
Defines functions set_clip modify_facet_clip theme_modify_paleo rotated_axis_labels ggplot_add.rotate_facet_label_spec rotated_facet_labels theme_paleo

Documented in rotated_axis_labels rotated_facet_labels theme_paleo

#' A Paleo-friendly ggplot2 theme
#' Essentially, this is [ggplot2::theme_bw()] with a few modifications
#' @param ... Passed to [ggplot2::theme_bw()]
#' @return A complete [ggplot2::theme()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy)) +
#'   geom_point() +
#'   theme_paleo()
theme_paleo <- function(...) {
  ggplot2::theme_bw(...) +
    ggplot2::theme(strip.background = ggplot2::element_blank())

#' Common plot modifications for stratigraphic plots
#' @param angle The angle at which labels should be rotated
#' @param direction The axes along which the operations should be performed
#' @param remove_label_background Whether or not label backgrounds should be removed along
#'   rotated label axes
#' @return An object or list of objects that can be added to a [ggplot][ggplot2::ggplot]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy)) +
#'   geom_point() +
#'   facet_wrap(vars(class)) +
#'   rotated_facet_labels(45, "x")
rotated_facet_labels <- function(angle = 45, direction = "x", remove_label_background = TRUE) {
    all(direction %in% c("x", "y")),
    is.numeric(angle), length(angle) == 1, angle >= -90, angle <= 90,
    is.logical(remove_label_background), length(remove_label_background) == 1

      angle = angle,
      direction = direction,
      remove_label_background = remove_label_background
    class = "rotate_facet_label_spec"

#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot_add
#' @export
#' @importFrom purrr %||%
ggplot_add.rotate_facet_label_spec <- function(object, plot, object_name) {
  plot$facet <- modify_facet_clip(plot$facet, remove_clip = object$direction)

  facet_switch <- plot$facet$params$switch %||% plot$facet$params$strip.position %||% "none"

  strip_position_x <- if(facet_switch %in% c("x", "both", "bottom")) "bottom" else "top"
  strip_position_y <- if(facet_switch %in% c("y", "both", "left")) "left" else "right"

  theme_mods <- ggplot2::theme()

  if("x" %in% object$direction) {
    theme_mods <- theme_mods +
        rotate_labels_x = object$angle,
        remove_label_background_x = object$remove_label_background,
        strip_position_x = strip_position_x

  if("y" %in% object$direction) {
    theme_mods <- theme_mods +
        rotate_labels_y = object$angle,
        remove_label_background_y = object$remove_label_background,
        strip_position_y = strip_position_y

  plot + theme_mods

#' @rdname rotated_facet_labels
#' @export
rotated_axis_labels <- function(angle = 90, direction = "x") {

    all(direction %in% c("x", "y")),
    is.numeric(angle), length(angle) == 1

  theme_mods <- ggplot2::theme()

  if("x" %in% direction) {
    theme_mods <- theme_mods +
      theme_modify_paleo(rotate_axis_labels_x = angle)

  if("y" %in% direction) {
    theme_mods <- theme_mods +
      theme_modify_paleo(rotate_axis_labels_y = angle)


#' Internal theme modification code
#' @param rotate_labels_x Rotate top/bottom facet labels (degrees counterclockwise)
#' @param rotate_labels_y Rotate right/left facet labels (degrees counterclockwise)
#' @param rotate_axis_labels_x Rotate top/bottom axis labels (degrees counterclockwise)
#' @param rotate_axis_labels_y Rotate right/left axis labels (degrees counterclockwise)
#' @param remove_label_background Remove the background of the facet label
#' @param pad_right_inches Give the plot extra right padding
#' @return A partial [theme][ggplot2::theme] object.
#' @noRd
theme_modify_paleo <- function(rotate_labels_x = NULL, rotate_labels_y = NULL, remove_label_background_x = FALSE,
                               remove_label_background_y = FALSE, rotate_axis_labels_x = NULL,
                               rotate_axis_labels_y = NULL, pad_right_inches = NULL,
                               strip_position_x = c("top", "bottom"), strip_position_y = c("left", "right")) {

  strip_position_x <- match.arg(strip_position_x)
  strip_position_y <- match.arg(strip_position_y)

