this.path-defunct: Defunct Functions in Package 'this.path'

this.path-defunctR Documentation

Defunct Functions in Package 'this.path'


The functions or variables listed here are no longer part of this.path as they are no longer needed.


# Defunct in 1.1.0
normalized.shFILE(default, else.)

# Defunct in 1.3.0

# Defunct in 1.4.0
local.path(verbose = getOption("verbose"), original = FALSE,
    for.msg = FALSE, contents = FALSE, default, else.)

# Defunct in 2.0.0
inside.source(file, path.only = FALSE, character.only = path.only,
    file.only = path.only, conv2utf8 = FALSE, allow.blank.string = FALSE,
    allow.clipboard = !file.only, allow.stdin = !file.only, allow.url = !file.only,
    allow.file.uri = !path.only, allow.unz = !path.only, allow.pipe = !file.only,
    allow.terminal = !file.only, allow.textConnection = !file.only,
    allow.rawConnection = !file.only, allow.sockconn = !file.only,
    allow.servsockconn = !file.only, allow.customConnection = !file.only,
    ignore.all = FALSE, ignore.blank.string = ignore.all, ignore.clipboard = ignore.all,
    ignore.stdin = ignore.all, ignore.url = ignore.all, ignore.file.uri = ignore.all,
    Function = NULL, ofile)
set.this.path(file, path.only = FALSE, character.only = path.only,
    file.only = path.only, conv2utf8 = FALSE, allow.blank.string = FALSE,
    allow.clipboard = !file.only, allow.stdin = !file.only, allow.url = !file.only,
    allow.file.uri = !path.only, allow.unz = !path.only, allow.pipe = !file.only,
    allow.terminal = !file.only, allow.textConnection = !file.only,
    allow.rawConnection = !file.only, allow.sockconn = !file.only,
    allow.servsockconn = !file.only, allow.customConnection = !file.only,
    ignore.all = FALSE, ignore.blank.string = ignore.all, ignore.clipboard = ignore.all,
    ignore.stdin = ignore.all, ignore.url = ignore.all, ignore.file.uri = ignore.all,
    Function = NULL, ofile)

# Defunct in 2.4.0


this.path2(), this.dir2(), and this.dir3() were used before this.path() and this.dir() were given an argument default. Should be replaced by this.path(default = NULL), this.dir(default = NULL), and this.dir(default = getwd()), respectively.

normalized.shFILE() was used before shFILE() was given an argument original. Should be replaced by shFILE().

as.rel.path() and as.relative.path() were poorly chosen names given their functionality. Should be replaced by rel2here().

local.path() was used when it called a different C function than this.path(). Should be replaced by this.path(local = TRUE).

reset.this.proj() was used when this.proj() was the only project related function. Now that src.proj(), env.proj(), and sys.proj() exist, the function was renamed to reset.proj().

In this.path 2.0.0, the original implementation of this.path() was renamed to sys.path(), so set.this.path.jupyter(), set.this.path(), and unset.this.path() were accordingly renamed to set.jupyter.path(), set.sys.path(), and unset.sys.path(). Since set.this.path() was already being made defunct, inside.source() was also made defunct.

set.sys.path.jupyter() was renamed to set.jupyter.path().

fileArgs() should be replaced by progArgs().

See Also


this.path documentation built on June 30, 2024, 1:07 a.m.