control_cluster: Control the fit function

View source: R/control.R

control_clusterR Documentation

Control the fit function


Options can be passed to the fit.cluster_spec() function that control the output and computations.


control_cluster(verbosity = 1L, catch = FALSE)



An integer where a value of zero indicates that no messages or output should be shown when packages are loaded or when the model is fit. A value of 1 means that package loading is quiet but model fits can produce output to the screen (depending on if they contain their own verbose-type argument). A value of 2 or more indicates that any output should be seen.


A logical where a value of TRUE will evaluate the model inside of try(, silent = TRUE). If the model fails, an object is still returned (without an error) that inherits the class "try-error".


An S3 object with class "control_cluster" that is a named list with the results of the function call



control_cluster(catch = TRUE)

tidyclust documentation built on July 3, 2024, 1:06 a.m.