cluster_fit: Model Fit Object Information

cluster_fitR Documentation

Model Fit Object Information


An object with class "cluster_fit" is a container for information about a model that has been fit to the data.


The following model types are implemented in tidyclust:

  • K-Means in k_means()

  • Hierarchical (Agglomerative) Clustering in hier_clust()

The main elements of the object are:

  • spec: A cluster_spec object.

  • fit: The object produced by the fitting function.

  • preproc: This contains any data-specific information required to process new a sample point for prediction. For example, if the underlying model function requires arguments x and the user passed a formula to fit, the preproc object would contain items such as the terms object and so on. When no information is required, this is NA.

As discussed in the documentation for cluster_spec, the original arguments to the specification are saved as quosures. These are evaluated for the cluster_fit object prior to fitting. If the resulting model object prints its call, any user-defined options are shown in the call preceded by a tilde (see the example below). This is a result of the use of quosures in the specification.

This class and structure is the basis for how tidyclust stores model objects after seeing the data and applying a model.

tidyclust documentation built on July 3, 2024, 1:06 a.m.