
title: "Column formats" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette always_allow_html: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Column formats} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}



This vignette shows how to decorate columns for custom formatting. We use the formattable package for demonstration because it already contains useful vector classes that apply a custom formatting to numbers.


tbl <- tibble(x = digits(9:11, 3))
#> # A tibble: 3 x 1
#>   x         
#>   <formttbl>
#> 1 9.000     
#> 2 10.000    
#> 3 11.000

The x column in the tibble above is a regular number with a formatting method. It always will be shown with three digits after the decimal point. This also applies to columns derived from x.

tbl2 <-
  tbl %>%
    y = x + 1,
    z = x * x,
    v = y + z,
    lag = lag(x, default = x[[1]]),
    sin = sin(x),
    mean = mean(v),
    var = var(x)

#> # A tibble: 3 x 8
#>   x          y          z          v          lag        sin       mean      var
#>   <formttbl> <formttbl> <formttbl> <formttbl> <formttbl> <formttb> <formt> <dbl>
#> 1 9.000      10.000     81.000     91.000     9.000      0.412     111.667     1
#> 2 10.000     11.000     100.000    111.000    9.000      -0.544    111.667     1
#> 3 11.000     12.000     121.000    133.000    10.000     -1.000    111.667     1

Summaries also maintain the formatting.

tbl2 %>%
  group_by(lag) %>%
  summarize(z = mean(z)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 2 x 2
#>   lag        z         
#>   <formttbl> <formttbl>
#> 1 9.000      90.500    
#> 2 10.000     121.000

Same for pivoting operations.


stocks <-
  expand_grid(id = factor(1:4), year = 2018:2022) %>%
  mutate(stock = currency(runif(20) * 10000))

stocks %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = id, names_from = year, values_from = stock)
#> # A tibble: 4 x 6
#>   id    `2018`     `2019`     `2020`     `2021`     `2022`    
#>   <fct> <formttbl> <formttbl> <formttbl> <formttbl> <formttbl>
#> 1 1     $4,197.73  $7,414.63  $5,507.74  $9,256.42  $6,599.49 
#> 2 2     $4,393.70  $9,315.85  $1,076.86  $9,781.00  $8,681.69 
#> 3 3     $4,058.69  $460.28    $3,214.04  $927.91    $453.61   
#> 4 4     $6,247.89  $6,507.82  $3,578.43  $198.98    $4,518.97

For ggplot2 we need to do some work to show apply the formatting to the scales.


# Needs https://github.com/tidyverse/ggplot2/pull/4065 or similar
stocks %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = stock, color = id)) +

It pays off to specify formatting very early in the process. The diagram below shows the principal stages of data analysis and exploration from "R for data science".

The subsequent diagram adds data formats, communication options, and explicit data formatting. The original r4ds transitions are highlighted in bold. There are two principal options where to apply formatting for results: right before communicating them, or right after importing.

Applying formatting early in the process gives the added benefit of showing the data in a useful format during the "Tidy", "Transform", and "Visualize" stages. For this to be useful, we need to ensure that the formatting options applied early:

Ensuring stickiness is difficult, and is insufficient for a dbplyr workflow where parts of the "Tidy", "Transform" or even "Visualize" stages are run on the database. Often it's possible to derive a rule-based approach for formatting.

tbl3 <-
  tibble(id = letters[1:3], x = 9:11) %>%
    y = x + 1,
    z = x * x,
    v = y + z,
    lag = lag(x, default = x[[1]]),
    sin = sin(x),
    mean = mean(v),
    var = var(x)

#> # A tibble: 3 x 9
#>   id        x     y     z     v   lag    sin  mean   var
#>   <chr> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <int>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 a         9    10    81    91     9  0.412  112.     1
#> 2 b        10    11   100   111     9 -0.544  112.     1
#> 3 c        11    12   121   133    10 -1.00   112.     1

tbl3 %>%
    across(where(is.numeric), ~ digits(.x, 3)),
    across(where(~ is.numeric(.x) && mean(.x) > 50), ~ digits(.x, 1))
#> # A tibble: 3 x 9
#>   id    x          y          z          v          lag       sin    mean  var  
#>   <chr> <formttbl> <formttbl> <formttbl> <formttbl> <formttb> <form> <for> <for>
#> 1 a     9.000      10.000     81.0       91.0       9.000     0.412  111.7 1.000
#> 2 b     10.000     11.000     100.0      111.0      9.000     -0.544 111.7 1.000
#> 3 c     11.000     12.000     121.0      133.0      10.000    -1.000 111.7 1.000

These rules can be stored in quos():

rules <- quos(
  across(where(is.numeric), ~ digits(.x, 3)),
  across(where(~ is.numeric(.x) && mean(.x) > 50), ~ digits(.x, 1))

tbl3 %>%
#> # A tibble: 3 x 9
#>   id    x          y          z          v          lag       sin    mean  var  
#>   <chr> <formttbl> <formttbl> <formttbl> <formttbl> <formttb> <form> <for> <for>
#> 1 a     9.000      10.000     81.0       91.0       9.000     0.412  111.7 1.000
#> 2 b     10.000     11.000     100.0      111.0      9.000     -0.544 111.7 1.000
#> 3 c     11.000     12.000     121.0      133.0      10.000    -1.000 111.7 1.000

This poses a few drawbacks:

What would a good API for rule-based formatting look like?

Try the tibble package in your browser

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tibble documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11 p.m.