
Defines functions check_required check_key prep_transform is_tib_row is_tib_variant is_tib_vector is_tib_scalar is_tib_unspecified is_tib tib_df tib_row tib_recursive tib_variant tib_chr_date_vec tib_date_vec tib_chr_vec tib_dbl_vec tib_int_vec tib_lgl_vec tib_vector tib_check_names_to tib_check_values_to tib_vector_impl tib_chr_date tib_date tib_chr tib_dbl tib_int tib_lgl tib_scalar tib_native_ptype.Date tib_native_ptype.character tib_native_ptype.numeric tib_native_ptype.integer tib_native_ptype.logical tib_native_ptype.default tib_native_ptype tib_scalar_impl tib_unspecified tib_collector flatten_fields spec_auto_name_fields prep_spec_fields is_tspec tspec tspec_row tspec_recursive tspec_object check_names_to tspec_df

Documented in tib_chr tib_chr_date tib_chr_date_vec tib_chr_vec tib_date tib_date_vec tib_dbl tib_dbl_vec tib_df tib_int tib_int_vec tib_lgl tib_lgl_vec tib_recursive tib_row tib_scalar tib_unspecified tib_variant tib_vector tspec_df tspec_object tspec_recursive tspec_row

#' Create a Tibblify Specification
#' Use `tspec_df()` to specify how to convert a list of objects to a tibble.
#' Use `tspec_row()` resp. `tspec_object()` to specify how to convert an object
#' to a one row tibble resp. a list.
#' @details
#' In column major format all fields are required, regardless of the `required`
#' argument.
#' @param ... Column specification created by `tib_*()` or `tspec_*()`.
#' @param .input_form The input form of data frame like lists. Can be one of:
#'   * `"rowmajor"`: The default. The data frame is formed by a list of rows.
#'   * `"colmajor"`: The data frame is a named list of columns.
#' @param .names_to A string giving the name of the column which will contain
#'   the names of elements of the object list. If `NULL`, the default, no name
#'   column is created
#' @param vector_allows_empty_list Should empty lists for `input_form = "vector"`
#'   be accepted and treated as empty vector?
#' @param .children A string giving the name of field that contains the children.
#' @param .children_to A string giving the column name to store the children.
#' @return A tibblify specification.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tspec_df(
#'   id = tib_int("id"),
#'   name = tib_chr("name"),
#'   aliases = tib_chr_vec("aliases")
#' )
#' # To create multiple columns of the same type use the bang-bang-bang (!!!)
#' # operator together with `purrr::map()`
#' tspec_df(
#'   !!!purrr::map(purrr::set_names(c("id", "age")), tib_int),
#'   !!!purrr::map(purrr::set_names(c("name", "title")), tib_chr)
#' )
#' # The `tspec_*()` functions can also be nested
#' spec1 <- tspec_object(
#'   int = tib_int("int"),
#'   chr = tib_chr("chr")
#' )
#' spec2 <- tspec_object(
#'   int2 = tib_int("int2"),
#'   chr2 = tib_chr("chr2")
#' )
#' tspec_df(spec1, spec2)
tspec_df <- function(...,
                     .input_form = c("rowmajor", "colmajor"),
                     .names_to = NULL,
                     vector_allows_empty_list = FALSE) {
  .input_form <- arg_match(.input_form)
  check_names_to(.names_to, .input_form)

  out <- tspec(
    input_form = .input_form,
    names_col = .names_to,
    vector_allows_empty_list = vector_allows_empty_list
  if (!is_null(.names_to) && .names_to %in% names(out$fields)) {
    msg <- "The column name of {.arg .names_to} is already specified in {.arg ...}."


check_names_to <- function(.names_to, input_form, call = caller_env()) {
  if (!is_null(.names_to)) {
    if (input_form == "colmajor") {
      msg <- 'Can\'t use {.arg .names_to} with {.code .input_form = "colmajor"}.'
      cli::cli_abort(msg, call = call)
    check_string(.names_to, allow_null = TRUE, call = call)

