
Defines functions to_humain get_project_task_detail get_all_client_names get_all_project_names get_project_total n_to_tps get_dashboard

Documented in get_all_client_names get_all_project_names get_dashboard get_project_task_detail get_project_total to_humain

#' get all data from <https://toggl.com>
#' @param api_token the toggl api token
#' @param workspace_id the workspace id
#' @param since begin date
#' @param until stop date
#' @export
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom lubridate years
#' @importFrom  dplyr select one_of
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @encoding UTF-8
get_dashboard <- function(api_token = get_toggl_api_token(),
                          workspace_id = get_workspace_id(api_token),
                          since = Sys.Date() - lubridate::years(1),
                          until = Sys.Date()) {
  url <-
      format(since, "%Y-%m-%d"),
      format(until, "%Y-%m-%d")
  wp <- content(GET(url,
                    # verbose(),
                    authenticate(api_token, "api_token"),
                    encode = "json"))
  # jsonlite:::simplify(wp$data, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE) -> out
  simplify(wp$data, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE) -> out
  synthese <-
    data.frame(id = out$id, out$title, time = out$time) %>%
  tache <- out$items %>%
    setNames(synthese$project) %>%
    map( ~ {
      .x$title <-  .x$title$time_entry

  res <- list(synthese = synthese,
              tache = tache)
  class(res) <- "toggl"

#' @noRd
#' @importFrom prettyunits pretty_ms
n_to_tps <- function(n) {
  # format(as.POSIXct(0, origin = Sys.Date(), tz = "GMT") + n / 1000, "%H:%M:%S")
#   difftime(as.POSIXct(0, origin = Sys.Date(), tz = "GMT") + n / 1000,Sys.Date(),units = "hour") 
# library(lubridate)  
# new_duration()  
# duration(104046451/1000,units = "seconds") %>% format("%H:%M:%S")

#' get project total time
#' @param project_name project name
#' @param api_token the toggl api token
#' @param workspace_id the workspace id
#' @param since a date
#' @param until a date
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
#' @export
get_project_total <- function(project_name = get_context_project(),

                              api_token = get_toggl_api_token(),
                              workspace_id = get_workspace_id(api_token),
                              since = Sys.Date() - lubridate::years(1),
                              until = Sys.Date()) {
  dash <-
      api_token = api_token,
      workspace_id = workspace_id,
      since = since,
      until = until
  dash$synthese  %>% filter(project == project_name) %>% pull("time") ->tmps
  (get_current_duration() + tmps)  %>% as.numeric() %>% n_to_tps


#' Get all project's names
#' @param api_token the toggl api token
#' @param workspace_id the workspace id
#' @param since a date
#' @param until a date
#' @export

get_all_project_names <- function(api_token = get_toggl_api_token(),
                                  workspace_id = get_workspace_id(api_token),
                                  since = Sys.Date() - lubridate::years(1),
                                  until = Sys.Date()) {
  dash <-
      api_token = api_token,
      workspace_id = workspace_id,
      since = since,
      until = until


#' get all client's name
#' @param api_token the toggl api token
#' @param workspace_id the workspace id
#' @param since a date
#' @param until a date

#' @export
get_all_client_names <- function(api_token = get_toggl_api_token(),
                                 workspace_id = get_workspace_id(),
                                 since = Sys.Date() - lubridate::years(1),
                                 until = Sys.Date()) {
  dash <-
      api_token = api_token,
      workspace_id = workspace_id,
      since = since,
      until = until

  dash$synthese$client %>% unique()

#' get all task from a project
#' @param project_name project name
#' @param api_token the toggl api token
#' @param workspace_id the workspace id
#' @param since a date
#' @param until a date
#' @param humain boolean humain readable time

#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate case_when
#' @importFrom lubridate years
get_project_task_detail <-
  function(project_name = get_context_project(),
           api_token = get_toggl_api_token(),
           workspace_id = get_workspace_id(),
           since = Sys.Date() - lubridate::years(1),
           until = Sys.Date(),
           humain = TRUE) {
    out <-
        api_token = api_token,
        workspace_id = workspace_id,
        since = since,
        until = until
    description <- get_current(api_token = api_token)$description
    if (!is.null(description)) {
      if (description %in% out$title) {
        out <-      out %>%
          mutate(time = case_when(
            title == description ~
              (time + get_current_duration(api_token = api_token)) %>% as.double()
            TRUE ~ time %>% as.double()
      } else {
        out <- out %>% full_join(tribble(
          ~ title,        ~ time,
          description,    get_current_duration(api_token = api_token) %>% as.double()
    if (humain) {
      out <- out %>% to_humain()

#' transforme time column into humain readable column
#' @param df a data.frame
#' @export
to_humain <- function(df){
  df %>% mutate(time = n_to_tps(time))

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togglr documentation built on July 11, 2022, 9:06 a.m.