
Defines functions getQuickstat fuzzyMatch multStatesandCounties multCounties multStates defaultCallAPI

Documented in getQuickstat

# getQuickstat.R

# Functions to handle vectors vs. single values ---------------------------
# Function to call API from input params
defaultCallAPI <- function(key = NULL, program = NULL, data_item = NULL, sector = NULL, group = NULL, commodity = NULL,
                           category = NULL, domain = NULL, geographic_level = NULL,
                           state = NULL, county = NULL, year = NULL, geometry = FALSE, lower48 = FALSE) {
  beginning <- "http://quickstats.nass.usda.gov/api/api_GET/?key="

  if (exists("program") & !is.null(program)) {
    param1 <- paste0("&source_desc=", toupper(program))
  } else {
    param1 <- NULL
  if (exists("sector") & !is.null(sector)) {
    param2 <- paste0("&sector_desc=", toupper(sector))
  } else {
    param2 <- NULL
  if (exists("group") & !is.null(group)) {
    param3 <- paste0("&group_desc=", toupper(group))
  } else {
    param3 <- NULL
  if (exists("commodity") & !is.null(commodity)) {
    param4 <- paste0("&commodity_desc=", toupper(commodity))
  } else {
    param4 <- NULL
  if (exists("category") & !is.null(category)) {
    param6 <- paste0("&statisticcat_desc=", toupper(category))
  } else {
    param6 <- NULL
  if (exists("data_item") & !is.null(data_item)) {
    param7 <- paste0("&short_desc=", toupper(data_item))
  } else {
    param7 <- NULL
  if (exists("domain") & !is.null(domain)) {
    param8 <- paste0("&domain_desc=", toupper(domain))
  } else {
    param8 <- NULL
  if (exists("geographic_level") & !is.null(geographic_level)) {
    param9 <- paste0("&agg_level_desc=", toupper(geographic_level))
  } else {
    param9 <- NULL
  if (exists("state") & !is.null(state)) {
    param10 <- paste0("&state_name=", toupper(state))
  } else {
    param10 <- NULL
  if (exists("county") & !is.null(county)) {
    param11 <- paste0("&county_name=", toupper(county))
  } else {
    param11 <- NULL
  if (exists("year") & !is.null(year)) {
    param12 <- paste0("&year=", toupper(year))
  } else {
    param12 <- NULL

  params <- c(beginning, key, param1, param2, param3, param4, param6, param7, param8, param9, param10, param11, param12)

  url <- paste0(params, collapse = ",")
  url <- gsub(",&", "&", url)
  url <- gsub("=,", "=", url)
  url <- gsub(" ", "%20", url)

  httr::set_config(httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L))
  resp <- httr::GET(url = url)

  if (httr::http_type(resp) != "application/json") {
    stop(crayon::cyan("API did not return results. First verify that your input parameters work on the NASS
    website: https://quickstats.nass.usda.gov/. If correct, try again in a few minutes; the API may
    be experiencing heavy traffic."), call. = FALSE)

  jsonRespText <- httr::content(resp, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")

  raw <- jsonlite::fromJSON(jsonRespText)
  raw <- raw$data
  mydata <- raw


# Function to call API from input params with multiple states
multStates <- function(key = NULL, program = NULL, data_item = NULL, sector = NULL, group = NULL, commodity = NULL,
                       category = NULL, domain = NULL, geographic_level = NULL,
                       state = NULL, county = NULL, year = NULL, geometry = FALSE, lower48 = FALSE) {
  beginning <- "http://quickstats.nass.usda.gov/api/api_GET/?key="

  # Handle multiple states
  # anon fn to work with next items
  anon.states <- function(x) {
    paste0("&state_name=", x)

  if (length(state) > 1) {
    state.concat <- lapply(state, anon.states)