#' @rdname tspec_df
#' @export
tspec_object <- function(...,
                         .input_form = c("rowmajor", "colmajor"),
                         vector_allows_empty_list = FALSE) {
  .input_form <- arg_match(.input_form)
    input_form = .input_form,
    vector_allows_empty_list = vector_allows_empty_list

#' @rdname tspec_df
#' @export
tspec_recursive <- function(...,
                            .children_to = .children,
                            .input_form = c("rowmajor", "colmajor"),
                            vector_allows_empty_list = FALSE) {
  .input_form <- arg_match(.input_form)
  # TODO check that key is unique

    child = .children,
    children_to = .children_to,
    input_form = .input_form,
    vector_allows_empty_list = vector_allows_empty_list

#' @rdname tspec_df
#' @export
tspec_row <- function(...,
                      .input_form = c("rowmajor", "colmajor"),
                      vector_allows_empty_list = FALSE) {
  .input_form <- arg_match(.input_form)
    input_form = .input_form,
    vector_allows_empty_list = vector_allows_empty_list

tspec <- function(fields, type, ..., vector_allows_empty_list = FALSE, call = caller_env()) {
  check_bool(vector_allows_empty_list, call = call)

      type = type,
      fields = prep_spec_fields(fields, call),
      vector_allows_empty_list = vector_allows_empty_list
    class = c(paste0("tspec_", type), "tspec")

is_tspec <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "tspec")

prep_spec_fields <- function(fields, call) {
  fields <- purrr::discard(fields, is_null)
  fields <- flatten_fields(fields)
  if (is_null(fields)) {

  bad_idx <- purrr::detect_index(fields, ~ !is_tib(.x))
  if (bad_idx != 0) {
    name <- names2(fields)[[bad_idx]]
    if (name == "") {
      name <- paste0("..", bad_idx)
    friendly_type <- obj_type_friendly(fields[[bad_idx]])

    msg <- "{.field {name}} must be a tib collector, not {friendly_type}."
    cli::cli_abort(msg, call = call)

  spec_auto_name_fields(fields, call)

spec_auto_name_fields <- function(fields, call) {
  field_nms <- names2(fields)
  unnamed <- !have_name(fields)
  auto_nms <- purrr::map2_chr(
    ~ {
      key <- .x$key
      if (!is_string(key)) {
        loc <- paste0("..", .y)
        msg <- c(
          "{.arg key} must be a single string to infer name.",
          x = "{.arg key} of {.field {loc}} has length {length(key)}."
        cli::cli_abort(msg, call = call)

  field_nms[unnamed] <- auto_nms
  field_nms_repaired <- vec_as_names(field_nms, repair = "check_unique", call = call)
  names(fields) <- field_nms_repaired

flatten_fields <- function(fields) {
  fields_nested <- purrr::map(
    function(x) {
      if (is_tspec(x)) {
      } else {
  vctrs::vec_c(!!!fields_nested, .name_spec = "{inner}")

# field specifiers --------------------------------------------------------

tib_collector <- function(key,
                          required = TRUE,
                          class = NULL,
                          call = caller_env()) {
  check_key(key, call)
  check_required(required, call)

  fields <- list(
    type = type,
    key = key,
    required = required,

  class <- tib_native_ptype(fields$ptype, class, fields)
    class = c(class, paste0("tib_", type), "tib_collector")

#' @rdname tib_scalar
#' @export
tib_unspecified <- function(key, ..., required = TRUE) {
    key = key,
    type = "unspecified",
    required = required,
    class = "tib_unspecified"

# scalar fields -----------------------------------------------------------

tib_scalar_impl <- function(key,
                            required = TRUE,
                            fill = NULL,
                            ptype_inner = ptype,
                            transform = NULL,
                            class = NULL,
                            call = caller_env()) {
  ptype <- vec_ptype(ptype, x_arg = "ptype", call = call)
  ptype_inner <- vec_ptype(ptype_inner, x_arg = "ptype_inner", call = call)
  if (is_null(fill)) {
    fill <- vec_init(ptype_inner)
  } else {
    vec_assert(fill, size = 1L, call = call)
    fill <- vec_cast(fill, ptype_inner, call = call, to_arg = "ptype_inner")

    key = key,
    type = "scalar",
    required = required,
    ptype = ptype,
    ptype_inner = ptype_inner,
    fill = fill,
    transform = prep_transform(transform, call),
    class = class,
    call = call

tib_native_ptype <- function(ptype, class, fields) {
  if (!is_null(class)) return(class)
  if (!fields$type %in% c("scalar", "vector")) return(NULL)


