
title: "Column types" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Column types} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}



This vignette shows an overview of known data types and their abbreviations, and their origin. For example, <int> in the header of a column indicates an integer column, and <chr> denotes a character column.

|Class |Data type |Example |Column header | |:---------------------------|:--------------------|:--------------------------------|:-------------| |Atomic |logical |TRUE |lgl | | |integer |1L |int | | |double |1.5 |dbl | | |character |"A" |chr | | |complex |0+1i |cpl | | |raw |as.raw(1) |raw | | |list |list(1) |list | | |named list |list(a = 1) |named list | |Built-in objects |factor |factor("A") |fct | | |ordered |ordered("a") |ord | | |Date |Sys.Date() |date | | |POSIXt |Sys.time() |dttm | | |difftime |vctrs::new_duration(1) |drtn | |Objects from other packages |hms |hms::hms(1) |time | | |integer64 |bit64::as.integer64(1e+10) |int64 | | |blob |blob::blob(raw(1)) |blob | |Data frames |data.frame |data.frame(a = 1) |df[,1] | | |tbl_df |tibble(a = 1) |tibble[,1] | |Unchanged |AsIs |I(1L) |I | |vctrs types |unspecified |vctrs::unspecified(1) |??? | | |vctrs_list_of |vctrs::list_of(c(1L)) |list | | |vctrs_vctr |vctrs::new_vctr(1L) |vctrs_vc | | |vctrs_partial_factor |vctrs::partial_factor(letters) |prtl_fctr | | |vctrs_partial_frame |vctrs::partial_frame(a = 1) |prtl | |Language objects |function |function() NULL |fn | | |symbol |quote(a) |sym | | |expression |parse(text = "a <- 1\nb<- 2") |expression | | |quosures |rlang::quos(a = 1) |quos |

Example values

The following overview contains example values for each type:

#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 23
#> $ logical       <lgl> TRUE
#> $ integer       <int> 1
#> $ double        <dbl> 1.5
#> $ character     <chr> "A"
#> $ complex       <cpl> 0+1i
#> $ raw           <raw> 01
#> $ list          <list> 1
#> $ `named list`  <named list> 1
#> $ factor        <fct> A
#> $ ordered       <ord> a
#> $ Date          <date> 2021-07-30
#> $ POSIXt        <dttm> 2021-07-30 04:11:25
#> $ difftime      <drtn> 1 secs
#> $ hms           <time> 00:00:01
#> $ integer64     <int64> 10000000000
#> $ blob          <blob> 00
#> $ data.frame    <df[,1]> <data.frame[1 x 1]>
#> $ tbl_df        <tibble[,1]> <tbl_df[1 x 1]>
#> $ AsIs          <I<int>> 1
#> $ unspecified   <???> NA
#> $ vctrs_list_of <list<int>> 1
#> $ vctrs_vctr    <vctrs_vc> 1
#> $ quosures      <quos> <~1>


The column header is obtained by calling pillar::type_sum() on the column. This is an S3 method that can be overridden, but most of the time it is more useful to override vctrs::vec_ptype_abbr():


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tibble documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11 p.m.