  # Handle multiple states

  if (exists("program") & !is.null(program)) {
    param1 <- paste0("&source_desc=", toupper(program))
  } else {
    param1 <- NULL
  if (exists("sector") & !is.null(sector)) {
    param2 <- paste0("&sector_desc=", toupper(sector))
  } else {
    param2 <- NULL
  if (exists("group") & !is.null(group)) {
    param3 <- paste0("&group_desc=", toupper(group))
  } else {
    param3 <- NULL
  if (exists("commodity") & !is.null(commodity)) {
    param4 <- paste0("&commodity_desc=", toupper(commodity))
  } else {
    param4 <- NULL
  if (exists("category") & !is.null(category)) {
    param6 <- paste0("&statisticcat_desc=", toupper(category))
  } else {
    param6 <- NULL
  if (exists("data_item") & !is.null(data_item)) {
    param7 <- paste0("&short_desc=", toupper(data_item))
  } else {
    param7 <- NULL
  if (exists("domain") & !is.null(domain)) {
    param8 <- paste0("&domain_desc=", toupper(domain))
  } else {
    param8 <- NULL
  if (exists("geographic_level") & !is.null(geographic_level)) {
    param9 <- paste0("&agg_level_desc=", toupper(geographic_level))
  } else {
    param9 <- NULL
  # if(exists("state") & !is.null(state)){param10 <- paste0('&state_name=', toupper(state))}else{param10 <- NULL}
  if (exists("county") & !is.null(county)) {
    param11 <- paste0("&county_name=", toupper(county))
  } else {
    param11 <- NULL
  if (exists("year") & !is.null(year)) {
    param12 <- paste0("&year=", toupper(year))
  } else {
    param12 <- NULL

  params <- c(beginning, key, param1, param2, param3, param4, param6, param7, param8, param9, state.concat, param11, param12)

  params <- unlist(params)

  url <- paste0(params, collapse = " ")
  url <- gsub("= ", "=", url)
  url <- gsub(" &", "&", url)
  url <- gsub("=,", "=", url)
  url <- gsub(" ", "%20", url)

  httr::set_config(httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L))
  resp <- httr::GET(url = url)

  if (httr::http_type(resp) != "application/json") {
    stop(crayon::cyan("API did not return results. First verify that your input parameters work on the NASS
    website: https://quickstats.nass.usda.gov/. If correct, try again in a few minutes; the API may
    be experiencing heavy traffic."), call. = FALSE)

  jsonRespText <- httr::content(resp, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")

  raw <- jsonlite::fromJSON(jsonRespText)
  raw <- raw$data
  mydata <- raw


# Function to call API from input params with multiple counties
multCounties <- function(key = NULL, program = NULL, data_item = NULL, sector = NULL, group = NULL, commodity = NULL,
                         category = NULL, domain = NULL, geographic_level = NULL,
                         state = NULL, county = NULL, year = NULL, geometry = FALSE, lower48 = FALSE) {
  beginning <- "http://quickstats.nass.usda.gov/api/api_GET/?key="

  # Handle multiple counties
  # anon fn to work with next items
  anon.counties <- function(x) {
    paste0("&county_name=", x)

  if (length(county) > 1) {
    county.concat <- lapply(county, anon.counties)

  # Handle multiple counties

  if (exists("program") & !is.null(program)) {
    param1 <- paste0("&source_desc=", toupper(program))
  } else {
    param1 <- NULL
  if (exists("sector") & !is.null(sector)) {
    param2 <- paste0("&sector_desc=", toupper(sector))
  } else {
    param2 <- NULL
  if (exists("group") & !is.null(group)) {
    param3 <- paste0("&group_desc=", toupper(group))
  } else {
    param3 <- NULL
  if (exists("commodity") & !is.null(commodity)) {
    param4 <- paste0("&commodity_desc=", toupper(commodity))
  } else {
    param4 <- NULL
  if (exists("category") & !is.null(category)) {
    param6 <- paste0("&statisticcat_desc=", toupper(category))
  } else {
    param6 <- NULL
  if (exists("data_item") & !is.null(data_item)) {
    param7 <- paste0("&short_desc=", toupper(data_item))
  } else {
    param7 <- NULL
  if (exists("domain") & !is.null(domain)) {
    param8 <- paste0("&domain_desc=", toupper(domain))
  } else {
    param8 <- NULL
  if (exists("geographic_level") & !is.null(geographic_level)) {
    param9 <- paste0("&agg_level_desc=", toupper(geographic_level))
  } else {
    param9 <- NULL
  if (exists("state") & !is.null(state)) {
    param10 <- paste0("&state_name=", toupper(state))
  } else {
    param10 <- NULL
  # if(exists("county") & !is.null(county)){param11 <- paste0('&county_name=', toupper(county))}else{param11 <- NULL}
  if (exists("year") & !is.null(year)) {
    param12 <- paste0("&year=", toupper(year))
  } else {
    param12 <- NULL

  params <- c(beginning, key, param1, param2, param3, param4, param6, param7, param8, param9, param10, county.concat, param12)

  params <- unlist(params)