#' @export
tib_native_ptype.default <- function(ptype, class, fields) NULL
#' @export
tib_native_ptype.logical <- function(ptype, class, fields) {
  if (!vec_is(ptype, logical())) return(NULL)

  paste0("tib_", fields$type, "_logical")
#' @export
tib_native_ptype.integer <- function(ptype, class, fields) {
  if (!vec_is(ptype, integer())) return(NULL)

  paste0("tib_", fields$type, "_integer")
#' @export
tib_native_ptype.numeric <- function(ptype, class, fields) {
  if (!vec_is(ptype, numeric())) return(NULL)

  paste0("tib_", fields$type, "_numeric")
#' @export
tib_native_ptype.character <- function(ptype, class, fields) {
  if (!vec_is(ptype, character())) return(NULL)

  paste0("tib_", fields$type, "_character")
#' @export
tib_native_ptype.Date <- function(ptype, class, fields) {
  if (!vec_is(ptype, vctrs::new_date())) return(NULL)

  paste0("tib_", fields$type, "_date")

#' Create a Field Specification
#' Use these functions to specify how to convert the fields of an object.
#' @param key,.key The path to the field in the object.
#' @param ptype A prototype of the desired output type of the field.
#' @param ... These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.
#' @param required,.required Throw an error if the field does not exist?
#' @param fill Optionally, a value to use if the field does not exist.
#' @param ptype_inner A prototype of the field.
#' @param transform A function to apply to the whole vector after casting to
#'  `ptype_inner`.
#' @param elt_transform A function to apply to each element before casting
#'   to `ptype_inner`.
#' @param input_form A string that describes what structure the field has. Can
#'   be one of:
#'   * `"vector"`: The field is a vector, e.g. `c(1, 2, 3)`.
#'   * `"scalar_list"`: The field is a list of scalars, e.g. `list(1, 2, 3)`.
#'   * `"object"`: The field is a named list of scalars, e.g. `list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)`.
#' @param values_to Can be one of the following:
#'   * `NULL`: the default. The field is converted to a `ptype` vector.
#'   * A string: The field is converted to a tibble and the values go into the
#'     specified column.
#' @param names_to Can be one of the following:
#'   * `NULL`: the default. The inner names of the field are not used.
#'   * A string: This can only be used if 1) for the input form is `"object"`
#'     or `"vector"` and 2) `values_to` is a string. The inner names of the
#'     field go into the specified column.
#' @param format Optional, a string passed to the `format` argument of `as.Date()`.
#' @inheritParams tspec_df
#' @details There are basically five different `tib_*()` functions
#' * `tib_scalar(ptype)`: Cast the field to a length one vector of type `ptype`.
#' * `tib_vector(ptype)`: Cast the field to an arbitrary length vector of type `ptype`.
#' * `tib_variant()`: Cast the field to a list.
#' * `tib_row()`: Cast the field to a named list.
#' * `tib_df()`: Cast the field to a tibble.
#' There are some special shortcuts of `tib_scalar()` resp. `tib_vector()` for
#' the most common prototypes
#' * `logical()`: `tib_lgl()` resp. `tib_lgl_vec()`
#' * `integer()`: `tib_int()` resp. `tib_int_vec()`
#' * `double()`: `tib_dbl()` resp. `tib_dbl_vec()`
#' * `character()`: `tib_chr()` resp. `tib_chr_vec()`
#' * `Date`: `tib_date()` resp. `tib_date_vec()`
#' Further, there is also a special shortcut for dates encoded as character:
#' `tib_chr_date()` resp. `tib_chr_date_vec()`.
#' @return A tibblify field collector.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tib_int("int")
#' tib_int("int", required = FALSE, fill = 0)
#' tib_scalar("date", Sys.Date(), transform = function(x) as.Date(x, format = "%Y-%m-%d"))
#' tib_df(
#'   "data",
#'   .names_to = "id",
#'   age = tib_int("age"),
#'   name = tib_chr("name")
#' )
tib_scalar <- function(key,
                       required = TRUE,
                       fill = NULL,
                       ptype_inner = ptype,
                       transform = NULL) {
    key = key,
    required = required,
    ptype = ptype,
    ptype_inner = ptype_inner,
    fill = fill,
    transform = transform

