sys.path: Variants of Core Functions in Package 'this.path'

sys.pathR Documentation

Variants of Core Functions in Package 'this.path'


this.path() is composed of three sections:

  1. examining argument srcfile.

  2. examining arguments envir and matchThisEnv.

  3. examining the call stack and the GUI in use.

src.path(), env.path(), and sys.path() can be used to perform any of those sections individually.

The other functions listed here are similar such variants of the core functions this.dir(), here(), this.proj(), rel2here(), rel2proj(), LINENO(), and try.this.path().


src.path(verbose = getOption("verbose"), original = FALSE,
         for.msg = FALSE, contents = FALSE, n = 0,
         srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0,
         default, else.)
src.dir(verbose = getOption("verbose"), n = 0,
        srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0,
        default, else.), n = 0,
         srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0, .. = 0)
src.proj(..., n = 0,
         srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0)
rel2src.dir(path, n = 0,
            srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0)
rel2src.proj(path, n = 0,
             srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0)
src.LINENO(n = 0, srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0)
try.src.path(contents = FALSE, n = 0,
             srcfile = if (n) sys.parent(n) else 0)

env.path(verbose = getOption("verbose"), original = FALSE,
         for.msg = FALSE, contents = FALSE, n = 0,
         envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
         matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"),
         default, else.)
env.dir(verbose = getOption("verbose"), n = 0,
        envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
        matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"),
        default, else.), n = 0, envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
         matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"), .. = 0)
env.proj(..., n = 0, envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
         matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"))
rel2env.dir(path, n = 0, envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
            matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"))
rel2env.proj(path, n = 0, envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
             matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"))
env.LINENO(n = 0, envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
           matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"))
try.env.path(contents = FALSE, n = 0,
             envir = parent.frame(n + 1),
             matchThisEnv = getOption("topLevelEnvironment"))

sys.path(verbose = getOption("verbose"), original = FALSE,
         for.msg = FALSE, contents = FALSE, local = FALSE,
         default, else.)
sys.dir(verbose = getOption("verbose"), local = FALSE,
        default, else.), local = FALSE, .. = 0)
sys.proj(..., local = FALSE)
rel2sys.dir(path, local = FALSE)
rel2sys.proj(path, local = FALSE)
try.sys.path(contents = FALSE, local = FALSE)


Before this.path 2.0.0, this.path() did not have arguments srcfile, envir, nor matchThisEnv. It only examined the call stack and the GUI in use. In the major update, the original implementation of this.path() was renamed to sys.path(). sys.path() and related are available for backwards compatibility. However, they are unlikely to be useful compared to the advancements made in this.path().

env.path() and src.path() and related are unlikely to be useful when called with no arguments.


## the important difference between 'this.path()' and 'sys.path()'
FILE1.R <- tempfile("FILE1-", fileext = ".R")
    fun <- function() {
        cat("\n> this.path()\n")
        print(this.path::this.path(verbose = TRUE))
        cat("\n> sys.path()\n")
        print(this.path::sys.path(verbose = TRUE))
    ## 'this.path()' and 'sys.path()' should be identical because the
    ## executing script is the same as the script of the source file
}, FILE1.R)
source(FILE1.R, keep.source = TRUE)

FILE2.R <- tempfile("FILE2-", fileext = ".R")
    ## 'this.path()' and 'sys.path()' should no longer be identical
    ## since FILE2.R is now the executing script, and FILE1.R is not
}, FILE2.R)

unlink(c(FILE1.R, FILE2.R))

this.path documentation built on June 30, 2024, 1:07 a.m.