  theme_elements <- list(
    strip.text.x.top = if(!is.null(rotate_labels_x) && strip_position_x == "top") {
        angle = rotate_labels_x,
        hjust = if(rotate_labels_x > 0) 0 else if(rotate_labels_x < 0) 1 else 0.5,
        vjust = if(abs(rotate_labels_x) == 90) 0.5 else if(rotate_labels_x > 0) 0 else if(rotate_labels_x < 0) 1.1 else 0.5
    strip.text.x.bottom = if(!is.null(rotate_labels_x) && strip_position_x == "bottom") {
        angle = rotate_labels_x,
        hjust = if(rotate_labels_x > 0) 1 else if(rotate_labels_x < 0) 0 else 0.5,
        vjust = if(abs(rotate_labels_x) == 90) 0.5 else if(rotate_labels_x > 0) 1 else if(rotate_labels_x < 0) 0 else 0.5
    strip.text.y.right = if(!is.null(rotate_labels_y) && strip_position_y == "right") {
        angle = rotate_labels_y,
        hjust = if(abs(rotate_labels_y) == 90) 0.5 else 0,
        vjust = if(rotate_labels_y == 0) 0.5 else 0
    strip.text.y.left = if(!is.null(rotate_labels_y) && strip_position_y == "left") {
        angle = rotate_labels_y,
        hjust = if(abs(rotate_labels_y %% 180) == 90) 0.5 else 1,
        vjust = if(rotate_labels_y %% 180 == 0) 0.5 else 1
    axis.text.x.bottom = if(!is.null(rotate_axis_labels_x)) ggplot2::element_text(
      angle = rotate_axis_labels_x,
      hjust = if(rotate_axis_labels_x > 0) 1 else if(rotate_axis_labels_x < 0) 0 else 0.5,
      vjust = if(abs(rotate_axis_labels_x) == 90) 0.5 else if(abs(rotate_axis_labels_x) != 0) 1 else 0.5
    axis.text.y.left = if(!is.null(rotate_axis_labels_y)) ggplot2::element_text(
      angle = rotate_axis_labels_y,
      hjust = if(abs(rotate_axis_labels_y) == 90) 0.5 else 1,
      vjust = if(rotate_axis_labels_y == 0) 0.5 else 1
    axis.text.x.top = if(!is.null(rotate_axis_labels_x)) ggplot2::element_text(
      angle = rotate_axis_labels_x,
      hjust = if(rotate_axis_labels_x > 0) 0 else if(rotate_axis_labels_x < 0) 1 else 0.5,
      vjust = if(abs(rotate_axis_labels_x) == 90) 0.5 else if(abs(rotate_axis_labels_x) != 0) 0 else 0.5
    axis.text.y.right = if(!is.null(rotate_axis_labels_y)) ggplot2::element_text(
      angle = rotate_axis_labels_y,
      hjust = if(abs(rotate_axis_labels_y) == 90) 0.5 else 0,
      vjust = if(rotate_axis_labels_y == 0) 0.5 else 0
    strip.background.x = if(remove_label_background_x) ggplot2::element_blank(),
    strip.background.y = if(remove_label_background_y) ggplot2::element_blank(),
    plot.margin = if(!is.null(pad_right_inches)) grid::unit(c(0, pad_right_inches, 0, 0), "inches")

  # purrr::compact() erroneously gets rid of element_blank() objects
  do.call(ggplot2::theme, theme_elements[!vapply(theme_elements, is.null, logical(1))])

#' Internal facet modification code
#' @param facet_super_obj The current facet object
#' @param remove_clip,direction Axis along which label clipping should be removed
#' @return A modified Facet, or hook that will modify the facet
#' @noRd
modify_facet_clip <- function(facet_super_obj, remove_clip = NULL) {

  if(!(inherits(facet_super_obj, "FacetGrid") || inherits(facet_super_obj, "FacetWrap"))) {
      "The current facet is not a facet_grid() or facet_wrap(). Rotate the labels after setting the facet!",
      call. = FALSE

    all(remove_clip %in% c("x", "y", "b", "l", "r", "t"))

    # need to override draw_panels method to remove requested clip items
    draw_panels = function(self, panels, layout, x_scales, y_scales, ranges, coord, data, theme, params) {

      # call parent method
      # super() source:
      # https://github.com/tidyverse/ggplot2/blob/master/R/facet-grid-.r#L293
      # https://github.com/tidyverse/ggplot2/blob/master/R/facet-wrap.r#L204
      panel_table <- ggplot2::ggproto_parent(facet_super_obj, self)$draw_panels(
        panels, layout, x_scales, y_scales, ranges, coord, data, theme, params

      # remove clip on the specified axes
      if("x" %in% remove_clip) {
        panel_table <- set_clip(panel_table, "strip-t", "off")
        panel_table <- set_clip(panel_table, "strip-b", "off")

      if("y" %in% remove_clip) {
        panel_table <- set_clip(panel_table, "strip-l", "off")
        panel_table <- set_clip(panel_table, "strip-r", "off")

      if("b" %in% remove_clip) {
        panel_table <- set_clip(panel_table, "strip-b", "off")

      if("r" %in% remove_clip) {
        panel_table <- set_clip(panel_table, "strip-r", "off")

      if("t" %in% remove_clip) {
        panel_table <- set_clip(panel_table, "strip-t", "off")

      if("l" %in% remove_clip) {
        panel_table <- set_clip(panel_table, "strip-l", "off")


#' @noRd
set_clip <- function(panel_table, regex, value) {
  for(i in which(grepl(regex, panel_table$layout$name))){
    panel_table$grobs[[i]]$layout$clip <- value


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tidypaleo documentation built on Jan. 22, 2023, 1:13 a.m.