Man pages for tidyclust
A Common API to Clustering

augmentAugment data with predictions
cluster_fitModel Fit Object Information
cluster_metric_setCombine metric functions
cluster_specModel Specification Information
control_clusterControl the fit function
convert_helpersHelper functions to convert between formula and matrix...
cut_heightCut Height
details_hier_clust_statsHierarchical (Agglomerative) Clustering via stats
details_k_means_ClusterRK-means via ClusterR
details_k_means_clustMixTypeK-means via clustMixType
details_k_means_klaRK-means via klaR
details_k_means_statsK-means via stats
dot-hier_clust_fit_statsSimple Wrapper around hclust function
dot-k_means_fit_ClusterRSimple Wrapper around ClusterR kmeans
dot-k_means_fit_clustMixTypeSimple Wrapper around clustMixType kmeans
dot-k_means_fit_klaRSimple Wrapper around klaR kmeans
dot-k_means_fit_statsSimple Wrapper around stats kmeans
empty_ellipsesGet colors for tidyclust text.
extract_centroidsExtract clusters from model
extract_cluster_assignmentExtract cluster assignments from model
extract_fit_summaryS3 method to get fitted model summary info depending on...
extract-tidyclustExtract elements of a tidyclust model object
finalize_model_tidyclustSplice final parameters into objects
fitFit a Model Specification to a Data Set
get_centroid_distsComputes distance from observations to centroids
glance.cluster_fitConstruct a single row summary "glance" of a model, fit, or...
hier_clustHierarchical (Agglomerative) Clustering
knit_engine_docsKnit engine-specific documentation
linkage_methodThe agglomeration Linkage method
list_md_problemsLocate and show errors/warnings in engine-specific...
load_pkgs.cluster_specQuietly load package namespace
make_classes_tidyclustPrepend a new class
min_grid.cluster_specDetermine the minimum set of model fits
new_cluster_metricConstruct a new clustering metric function
new_cluster_specFunctions required for tidyclust-adjacent packages
other_predictOther predict methods.
predict.cluster_fitModel predictions
prep_data_distPrepares data and distance matrices for metric calculation
reconcile_clusterings_mappingRelabels clusters to match another cluster assignment
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
set_args.cluster_specChange arguments of a cluster specification
set_engine.cluster_specChange engine of a cluster specification
set_mode.cluster_specChange mode of a cluster specification
silhouetteMeasures silhouette between clusters
silhouette_avgMeasures average silhouette across all observations
sse_ratioCompute the ratio of the WSS to the total SSE
sse_totalCompute the total sum of squares
sse_withinCalculates Sum of Squared Error in each cluster
sse_within_totalCompute the sum of within-cluster SSE
tidy.cluster_fitTurn a tidyclust model object into a tidy tibble
tidyclust-packagetidyclust: A Common API to Clustering
tidyclust_updateUpdate a cluster specification
translate_tidyclustResolve a Model Specification for a Computational Engine
tune_clusterModel tuning via grid search
tidyclust documentation built on July 3, 2024, 1:06 a.m.