  url <- paste0(params, collapse = " ")
  url <- gsub("= ", "=", url)
  url <- gsub(" &", "&", url)
  url <- gsub("=,", "=", url)
  url <- gsub(" ", "%20", url)

  httr::set_config(httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L))
  resp <- httr::GET(url = url)

  if (httr::http_type(resp) != "application/json") {
    stop(crayon::cyan("API did not return results. First verify that your input parameters work on the NASS
    website: https://quickstats.nass.usda.gov/. If correct, try again in a few minutes; the API may
    be experiencing heavy traffic."), call. = FALSE)

  jsonRespText <- httr::content(resp, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")

  raw <- jsonlite::fromJSON(jsonRespText)
  raw <- raw$data
  mydata <- raw


# Function to call API from input params with multiple counties and multiple states
multStatesandCounties <- function(key = NULL, program = NULL, data_item = NULL, sector = NULL, group = NULL, commodity = NULL,
                                  category = NULL, domain = NULL, geographic_level = NULL,
                                  state = NULL, county = NULL, year = NULL, geometry = FALSE, lower48 = FALSE) {
  beginning <- "http://quickstats.nass.usda.gov/api/api_GET/?key="

  # Handle multiple counties
  # anon fn to work with next items
  anon.counties <- function(x) {
    paste0("&county_name=", x)

  if (length(county) > 1) {
    county.concat <- lapply(county, anon.counties)

  # Handle multiple states
  # anon fn to work with next items
  anon.states <- function(x) {
    paste0("&state_name=", x)

  if (length(state) > 1) {
    state.concat <- lapply(state, anon.states)

  # Handle multiple counties

  if (exists("program") & !is.null(program)) {
    param1 <- paste0("&source_desc=", toupper(program))
  } else {
    param1 <- NULL
  if (exists("sector") & !is.null(sector)) {
    param2 <- paste0("&sector_desc=", toupper(sector))
  } else {
    param2 <- NULL
  if (exists("group") & !is.null(group)) {
    param3 <- paste0("&group_desc=", toupper(group))
  } else {
    param3 <- NULL
  if (exists("commodity") & !is.null(commodity)) {
    param4 <- paste0("&commodity_desc=", toupper(commodity))
  } else {
    param4 <- NULL
  if (exists("category") & !is.null(category)) {
    param6 <- paste0("&statisticcat_desc=", toupper(category))
  } else {
    param6 <- NULL
  if (exists("data_item") & !is.null(data_item)) {
    param7 <- paste0("&short_desc=", toupper(data_item))
  } else {
    param7 <- NULL
  if (exists("domain") & !is.null(domain)) {
    param8 <- paste0("&domain_desc=", toupper(domain))
  } else {
    param8 <- NULL
  if (exists("geographic_level") & !is.null(geographic_level)) {
    param9 <- paste0("&agg_level_desc=", toupper(geographic_level))
  } else {
    param9 <- NULL
  # if(exists("state") & !is.null(state)){param10 <- paste0('&state_name=', toupper(state))}else{param10 <- NULL}
  # if(exists("county") & !is.null(county)){param11 <- paste0('&county_name=', toupper(county))}else{param11 <- NULL}
  if (exists("year") & !is.null(year)) {
    param12 <- paste0("&year=", toupper(year))
  } else {
    param12 <- NULL

  params <- c(beginning, key, param1, param2, param3, param4, param6, param7, param8, param9, state.concat, county.concat, param12)

  params <- unlist(params)

  url <- paste0(params, collapse = " ")
  url <- gsub("= ", "=", url)
  url <- gsub(" &", "&", url)
  url <- gsub("=,", "=", url)
  url <- gsub(" ", "%20", url)

  httr::set_config(httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L))
  resp <- httr::GET(url = url)

  if (httr::http_type(resp) != "application/json") {
    stop(crayon::cyan("API did not return results. First verify that your input parameters work on the NASS
    website: https://quickstats.nass.usda.gov/. If correct, try again in a few minutes; the API may
    be experiencing heavy traffic."), call. = FALSE)

  jsonRespText <- httr::content(resp, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")

  raw <- jsonlite::fromJSON(jsonRespText)
  raw <- raw$data
  mydata <- raw


# Fuzzy match function ----------------------------------------------------

fuzzyMatch <- function(input, dataset) {
  if (!is.null(input) & !input %in% dataset) {
    matcheddf <- dataset
    matcheddf <- data.frame(index = seq(1, length(matcheddf), 1), text = matcheddf)
    fuzzydf <- fuzzyjoin::stringdist_join(matcheddf, data.frame(index = c(1), text = c(input)), by = c("index", "text"), max_dist = 6, distance_col = "dist")
    interim <- dplyr::arrange(fuzzydf, fuzzydf$text.dist)
    result <- as.character(interim[1, 2])

