Man pages for timma
Target Inhibition Interaction using Maximization and Minimization Averaging

binarizeDrugTargetsBinarize the drug target profile data
binarySetSearch for supersets and subsets
ciThe combination index extracted from Figure 1B of the Miller...
davisDrug-target profile for 72 drugs and 442 targets.
dec2binConvert decimal values to binary values
drawGraphDraw graph function
drugRankGenerate the list of ranked drug combinations
findSameColFind the same column from a matrix
findSameSetFind the same columns from two matrices
floating2Filter targets
getBinaryBinary set for multiclass data
getBinary1Weighted binary set for multiclass data
graycode2Graycode Function
graycode3Gray code function for matrix indexes
graycodeNamesNames for the predicted sensitivity matrix
graysGenerate gray code
kibaKiba interaction data
maxcppSearch for the max values of 3D matrix in cpp
maxcpp1Search for the max values of 2D matrix in cpp
miller_drug_responseThe single drug does-response data from the Miller study
miller_drugsA drug list from Miller study
miller_interaction_binaryThe binarized drug-target data for the Miller drugs
miller_sensitivityThe scaled drug sensitivity data for the Miller drugs
miller_targetsThe curated drug-target data for the Miller drugs
mincppSearch for the min values of 3D matrix in cpp
mincpp1Search for the min values of 2D matrix in cpp
normalizeSensitivityNormalize the drug sensitivity data
searchSpaceGenerate search space
sffsSFFS switch function
sffsBinaryModel selection with sffs for the binary drug-target...
sffsBinary1Model selection with sffs for the binary drug-target...
sffsBinary2Model selection with filtered binary drug-target interaction...
sffsCategoryModel selection with sffs for the multi-class drug-target...
sffsCategory1Model selection with sffs for the multi-class drug-target...
sffsCategoryWeightedModel selection with sffs for the multi-class drug-target...
sffsCategoryWeighted1Model selection with sffs for the multi-class drug-target...
sumcppSum for 3D matrix
sumcpp1Sum for 2D matrix in cpp
targetRankGenerate the list of ranked target combinations
timmaMain function for the timma package
timmaBinaryPredicting drug sensitivity with binary drug-target...
timmaBinary1Predicting drug sensitivity with binary drug-target...
timmaCategoryPredicting drug sensitivity with multi-class drug-target...
timmaCategory1Predicting drug sensitivity with multi-class drug-target...
timmaCategoryWeightedPredicting drug sensitivity with multi-class drug-target...
timmaCategoryWeighted1Predicting drug sensitivity with multi-class drug-target...
timmaModelPredicting drug sensitivity with binary drug-target...
timmaModel1Predicting drug sensitivity with binary drug-target...
timma-packageTarget Inhibition inference using Maximization and...
timmaSearchBinaryPrediction in the search space with one.sided TIMMA model
timmaSearchBinary1Prediction in the search space with two.sided TIMMA model
tyner_interaction_binaryA binary drug-target interaction data
tyner_interaction_multiclassA multi-class drug-target interaction data
tyner_sensitivityThe drug sensitivity data
timma documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:10 p.m.