#' @rdname tib_scalar
#' @export
tib_lgl <- function(key,
                    required = TRUE,
                    fill = NULL,
                    ptype_inner = logical(),
                    transform = NULL) {
    ptype = logical(),
    required = required,
    fill = fill,
    ptype_inner = ptype_inner,
    transform = transform

#' @rdname tib_scalar
#' @export
tib_int <- function(key,
                    required = TRUE,
                    fill = NULL,
                    ptype_inner = integer(),
                    transform = NULL) {
    ptype = integer(),
    required = required,
    fill = fill,
    ptype_inner = ptype_inner,
    transform = transform

#' @rdname tib_scalar
#' @export
tib_dbl <- function(key,
                    required = TRUE,
                    fill = NULL,
                    ptype_inner = double(),
                    transform = NULL) {
    ptype = double(),
    required = required,
    fill = fill,
    ptype_inner = ptype_inner,
    transform = transform

#' @rdname tib_scalar
#' @export
tib_chr <- function(key,
                    required = TRUE,
                    fill = NULL,
                    ptype_inner = character(),
                    transform = NULL) {
    ptype = character(),
    required = required,
    fill = fill,
    ptype_inner = ptype_inner,
    transform = transform

#' @rdname tib_scalar
#' @export
tib_date <- function(key,
                     required = TRUE,
                     fill = NULL,
                     ptype_inner = vctrs::new_date(),
                     transform = NULL) {
    ptype = vctrs::new_date(),
    required = required,
    fill = fill,
    ptype_inner = ptype_inner,
    transform = transform

#' @rdname tib_scalar
#' @export
tib_chr_date <- function(key,
                         required = TRUE,
                         fill = NULL,
                         format = "%Y-%m-%d") {
    ptype = vctrs::new_date(),
    required = required,
    fill = fill,
    ptype_inner = character(),
    format = format,
    transform = ~ as.Date(.x, format = format),
    class = "tib_scalar_chr_date"

# vector fields -----------------------------------------------------------

tib_vector_impl <- function(key,
                            required = TRUE,
                            fill = NULL,
                            ptype_inner = ptype,
                            transform = NULL,
                            elt_transform = NULL,
                            input_form = c("vector", "scalar_list", "object"),
                            values_to = NULL,
                            names_to = NULL,
                            class = NULL,
                            call = caller_env()) {
  input_form <- arg_match0(
    c("vector", "scalar_list", "object"),
    error_call = call
  ptype <- vec_ptype(ptype, call = call, x_arg = "ptype")
  ptype_inner <- vec_ptype(ptype_inner, call = call, x_arg = "ptype_inner")
  if (!is_null(fill)) {
    fill <- vec_cast(fill, ptype, call = call, to_arg = "ptype")
  values_to <- tib_check_values_to(values_to, call)
  names_to <- tib_check_names_to(names_to, values_to, input_form, call)

    key = key,
    type = "vector",
    required = required,
    ptype = ptype,
    fill = fill,
    ptype_inner = ptype_inner,
    transform = prep_transform(transform, call),
    elt_transform = prep_transform(elt_transform, call, arg = "elt_transform"),
    input_form = input_form,
    values_to = values_to,
    names_to = names_to,
    class = class,
    call = call

tib_check_values_to <- function(values_to, call) {
  if (!is_null(values_to)) {
    check_string(values_to, call = call)


