Enhances: Functions That Enhance the Use of Other Packages

EnhancesR Documentation

Functions That Enhance the Use of Other Packages


These functions improve the user experience of other packages.


## enchances 'package:box'
with_script_path(expr, local = FALSE, n = 0, envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
    matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"),
    srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0)

## enchances 'package:rprojroot'
make_fix_file(criterion, local = FALSE, n = 0, envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
    matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"),
    srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0)



an expression to evaluate after setting the current script in package:box; most commonly a call to \codelink3box:usebox::use().


argument passed to \codelink3rprojroot:find_rootrprojroot::find_root().

local, n, envir, matchThisEnv, srcfile

See ?this.path().


with_script_path() improves the experience of \CRANpackagebox; it sets the current script in package:box to this.path() using \codelink3box:script_pathbox::set_script_path(), then evaluates its argument, most commonly a package:box import statement.

make_fix_file() improves the experience of \CRANpackagerprojroot; it looks for a project root starting with this.dir(), then makes a function that constructs file paths against said project root.


for with_script_path(), the result of evaluating expr.

for make_fix_file(), a function with formals (..., .. = 0) that returns a character vector.


# this.path::with_script_path(
# box::use(
#     <import 1>,
#     <import 2>,
#     <...>
# )
# )

# ## replace 'rprojroot::is_r_package' with desired criterion
# fix_file <- this.path::make_fix_file(rprojroot::is_r_package)

this.path documentation built on June 30, 2024, 1:07 a.m.