
#' Configuration of Marginal CATEs
#' @description
#' `MCATE_cfg` is a configuration class for estimating marginal response
#' surfaces based on heterogeneous treatment effect estimates. "Marginal"
#' in this context implies that all other covariates are marginalized.
#' Thus, if two covariates are highly correlated, it is likely that their
#' MCATE surfaces will be extremely similar.
#' @examples
#' MCATE_cfg$new(cfgs = list(x1 = KernelSmooth_cfg$new(neval = 100)))
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
MCATE_cfg <- R6::R6Class("MCATE_cfg",
    public = list(
        #' @field cfgs Named list of covariates names to a `Model_cfg` object defining
        #' how to present that covariate's CATE surface (while marginalizing
        #' over all other covariates).
        cfgs = list(),
        #' @field std_errors Boolean indicating whether the results should be
        #' returned with standard errors or not.
        std_errors = logical(),
        #' @field estimand String indicating the estimand to target.
        estimand = "MCATE",

        #' @description
        #' Create a new `MCATE_cfg` object with specified model name and hyperparameters.
        #' @param cfgs Named list from moderator name to a `Model_cfg` object
        #' defining how to present that covariate's CATE surface (while
        #' marginalizing over all other covariates)
        #' @param std_errors Boolean indicating whether the results should be returned with standard
        #' errors or not.
        #' @return A new `MCATE_cfg` object.
        #' @examples
        #' MCATE_cfg$new(cfgs = list(x1 = KernelSmooth_cfg$new(neval = 100)))
        initialize = function(cfgs, std_errors = TRUE) {
            self$cfgs <- cfgs
            self$std_errors <- std_errors
        #' @description
        #' Add a moderator to the `MCATE_cfg` object. This entails defining a configuration
        #' for displaying the effect surface for that moderator.
        #' @param var_name The name of the moderator to add (and the name of the column in
        #' the dataset).
        #' @param cfg A `Model_cfg` defining how to display the selected moderator's effect
        #' surface.
        #' @return An updated `MCATE_cfg` object.
        #' @examples
        #' cfg <- MCATE_cfg$new(cfgs = list(x1 = KernelSmooth_cfg$new(neval = 100)))
        #' cfg <- cfg$add_moderator("x2", KernelSmooth_cfg$new(neval = 100))
        add_moderator = function(var_name, cfg) {
            self$cfgs[[var_name]] <- cfg

#' Configuration of Partial CATEs
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' `PCATE_cfg` is a configuration class for estimating marginal
#' response surfaces based on heterogeneous treatment effect estimates.
#' "Partial" in this context is used similarly to the use in partial
#' dependence plots or in partial regression. In essence, a PCATE
#' attempts to partial out the contribution to the CATE from all other
#' covariates. Two highly correlated variables may have very different
#' PCATE surfaces.
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @examples
#' PCATE_cfg$new(
#'    cfgs = list(x1 = KernelSmooth_cfg$new(neval = 100)),
#'    model_covariates = c("x1", "x2", "x3"),
#'    num_mc_samples = list(x1 = 100)
#' )
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
PCATE_cfg <- R6::R6Class("PCATE_cfg",
    public = list(
        #' @field cfgs Named list of covariates names to a `Model_cfg` object defining
        #' how to present that covariate's CATE surface.
        cfgs = list(),
        #' @field model_covariates A character vector of all the covariates
        #' to be included in the second-level effect regression.
        model_covariates = character(),
        #' @field num_mc_samples A named list from covariate name to the number
        #' of Monte Carlo samples to take to calculate the double integral (See Details).
        num_mc_samples = list(),
        #' @field estimand String indicating the estimand to target.
        estimand = "PCATE",