tib_check_names_to <- function(names_to, values_to, input_form, call) {
  if (!is_null(names_to)) {
    if (is_null(values_to)) {
      msg <- "{.arg names_to} can only be used if {.arg values_to} is not {.code NULL}."
      cli::cli_abort(msg, call = call)
    if (input_form == "scalar_list") {
      msg <- '{.arg names_to} can\'t be used for {.code input_form = "scalar_list"}.'
      cli::cli_abort(msg, call = call)

    check_string(names_to, call = call)
    vec_assert(names_to, size = 1, call = call)
    if (names_to == values_to) {
      msg <- "{.arg names_to} must be different from {.arg values_to}."
      cli::cli_abort(msg, call = call)


#' @rdname tib_scalar
#' @export
tib_vector <- function(key,
                       required = TRUE,
                       fill = NULL,
                       ptype_inner = ptype,
                       transform = NULL,
                       elt_transform = NULL,
                       input_form = c("vector", "scalar_list", "object"),
                       values_to = NULL,
                       names_to = NULL) {
  input_form <- arg_match0(input_form, c("vector", "scalar_list", "object"))
    key = key,
    required = required,
    ptype = ptype,
    fill = fill,
    ptype_inner = ptype_inner,
    transform = transform,
    elt_transform = elt_transform,
    input_form = input_form,
    values_to = values_to,
    names_to = names_to

#' @rdname tib_scalar
#' @export
tib_lgl_vec <- function(key,
                        required = TRUE,
                        fill = NULL,
                        ptype_inner = logical(),
                        transform = NULL,
                        elt_transform = NULL,
                        input_form = c("vector", "scalar_list", "object"),
                        values_to = NULL,
                        names_to = NULL) {
  input_form <- arg_match0(input_form, c("vector", "scalar_list", "object"))
    ptype = logical(),
    required = required,
    fill = fill,
    ptype_inner = ptype_inner,
    transform = transform,
    elt_transform = elt_transform,
    input_form = input_form,
    values_to = values_to,
    names_to = names_to

#' @rdname tib_scalar
#' @export
tib_int_vec <- function(key,
                        required = TRUE,
                        fill = NULL,
                        ptype_inner = integer(),
                        transform = NULL,
                        elt_transform = NULL,
                        input_form = c("vector", "scalar_list", "object"),
                        values_to = NULL,
                        names_to = NULL) {
  input_form <- arg_match0(input_form, c("vector", "scalar_list", "object"))
    ptype = integer(),
    required = required,
    fill = fill,
    ptype_inner = ptype_inner,
    transform = transform,
    elt_transform = elt_transform,
    input_form = input_form,
    values_to = values_to,
    names_to = names_to

#' @rdname tib_scalar
#' @export
tib_dbl_vec <- function(key,
                        required = TRUE,
                        fill = NULL,
                        ptype_inner = double(),
                        transform = NULL,
                        elt_transform = NULL,
                        input_form = c("vector", "scalar_list", "object"),
                        values_to = NULL,
                        names_to = NULL) {
  input_form <- arg_match0(input_form, c("vector", "scalar_list", "object"))
    ptype = double(),
    required = required,
    fill = fill,
    ptype_inner = ptype_inner,
    transform = transform,
    elt_transform = elt_transform,
    input_form = input_form,
    values_to = values_to,
    names_to = names_to

#' @rdname tib_scalar
#' @export
tib_chr_vec <- function(key,
                        required = TRUE,
                        fill = NULL,
                        ptype_inner = character(),
                        transform = NULL,
                        elt_transform = NULL,
                        input_form = c("vector", "scalar_list", "object"),
                        values_to = NULL,
                        names_to = NULL) {
  input_form <- arg_match0(input_form, c("vector", "scalar_list", "object"))
    ptype = character(),
    required = required,
    fill = fill,
    ptype_inner = ptype_inner,
    transform = transform,
    elt_transform = elt_transform,
    input_form = input_form,
    values_to = values_to,
    names_to = names_to

