
Defines functions tt_compile

#' @title Get TidyTuesday readme and list of files and HTML based on the date
#' @param date date of TidyTuesday of interest
#' @param auth github Personal Access Token
#' @importFrom lubridate year
#' @noRd
tt_compile <- function(date, auth = github_pat()) {

  ttmf <- tt_master_file()

  #list of files
  files <- ttmf[ ttmf$Date == date, c("data_files","data_type","delim")]

  readme <- try(
    github_html(file.path("data", year(date), date, "readme.md"), auth = auth),
    silent = TRUE)

  if(inherits(readme, "try-error")){
    readme <- NULL

    files = files,
    readme = readme

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tidytuesdayR documentation built on Feb. 1, 2022, 9:07 a.m.