        #' @description
        #' Create a new `PCATE_cfg` object with specified model name and hyperparameters.
        #' @param model_covariates A character vector of all the covariates to be
        #' included in the second-level effect regression.
        #' @param effect_cfg A `Model_cfg` object indicating how to fit the second level effect
        #' regression (joint across all selected covariates).
        #' @param cfgs Named list from moderator name to a `Model_cfg` object defining how to
        #' present that covariate's CATE surface.
        #' @param num_mc_samples A named list from covariate name to the number of Monte Carlo
        #' samples to take to calculate the double integral (See Details). If all covariates
        #' should use the same number of samples, simply pass the (integer) number of samples.
        #' @return A new `PCATE_cfg` object.
        #' @examples
        #' PCATE_cfg$new(
        #'    cfgs = list(x1 = KernelSmooth_cfg$new(neval = 100)),
        #'    model_covariates = c("x1", "x2", "x3"),
        #'    num_mc_samples = list(x1 = 100)
        #' )
        initialize = function(model_covariates, cfgs, num_mc_samples = 100) {
            lifecycle::signal_stage("experimental", "PCATE_cfg$initialize()")
            self$cfgs <- cfgs
            self$model_covariates <- model_covariates
            if (checkmate::test_integerish(num_mc_samples, len = 1)) {
                self$num_mc_samples <- as.list(
                    structure(rep(num_mc_samples, length(cfgs)), names = names(cfgs))
            } else if (is.list(num_mc_samples)) {
                self$num_mc_samples <- num_mc_samples
            } else {
                stop("Unknown type of num_mc_samples")
        #' @description
        #' Add a moderator to the `PCATE_cfg` object. This entails adding it to the joint
        #' model of effects and defines a configuration for displaying the effect surface
        #' for that moderator.
        #' @param var_name The name of the moderator to add (and the name of the column in
        #' the dataset).
        #' @param cfg A `Model_cfg` defining how to display the selected moderator's effect
        #' surface.
        #' @return An updated `PCATE_cfg` object.
        #' @examples
        #' cfg <- PCATE_cfg$new(
        #'    cfgs = list(x1 = KernelSmooth_cfg$new(neval = 100)),
        #'    model_covariates = c("x1", "x2", "x3"),
        #'    num_mc_samples = list(x1 = 100)
        #' )
        #' cfg <- cfg$add_moderator("x2", KernelSmooth_cfg$new(neval = 100))
        add_moderator = function(var_name, cfg) {
            self$cfgs[[var_name]] <- cfg
            self$model_covariates <- unique(c(self$model_covariates, var_name))

#' Configuration of Variable Importance
#' @description
#' `VIMP_cfg` is a configuration class for estimating a variable importance measure
#' across all moderators. This provides a meaningful measure of which moderators
#' explain the most of the CATE surface.
#' @references
#' * Williamson, B. D., Gilbert, P. B., Carone, M., & Simon, N. (2021).
#' Nonparametric variable importance assessment using machine learning techniques.
#' Biometrics, 77(1), 9-22.
#' * Williamson, B. D., Gilbert, P. B., Simon, N. R., & Carone, M. (2021).
#' A general framework for inference on algorithm-agnostic variable importance.
#' Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1-14.
#' @examples
#' VIMP_cfg$new()
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
VIMP_cfg <- R6::R6Class("VIMP_cfg",
    public = list(
        #' @field estimand String indicating the estimand to target.
        estimand = "VIMP",
        #' @field sample_splitting Logical indicating whether to use sample
        #' splitting in the calculation of variable importance.
        sample_splitting = TRUE,
        #' @field linear Logical indicating whether the variable importance
        #' assuming a linear model should be estimated.
        linear = FALSE,
        #' @description
        #' Create a new `VIMP_cfg` object with specified model configuration.
        #' @param sample_splitting Logical indicating whether to use sample splitting
        #' in the calculation of variable importance. Choosing not to use sample
        #' splitting means that inference will only be valid for moderators with
        #' non-null importance.
        #' @param linear_only Logical indicating whether the variable importance
        #' should use only a single linear-only model. Variable importance measure
        #' will only be consistent for the population quantity if the true model
        #' of pseudo-outcomes is linear.
        #' @return A new `VIMP_cfg` object.
        #' @examples
        #' VIMP_cfg$new()
        initialize = function(sample_splitting = TRUE, linear_only = FALSE) {
            self$sample_splitting <- sample_splitting
            self$linear <- linear_only

#' Configuration of Model Diagnostics
#' @description
#' `Diagnostics_cfg` is a configuration class for estimating a variety of
#' diagnostics for the models trained in the course of HTE estimation.
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @examples
#' Diagnostics_cfg$new(
#'    outcome = c("SL_risk", "SL_coefs", "MSE", "RROC"),
#'    ps = c("SL_risk", "SL_coefs", "AUC")
#' )
#' @export
Diagnostics_cfg <- R6::R6Class("Diagnostics_cfg",
    public = list(
        #' @field ps Model diagnostics for the propensity score model.
        ps = character(),
        #' @field outcome Model diagnostics for the outcome models.
        outcome = character(),
        #' @field effect Model diagnostics for the joint effect model.
        effect = character(),
        #' @field params Parameters for any requested diagnostics.
        params = list(),