#' @rdname tib_scalar
#' @export
tib_date_vec <- function(key,
                         required = TRUE,
                         fill = NULL,
                         ptype_inner = vctrs::new_date(),
                         transform = NULL,
                         elt_transform = NULL,
                         input_form = c("vector", "scalar_list", "object"),
                         values_to = NULL,
                         names_to = NULL) {
  input_form <- arg_match0(input_form, c("vector", "scalar_list", "object"))
    ptype = vctrs::new_date(),
    required = required,
    fill = fill,
    ptype_inner = ptype_inner,
    transform = transform,
    elt_transform = elt_transform,
    input_form = input_form,
    values_to = values_to,
    names_to = names_to

#' @rdname tib_scalar
#' @export
tib_chr_date_vec <- function(key,
                             required = TRUE,
                             fill = NULL,
                             input_form = c("vector", "scalar_list", "object"),
                             values_to = NULL,
                             names_to = NULL,
                             format = "%Y-%m-%d") {
  input_form <- arg_match0(input_form, c("vector", "scalar_list", "object"))
    ptype = vctrs::new_date(),
    required = required,
    fill = fill,
    ptype_inner = character(),
    format = format,
    transform = ~ as.Date(.x, format = format),
    input_form = input_form,
    values_to = values_to,
    names_to = names_to,
    class = "tib_vector_chr_date"

# other fields ------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname tib_scalar
#' @export
tib_variant <- function(key,
                        required = TRUE,
                        fill = NULL,
                        transform = NULL,
                        elt_transform = NULL) {
    key = key,
    type = "variant",
    required = required,
    fill = fill,
    transform = prep_transform(transform, call = current_env()),
    elt_transform = prep_transform(elt_transform, call = current_env(), arg = "elt_transform")

#' @rdname tib_scalar
#' @export
tib_recursive <- function(.key,
                          .children_to = .children,
                          .required = TRUE) {

    key = .key,
    type = "recursive",
    required = .required,
    child = .children,
    children_to = .children_to,
    fields = prep_spec_fields(list2(...), call = current_env())

#' @rdname tib_scalar
#' @export
tib_row <- function(.key, ..., .required = TRUE) {
    key = .key,
    type = "row",
    required = .required,
    fields = prep_spec_fields(list2(...), call = current_env())

#' @rdname tib_scalar
#' @export
tib_df <- function(.key, ..., .required = TRUE, .names_to = NULL) {
  if (!is_null(.names_to)) {

    key = .key,
    type = "df",
    required = .required,
    fields = prep_spec_fields(list2(...), call = current_env()),
    names_col = .names_to

# helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------

is_tib <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "tib_collector")

is_tib_unspecified <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "tib_unspecified")

is_tib_scalar <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "tib_scalar")

is_tib_vector <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "tib_vector")

is_tib_variant <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "tib_variant")

is_tib_row <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "tib_row")

prep_transform <- function(f, call, arg = "transform") {
  if (is_null(f)) {

  as_function(f, arg = arg, call = call)

check_key <- function(key, call = caller_env()) {
  check_character(key, call = call)

  n <- vec_size(key)
  if (n == 0) {
    cli::cli_abort("{.arg key} must not be empty.", call = call)

  if (n == 1) {
    if (is.na(key)) {
      cli::cli_abort("{.arg key} must not be {.val NA}.", call = call)

    if (key == "") {
      cli::cli_abort("{.arg key} must not be an empty string.", call = call)

  na_idx <- purrr::detect_index(vec_detect_missing(key), ~ .x)
  if (na_idx != 0) {
    msg <- "`key[{.field {na_idx}}] must not be NA."
    cli::cli_abort(msg, call = call)

  empty_string_idx <- purrr::detect_index(key == "", ~ .x)
  if (empty_string_idx != 0) {
    msg <- "`key[{.field {empty_string_idx}}] must not be an empty string."
    cli::cli_abort(msg, call = call)

check_required <- function(required, call) {
  check_bool(required, call = call)

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tibblify documentation built on Nov. 16, 2022, 5:07 p.m.