# getQuickstat ------------------------------------------------------------

#' getQuickstat
#' @description
#' Get values from USDA Quick Stats in a dataframe
#' with optional sf (simple features) geometry field
#' @param key your USDA api key. Get one at https://quickstats.nass.usda.gov/api - string
#' @param program program field - string
#' @param data_item data_item field - string
#' @param sector sector field - string
#' @param group group field - string
#' @param commodity commodity field - string
#' @param category category field - string
#' @param domain domain field - string
#' @param geographic_level geographic_level field - string
#' @param state state field - either a string or character vector with multiple states
#' @param county county field - either a string or character vector with multiple states
#' @param year year field - string
#' @param geometry geometry field (TRUE or FALSE), set to TRUE if you would like a simple features (SF) geometry field included.
#' Only works when geographic_level is set to 'COUNTY' or 'STATE'
#' @param lower48 limit data to the lower 48 states? - TRUE or FALSE
#' @param weighted_by_area option to mutate a new column that takes the target ('Value') and divides it by the square miles in that state or county; only works when GEOMETRY = TRUE - TRUE or FALSE
#' @export
# sector=NULL
# group=NULL
# commodity=NULL
# category=NULL
# domain='TOTAL'
# county=NULL
# key = '7CE0AFAD-EF7B-3761-8B8C-6AF474D6EF71'
# program = 'CENSUS'
# geographic_level = 'STATE'
# year = NULL
# state = NULL
# geometry = T
# lower48 = T
#' @note
#' Go to the webpage https://quickstats.nass.usda.gov/. As a best practice, select the items in these fields and test that that data item
#'    exists in the browser before using those parameters in this function. When you have a dataset that works, enter those values in the
#'    function as parameters. Ideally, only enter values for your key obviously, then PROGRAM, DATA_ITEM, GEOGRAPHIC_LEVEL and then if
#'    necessary, DOMAIN, STATE, COUNTY or YEAR.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' getQuickstat(
#'   key = "your_key",
#'   program = "CENSUS",
#'   geographic_level = "COUNTY",
#'   domain = "TOTAL",
#'   year = "2017",
#'   state = NULL,
#'   geometry = T,
#'   lower48 = T
#' )
#' }
getQuickstat <- function(key = NULL, program = NULL, data_item = NULL, sector = NULL, group = NULL, commodity = NULL,
                         category = NULL, domain = NULL, geographic_level = NULL,
                         state = NULL, county = NULL, year = NULL, geometry = FALSE, lower48 = FALSE, weighted_by_area = FALSE) {

  # key = '7CE0AFAD-EF7B-3761-8B8C-6AF474D6EF71'
  # program = 'CENSUS'
  # sector = 'CROPS'
  # group = 'CROP TOTALS'
  # commodity = 'CROP TOTALSS'
  # category = 'SALES'
  # data_item = 'CROP TOTALS - SALES, MEASURED IN $'
  # domain = 'TOTAL'
  # geographic_level = 'STATE'
  # state = NULL
  # county = NULL
  # year = NULL
  # geometry = FALSE
  # lower48 = FALSE
  # weighted_by_area = FALSE

  # Install rgeos if not already installed
  # if (!"rgeos" %in% utils::installed.packages()) {
  #   stop(crayon::cyan("Package \"rgeos\" needed for this function to work. Please install it with install.packages(\"rgeos\")"),
  #     call. = FALSE
  #   )
  # }

  # Logic handle improper types
  if(!is.null(key)) checkmate::assert_character(key)
  if(!is.null(program)) checkmate::assert_character(program)
  if(!is.null(data_item)) checkmate::assert_character(data_item)
  if(!is.null(sector)) checkmate::assert_character(sector)
  if(!is.null(group)) checkmate::assert_character(group)
  if(!is.null(commodity)) checkmate::assert_character(commodity)
  if(!is.null(category)) checkmate::assert_character(category)
  if(!is.null(domain)) checkmate::assert_character(domain)
  if(!is.null(geographic_level)) checkmate::assert_character(geographic_level)
  if(!is.null(state)) checkmate::assert_character(state)
  if(!is.null(county)) checkmate::assert_character(county)
  if(!is.null(year)) checkmate::assert_character(year)
  if(!is.null(geometry)) checkmate::assert_logical(geometry)
  if(!is.null(lower48)) checkmate::assert_logical(lower48)
  if(!is.null(weighted_by_area)) checkmate::assert_logical(weighted_by_area)
  # Logic to handle improper inputs