        #' @description
        #' Create a new `Diagnostics_cfg` object with specified diagnostics to estimate.
        #' @param ps Model diagnostics for the propensity score model.
        #' @param outcome Model diagnostics for the outcome models.
        #' @param effect Model diagnostics for the joint effect model.
        #' @param params List providing values for parameters to any requested diagnostics.
        #' @return A new `Diagnostics_cfg` object.
        #' @examples
        #' Diagnostics_cfg$new(
        #'    outcome = c("SL_risk", "SL_coefs", "MSE", "RROC"),
        #'    ps = c("SL_risk", "SL_coefs", "AUC")
        #' )
        initialize = function(ps = NULL, outcome = NULL, effect = NULL, params = NULL) {
            if (!is.null(ps)) self$ps <- ps
            if (!is.null(outcome)) self$outcome <- outcome
            if (!is.null(effect)) self$effect <- effect
            if (is.null(params)) {
                self$params <- list()
            } else {
                self$params <- params
        #' @description
        #' Add diagnostics to the `Diagnostics_cfg` object.
        #' @param ps Model diagnostics for the propensity score model.
        #' @param outcome Model diagnostics for the outcome models.
        #' @param effect Model diagnostics for the joint effect model.
        #' @return An updated `Diagnostics_cfg` object.
        #' @examples
        #' cfg <- Diagnostics_cfg$new(
        #'    outcome = c("SL_risk", "SL_coefs", "MSE", "RROC"),
        #'    ps = c("SL_risk", "SL_coefs")
        #' )
        #' cfg <- cfg$add(ps = "AUC")
        add = function(ps = NULL, outcome = NULL, effect = NULL) {
            if (!is.null(ps)) self$ps <- unique(tolower(c(self$ps, ps)))
            if (!is.null(outcome)) self$outcome <- unique(tolower(c(self$outcome, outcome)))
            if (!is.null(effect)) self$effect <- unique(tolower(c(self$effect, effect)))

#' Configuration of Quantities of Interest
#' @description
#' `QoI_cfg` is a configuration class for the Quantities of Interest to be
#' generated by the HTE analysis.
#' @examples
#' mcate_cfg <- MCATE_cfg$new(cfgs = list(x1 = KernelSmooth_cfg$new(neval = 100)))
#' pcate_cfg <- PCATE_cfg$new(
#'    cfgs = list(x1 = KernelSmooth_cfg$new(neval = 100)),
#'    model_covariates = c("x1", "x2", "x3"),
#'    num_mc_samples = list(x1 = 100)
#' )
#' vimp_cfg <- VIMP_cfg$new()
#' diag_cfg <- Diagnostics_cfg$new(
#'    outcome = c("SL_risk", "SL_coefs", "MSE"),
#'    ps = c("SL_risk", "SL_coefs", "AUC")
#' )
#' QoI_cfg$new(
#'     mcate = mcate_cfg,
#'     pcate = pcate_cfg,
#'     vimp = vimp_cfg,
#'     diag = diag_cfg
#' )
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
QoI_cfg <- R6::R6Class("QoI_cfg",
    public = list(
        #' @field mcate A configuration object of type `MCATE_cfg` of
        #' marginal effects to calculate.
        mcate = NULL,
        #' @field pcate A configuration object of type `PCATE_cfg` of
        #' partial effects to calculate.
        pcate = NULL,
        #' @field vimp A configuration object of type `VIMP_cfg` of
        #' variable importance to calculate.
        vimp = NULL,
        #' @field diag A configuration object of type `Diagnostics_cfg` of
        #' model diagnostics to calculate.
        diag = NULL,
        #' @field ate Logical flag indicating whether an estimate of the
        #' ATE should be returned.
        ate = logical(),
        #' @field predictions Logical flag indicating whether estimates of
        #' the CATE for every unit should be returned.
        predictions = logical(),

        #' @description
        #' Create a new `QoI_cfg` object with specified Quantities of Interest
        #' to estimate.
        #' @param mcate A configuration object of type `MCATE_cfg` of marginal
        #' effects to calculate.
        #' @param pcate A configuration object of type `PCATE_cfg` of partial
        #' effects to calculate.
        #' @param vimp A configuration object of type `VIMP_cfg` of variable
        #' importance to calculate.
        #' @param diag A configuration object of type `Diagnostics_cfg` of
        #' model diagnostics to calculate.
        #' @param ate A logical flag for whether to calculate the Average
        #' Treatment Effect (ATE) or not.
        #' @param predictions A logical flag for whether to return predictions
        #' of the CATE for every unit or not.
        #' @return A new `Diagnostics_cfg` object.
        #' @examples
        #' mcate_cfg <- MCATE_cfg$new(cfgs = list(x1 = KernelSmooth_cfg$new(neval = 100)))
        #' pcate_cfg <- PCATE_cfg$new(
        #'    cfgs = list(x1 = KernelSmooth_cfg$new(neval = 100)),
        #'    model_covariates = c("x1", "x2", "x3"),
        #'    num_mc_samples = list(x1 = 100)
        #' )
        #' vimp_cfg <- VIMP_cfg$new()
        #' diag_cfg <- Diagnostics_cfg$new(
        #'    outcome = c("SL_risk", "SL_coefs", "MSE"),
        #'    ps = c("SL_risk", "SL_coefs", "AUC")
        #' )
        #' QoI_cfg$new(
        #'     mcate = mcate_cfg,
        #'     pcate = pcate_cfg,
        #'     vimp = vimp_cfg,
        #'     diag = diag_cfg
        #' )
        initialize = function(
            mcate = NULL, pcate = NULL, vimp = NULL, diag = NULL, ate = TRUE, predictions = FALSE
        ) {
            if (is.null(mcate) && is.null(pcate) && is.null(vimp) && is.null(diag)) {
                stop("Must define at least one QoI!")
            if (!is.null(mcate)) self$mcate <- mcate
            if (!is.null(pcate)) self$pcate <- pcate
            if (!is.null(vimp)) self$vimp <- vimp
            if (!is.null(diag)) self$diag <- diag
            self$ate <- ate
            self$predictions <- predictions

