'source()'-Like...
shFILEGet 'FILE' Provided to R by a Shell
source.exprsEvaluate and Print Expressions
startup_filesFiles Related to Initialization of the R Session
sysCall Stack Inspection
sys.pathVariants of Core Functions in Package 'this.path'
Sys.putenvSet Environment Variables
this.pathDetermine Script's Filename
this.path-defunctDefunct Functions in Package 'this.path'
this.path-packageGet Script's Path
tryCatch2Condition Handling and Recovery
try.this.pathAttempt to Determine Script's Filename
this.path documentation built on June 30, 2024, 1:07 a.m.