#' Write YAML and XML back to disk as (R)Markdown
#' @param yaml_xml_list result from a call to [to_xml()] and editing.
#' @param path path of the new file. Defaults to `NULL`, which will not write
#' any file, but will still produce the conversion and pass the output as
#' a character vector.
#' @param stylesheet_path path to the XSL stylesheet
#' @details The stylesheet you use will decide whether lists
#' are built using "*" or "-" for instance. If you're keen to
#' keep your own Markdown style when using [to_md()] after
#' [to_xml()], you can tweak the XSL stylesheet a bit and provide
#' the path to your XSL stylesheet as argument.
#' @return the converted document, invisibly.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "tinkr")
#' yaml_xml_list <- to_xml(path)
#' names(yaml_xml_list)
#' library("magrittr")
#' # transform level 3 headers into level 1 headers
#' body <- yaml_xml_list$body
#' body %>%
#' xml2::xml_find_all(xpath = './/d1:heading',
#' xml2::xml_ns(.)) %>%
#' .[xml2::xml_attr(., "level") == "3"] -> headers3
#' xml2::xml_set_attr(headers3, "level", 1)
#' yaml_xml_list$body <- body
#' # save back and have a look
#' newmd <- tempfile("newmd", fileext = ".md")
#' to_md(yaml_xml_list, newmd)
#' # file.edit("")
#' file.remove(newmd)
to_md <- function(yaml_xml_list, path = NULL, stylesheet_path = stylesheet()){
# duplicate document to avoid overwriting
body <- copy_xml(yaml_xml_list$body)
yaml <- yaml_xml_list$yaml
# read stylesheet and fail early if it doesn't exist
stylesheet <- read_stylesheet(stylesheet_path)
md_out <- transform_to_md(body, yaml, stylesheet)
if (!is.null(path)) {
writeLines(md_out, con = path, useBytes = TRUE, sep = "\n\n")
# convert body and yaml to markdown text given a stylesheet
transform_to_md <- function(body, yaml, stylesheet) {
body <- xslt::xml_xslt(body, stylesheet = stylesheet)
if (length(yaml) > 0) {
yaml <- glue::glue_collapse(yaml, sep = "\n")
c(yaml, body)
# remove phantom text nodes that occur before links, images, and asis nodes that
# would cause perfectly valid markdown to be escaped.
remove_phantom_text <- function(body) {
# find the nodes we wish to protect. Append this list if there are any other
# surprises
# to_protect <- xml2::xml_find_all(body,
# ".//md:link | .//md:image | .//md:text[@asis]", ns = md_ns())
# # find the nodes that precede these nodes with zero length text
to_sever <- xml2::xml_find_all(body,
".//md:text[string-length(text())=0]", ns = md_ns())
if (length(to_sever)) {
copy_xml <- function(xml) {
transform_code_blocks <- function(xml){
# Find all code blocks with a language attribute (those without it are not processed)
code_blocks <- xml %>%
xml2::xml_find_all(xpath = './/d1:code_block[@language]',
if(length(code_blocks) == 0){
# transform to info string
# if it had been parsed
purrr::walk(code_blocks, to_info)
to_info <- function(code_block){
attrs <- xml2::xml_attrs(code_block)
options <- attrs[!names(attrs) %in%
c("language", "name", "space", "sourcepos", "xmlns", "xmlns:xml")]
if(length(options) > 0){
options <- glue::glue("{names(options)}={options}") %>%
glue::glue_collapse(sep = ", ")
options <- paste(",", options)
options <- ""
if (attrs["name"] != ""){
attrs["name"] <- paste0(" ", attrs["name"])
info <- glue::glue('{attrs["language"]}{attrs["name"]}{options}')
info <- paste0("{", info)
info <- paste0(info, "}")
names(info) <- "info"
xml2::xml_set_attr(code_block, "info", info)
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.