#' Configuration of Quantities of Interest
#' @description
#' `HTE_cfg` is a configuration class that pulls everything together, indicating
#' the full configuration for a given HTE analysis. This includes how to estimate
#' models and what Quantities of Interest to calculate based off those underlying models.
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
HTE_cfg <- R6::R6Class("HTE_cfg",
    public = list(
        #' @field outcome `Model_cfg` object indicating how outcome models should be estimated.
        outcome = list(),
        #' @field treatment `Model_cfg` object indicating how the propensity score
        #' model should be estimated.
        treatment = list(),
        #' @field effect `Model_cfg` object indicating how the joint effect model
        #' should be estimated.
        effect = list(),
        #' @field qoi `QoI_cfg` object indicating what the Quantities of Interest
        #' are and providing all
        #' necessary detail on how they should be estimated.
        qoi = list(),
        #' @field verbose Logical indicating whether to print debugging information.
        verbose = logical(),

        #' @description
        #' Create a new `HTE_cfg` object with all necessary information about how
        #' to carry out an HTE analysis.
        #' @param outcome `Model_cfg` object indicating how outcome models should
        #' be estimated.
        #' @param treatment `Model_cfg` object indicating how the propensity score
        #' model should be estimated.
        #' @param effect `Model_cfg` object indicating how the joint effect model
        #' should be estimated.
        #' @param qoi `QoI_cfg` object indicating what the Quantities of Interest
        #' are and providing all
        #' necessary detail on how they should be estimated.
        #' @param verbose Logical indicating whether to print debugging information.
        #' @examples
        #' mcate_cfg <- MCATE_cfg$new(cfgs = list(x1 = KernelSmooth_cfg$new(neval = 100)))
        #' pcate_cfg <- PCATE_cfg$new(
        #'    cfgs = list(x1 = KernelSmooth_cfg$new(neval = 100)),
        #'    model_covariates = c("x1", "x2", "x3"),
        #'    num_mc_samples = list(x1 = 100)
        #' )
        #' vimp_cfg <- VIMP_cfg$new()
        #' diag_cfg <- Diagnostics_cfg$new(
        #'    outcome = c("SL_risk", "SL_coefs", "MSE"),
        #'    ps = c("SL_risk", "SL_coefs", "AUC")
        #' )
        #' qoi_cfg <- QoI_cfg$new(
        #'     mcate = mcate_cfg,
        #'     pcate = pcate_cfg,
        #'     vimp = vimp_cfg,
        #'     diag = diag_cfg
        #' )
        #' ps_cfg <- SLEnsemble_cfg$new(
        #'    learner_cfgs = list(SLLearner_cfg$new("SL.glm"), SLLearner_cfg$new("SL.gam"))
        #' )
        #' y_cfg <- SLEnsemble_cfg$new(
        #'    learner_cfgs = list(SLLearner_cfg$new("SL.glm"), SLLearner_cfg$new("SL.gam"))
        #' )
        #' fx_cfg <- SLEnsemble_cfg$new(
        #'    learner_cfgs = list(SLLearner_cfg$new("SL.glm"), SLLearner_cfg$new("SL.gam"))
        #' )
        #' HTE_cfg$new(outcome = y_cfg, treatment = ps_cfg, effect = fx_cfg, qoi = qoi_cfg)
        initialize = function(
            outcome = NULL, treatment = NULL, effect = NULL, qoi = NULL, verbose = FALSE
        ) {
            if (is.null(outcome)) outcome <- SLEnsemble_cfg$new()
            if (is.null(treatment)) treatment <- SLEnsemble_cfg$new()
            if (is.null(effect)) effect <- SLEnsemble_cfg$new()
            if (is.null(qoi)) qoi <- QoI_cfg$new()
            self$outcome <- outcome
            self$treatment <- treatment
            self$effect <- effect
            self$qoi <- qoi
            self$verbose <- verbose

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