

Hi, I'm Xiao Jie. This is an R package I wrote based on my own data analysis needs. I'm glad you found it. I will update some useful functions here on the public account "bioinfoplanet" and also do some other sharing.


if(!require(tinyarray))devtools::install_github("xjsun1221/tinyarray",upgrade = FALSE,dependencies = TRUE)


Click the green button "code" on this page, then click "Download ZIP" to download it to your working directory. Install it with devtools::install_local("",upgrade = F,dependencies = T).




ggheat() is a function from the ggplot2 package that can be used to create heatmaps. It is still relatively immature and mainly used for aligning plots and collecting legends.

Something about ggheat():

2.Downstream Analysis of Gene Expression Array Data from GEO Database

geo_download(): Provide a GEO number and get back the expression matrix, clinical information table, and platform number used.

find_anno(): Look up the annotation of the array platform.

get_deg(): Provide the array expression matrix, grouping information, probe annotation and get back the differential analysis results.

multi_deg(): Differential analysis for multiple groups (up to 5).

If you want to do differential analysis and get the common figures in one step, you can use get_deg_all() and multi_deg_all(). This part mainly integrates and simplifies the differential analysis of GEOquery, Annoprobe, and limma.

quick_enrich(): Simple and intuitive enrichment analysis.

double_enrich(): Separate enrichment of up- and down-regulated genes, combined with plotting.

3.Exploring Expression Matrices

make_tcga_group(): Quickly get the grouping according to the TCGA sample naming rules.

sam_filter(): Remove duplicate tumor samples in TCGA.

match_exp_cl(): Match TCGA expression matrix with clinical information.

trans_array(): Replace the row names of the matrix, such as replacing the probe names of the expression matrix with gene names.

trans_exp(): Convert TCGA or TCGA+GTeX data to gene IDs (old version, genecode v22 or v23)

trans_exp_new(): Convert TCGA or TCGA+GTeX data to gene IDs(new versions)

t_choose(): Do t-tests for individual genes in batches.

cor.full() and Calculate correlations between genes in batches.

4.Survival Analysis and Visualization

point_cut(): Calculate the best cutoff point for survival analysis in batches.

surv_KM(): Do KM survival analysis in batches, supporting grouping with the best cutoff point.

surv_cox(): Do single factor Cox in batches, supporting grouping with the best cutoff point.

risk_plot(): Risk factor three-way linkage.

exp_boxplot(): Draw T-N boxplot for the interested genes.

exp_surv(): Draw KM-plot for the interested genes.

box_surv(): Draw boxplot and KM-plot for the interested genes.

5.Something about network graph

hypertest(): Do hypergeometric distribution test for mRNA and lncRNA in batches.

plcortest(): Do correlation test for mRNA and lncRNA in batches.

interaction_to_edges(): Generate the connection table for the network graph based on the relationship table.

edges_to_nodes(): Generate the node table based on the connection table.


dumd(): Count how many values each column of the data frame has.

intersect_all(): Take the intersection of any number of vectors.

union_all(): Take the union of any number of vectors.

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tinyarray documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:58 a.m.