  # Key
  if (is.null(key)) {
    message(crayon::cyan("API key missing; enter an API key."))

  # Program
  if (is.null(program)) {} else if (!toupper(program) %in% tidyUSDA::allProgram) {
    recommendation <- crayon::red(fuzzyMatch(toupper(program), tidyUSDA::allProgram))
      "Your value for PROGRAM is not valid. Did you mean ",
      "? If not, check tidyUSDA::allProgram for a vector of all acceptable values."

  # Data item
  if (is.null(data_item)) {} else if (!toupper(data_item) %in% tidyUSDA::allDataItem) {
    recommendation <- crayon::red(fuzzyMatch(toupper(data_item), tidyUSDA::allDataItem))
      "Your value for DATA_ITEM is not valid. Did you mean ",
      "? If not, check tidyUSDA::allDataItem for a vector of all acceptable values."

  # Sector
  if (is.null(sector)) {} else if (!is.null(sector) & !toupper(sector) %in% tidyUSDA::allSector) {
    recommendation <- crayon::red(fuzzyMatch(toupper(sector), tidyUSDA::allSector))
      "Your value for SECTOR is not valid. Did you mean ",
      "? If not, check tidyUSDA::allSector for a vector of all acceptable values."

  # Group
  if (is.null(group)) {} else if (!toupper(group) %in% tidyUSDA::allGroup) {
    recommendation <- crayon::red(fuzzyMatch(toupper(group), tidyUSDA::allGroup))
      "Your value for GROUP is not valid. Did you mean ",
      "? If not, check tidyUSDA::allGroup for a vector of all acceptable values."

  # Commodity
  if (is.null(commodity)) {} else if (!toupper(commodity) %in% tidyUSDA::allCommodity) {
    recommendation <- crayon::red(fuzzyMatch(toupper(commodity), tidyUSDA::allCommodity))
      "Your value for COMMODITY is not valid. Did you mean ",
      "? If not, check tidyUSDA::allCommodity for a vector of all acceptable values."

  # Category
  if (is.null(category)) {} else if (!toupper(category) %in% tidyUSDA::allCategory) {
    recommendation <- crayon::red(fuzzyMatch(toupper(category), tidyUSDA::allCategory))
      "Your value for CATEGORY is not valid. Did you mean ",
      "? If not, check tidyUSDA::allCategory for a vector of all acceptable values."

  # Domain
  if (is.null(domain)) {} else if (!toupper(domain) %in% tidyUSDA::allDomain) {
    recommendation <- crayon::red(fuzzyMatch(toupper(domain), tidyUSDA::allDomain))
      "Your value for DOMAIN is not valid. Did you mean ",
      "? If not, check tidyUSDA::allDomain for a vector of all acceptable values."

  # Geographic level
  if (is.null(geographic_level)) {} else if (!toupper(geographic_level) %in% tidyUSDA::allGeogLevel) {
    recommendation <- crayon::red(fuzzyMatch(toupper(geographic_level), tidyUSDA::allGeogLevel))
      "Your value for GEOGRAPHIC_LEVEL is not valid. Did you mean ",
      "? If not, check tidyUSDA::allGeogLevel for a vector of all acceptable values."

  # Need to recode an & to the url encode %26
  if (is.null(sector)) {} else {
    sector <- gsub(pattern = "&", replacement = "%26", x = sector)
  if (is.null(data_item)) {} else {
    data_item <- gsub(pattern = "&", replacement = "%26", x = data_item)
  if (is.null(commodity)) {} else {
    commodity <- gsub(pattern = "&", replacement = "%26", x = commodity)
  if (is.null(category)) {} else {
    category <- gsub(pattern = "&", replacement = "%26", x = category)
  if (is.null(domain)) {} else {
    domain <- gsub(pattern = "&", replacement = "%26", x = domain)
  if (is.null(program)) {} else {
    program <- gsub(pattern = "&", replacement = "%26", x = program)

  # Logic to handle vectors vs. single values

  mult.state <- ifelse(length(state) > 1, mult.state <- TRUE, mult.state <- FALSE)
  mult.county <- ifelse(length(county) > 1, mult.county <- TRUE, mult.county <- FALSE)

