
Defines functions fortify.tbl_graph

Documented in fortify.tbl_graph

#' Fortify a tbl_graph for ggplot2 plotting
#' In general `tbl_graph` objects are intended to be plotted by network
#' visualisation libraries such as `ggraph`. However, if you do wish to plot
#' either the node or edge data directly with `ggplot2` you can simply add the
#' `tbl_graph` object as either the global or layer data and the currently
#' active data is passed on as a regular data frame.
#' @keywords internal
fortify.tbl_graph <- function(model, data, ...) {

rlang::on_load(register_s3_method('ggplot2', 'fortify', 'tbl_graph'))

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tidygraph documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:32 a.m.