
Defines functions get_specific_annotation_columns quo_names

Documented in quo_names

#' Convert array of quosure (e.g. c(col_a, col_b)) into character vector
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom rlang quo_name
#' @importFrom rlang quo_squash
#' @param v A array of quosures (e.g. c(col_a, col_b))
#' @return A character vector
quo_names <- function(v) {
  v = quo_name(quo_squash(v))
  gsub('^c\\(|`|\\)$', '', v) %>% 
    strsplit(', ') %>% 

#' @importFrom magrittr equals
#' @import dplyr
get_specific_annotation_columns = function(.data, .col){
  # Comply with CRAN NOTES
  . = NULL
  # Make col names
  .col = enquo(.col)
  # x-annotation df
  n_x = .data %>% distinct_at(vars(!!.col)) %>% nrow
  # element wise columns
  .data %>%
    select(-!!.col) %>%
    colnames %>%
        .x %>%
          .data %>%
            distinct_at(vars(!!.col, .x)) %>%
            nrow %>%
            equals(n_x) ~ .x,
          ~ NULL
    ) %>%
    # Drop NULL
    {	(.)[lengths((.)) != 0]	} %>%

#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
#' @importFrom magrittr set_rownames
#' @importFrom rlang quo_is_null
#' @importFrom rlang quo_is_symbolic
#' @importFrom purrr when
.as_matrix = function(.data,
                      rownames = NULL,
                      do_check = TRUE,
                      sep_rownames = "___") {
  # Comply with CRAN NOTES
  variable = NULL
  rownames = enquo(rownames)
  .data %>%
    # Through warning if data frame is not numerical beside the rownames column (if present)
      do_check &&
        (.) %>%
        # If rownames defined eliminate it from the data frame
        when(!quo_is_null(rownames) ~ (.) %>% select(-!!rownames), ~ (.)) %>%
        dplyr::summarise_all(class) %>%
        tidyr::gather(variable, class) %>%
        pull(class) %>%
        unique() %>%
        `%in%`(c("numeric", "integer")) %>% `!`() %>% any() ~ {
          warning("tidygate says: there are NON-numerical columns, the matrix will NOT be numerical")
      ~ (.)
    ) %>%
    # If rownames multiple enquo (e.g., c(col1, col2)) merge them
    when(!quo_is_null(rownames) ~ (.) %>% unite(col = "rn", !!rownames, sep = sep_rownames), ~ (.)) %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
    # Deal with rownames column if present
      !quo_is_null(rownames) ~ (.) %>%
        set_rownames((.) %>% pull(rn)) %>%
      ~ (.)
    ) %>%
    # Convert to matrix

#' Convert array of quosure (e.g. c(col_a, col_b)) into character vector
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom rlang quo_name
#' @importFrom rlang quo_squash
#' @param v A array of quosures (e.g. c(col_a, col_b))
#' @return A character vector
quo_names <- function(v) {
  v = quo_name(quo_squash(v))
  gsub('^c\\(|`|\\)$', '', v) %>% 
    strsplit(', ') %>% 

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tidygate documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:51 p.m.