  # Multiple state and multiple county
  if (mult.state & mult.county) {
    mydata <- multStatesandCounties(
      key = key, program = program, data_item = data_item, sector = sector, group = group, commodity = commodity,
      category = category, domain = domain, geographic_level = geographic_level,
      state = state, county = county, year = year, geometry = geometry, lower48 = lower48

  # Multiple State
  if (mult.state & mult.county == FALSE) {
    mydata <- multStates(
      key = key, program = program, data_item = data_item, sector = sector, group = group, commodity = commodity,
      category = category, domain = domain, geographic_level = geographic_level,
      state = state, county = county, year = year, geometry = geometry, lower48 = lower48

  # Multiple county
  if (mult.county & mult.state == FALSE) {
    mydata <- multCounties(
      key = key, program = program, data_item = data_item, sector = sector, group = group, commodity = commodity,
      category = category, domain = domain, geographic_level = geographic_level,
      state = state, county = county, year = year, geometry = geometry, lower48 = lower48

  # Default
  if (mult.county == FALSE & mult.state == FALSE) {
    mydata <- defaultCallAPI(
      key = key, program = program, data_item = data_item, sector = sector, group = group, commodity = commodity,
      category = category, domain = domain, geographic_level = geographic_level,
      state = state, county = county, year = year, geometry = geometry, lower48 = lower48

  if (is.null(geographic_level)) {
    geographic_level <- "NON"

  if (geometry & geographic_level == "STATE") {
    geoms <- suppressMessages(tigris::states(progress_bar = FALSE))

    # options(tigris_use_cache = TRUE)

    # combined <- tigris::geo_join(spatial_data = geoms,
    #                              data_frame = mydata,
    #                              by_sp = 'STATEFP',
    #                              by_df = 'state_fips_code',
    #                              how = 'left')

    mydata.sf <- sf::st_as_sf(geoms)
    mydata <- dplyr::left_join(mydata,
      by = c("state_fips_code" = "STATEFP")

    mydata <- sf::st_as_sf(mydata)
    # mydata <- sf::st_as_sf(combined)

    if (lower48) {
      mydata <- dplyr::filter(mydata, !(toupper(mydata$state_name) %in% c("ALASKA", "HAWAII", "PUERTO RICO")))

  if (geometry & geographic_level == "COUNTY") {

    # options(tigris_use_cache = TRUE)
    geoms <- suppressMessages(tigris::counties(progress_bar = FALSE))
    geoms$COUNTYKEY <- paste0(geoms$STATEFP, geoms$COUNTYFP)

    mydata$COUNTYKEY <- paste0(mydata$state_ansi, mydata$county_code)

    # combined <- tigris::geo_join(spatial_data = geoms,
    #                              data_frame = mydata,
    #                              by_sp = 'COUNTYKEY',
    #                              by_df = 'COUNTYKEY',
    #                              how = 'left')

    mydata.sf <- sf::st_as_sf(geoms)
    mydata <- dplyr::left_join(mydata,
      by = "COUNTYKEY"

    mydata <- sf::st_as_sf(mydata)
    # mydata <- sf::st_as_sf(combined)

    if (lower48) {
      mydata <- dplyr::filter(mydata, !(toupper(mydata$state_name) %in% c("ALASKA", "HAWAII", "PUERTO RICO")))

  # Make sure value is numeric, and get rid of non-numerics
  mydata$Value <- gsub("[^0-9.-]", "", mydata$Value)
  mydata$Value <- as.numeric(mydata$Value)

  # Logic to handle imputing weighted by land area
  if (is.null(weighted_by_area)) {
    weighted_by_area <- FALSE
  if (geometry & weighted_by_area) {
    mydata <- mydata %>%
      dplyr::mutate(value_per_sq_mile = round(as.numeric(mydata$Value) / (as.numeric(mydata$ALAND) / 2589988.110336), 4)) # this is conversion rate from meters ^2 to miles ^2

  # If geometry, put important cols first
  if (geometry & geographic_level %in% c("COUNTY", "STATE")) {
    mydata <- mydata %>%
      dplyr::select("GEOID", "year", "ALAND", "unit_desc", "short_desc", "Value", dplyr::everything())

  # If weighted value, put that up front, too
  if (weighted_by_area) {
    mydata <- mydata %>%
      dplyr::select("GEOID", "year", "ALAND", "unit_desc", "short_desc", "Value", "value_per_sq_mile", dplyr::everything())


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tidyUSDA documentation built on Oct. 25, 2023, 9:08 a.m.