
Defines functions category_highlight_tokens colorscale_tokens highlight_tokens tag_tokens

Documented in category_highlight_tokens colorscale_tokens highlight_tokens tag_tokens

## wrapping tokens in span attributes

#' add span tags to tokens
#' This is the main function for adding colors, onclick effects, etc. to tokens, for which <span> tags are used. The named arguments are used to set the attributes.
#' If a token does not have any attributes, the <span> tag is not added.
#' Note that the attr_style() function can be used to conveniently set the style attribute. Also, the set_col(), highlight_col() and scale_col() functions can be used to set the color of style attributes. See the example for illustration.
#' @param tokens  a vector of tokens.
#' @param tag     The name of the tag to be used
#' @param span_adjacent If TRUE, include adjacent tokens with identical attributes within the same tag
#' @param doc_id  If span_adjacent is TRUE, The document ids are required to ensure that tags do not span from one document to another.
#' @param unfold  Either a character vector or a named list of vectors of the same length as tokens. If given, all tokens with a tag can be clicked on to unfold the given text. If a list of vectors is given,
#'                the values of the columns are concatenated with the column name. E.g. list(doc_id = 1, sentence = 1) will be [doc_id = 1, sentence = 2].
#'                This only works if the tagged tokens are used in the html browser created with the \code{\link{create_browser}} function (as it relies on javascript).
#' @param ...     named arguments are used as attributes in the span tag for each token, with the name being the name
#'                of the attribute (e.g., class, . Each argument must be a vector of the same length as the number of tokens.
#'                NA values can be used to ignore attribute for a token, and if a token has NA for each attribute,
#'                it is not given a span tag.
#' @return a character vector of tagged tokens
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tag_tokens(tokens = c('token_1','token_2', 'token_3'),
#'            class = c(1,1,2),
#'            style = attr_style(color = set_col('red'),
#'                               `background-color` = highlight_col(c(FALSE,FALSE,TRUE))))
#' ## tokens without attributes are not given a span tag
#' tag_tokens(tokens = c('token_1','token_2', 'token_3'),
#'            class = c(1,NA,NA),
#'            style = attr_style(color = highlight_col(c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE))))
#' ## span_adjacent can be used to put tokens with identical tags within one tag
#' ## but then a doc_id has to be given as well
#' tag_tokens(tokens = c('token_1','token_2', 'token_3'),
#'            class = c(1,1,NA),
#'            span_adjacent=TRUE,
#'            doc_id = c(1,1,1))
tag_tokens <- function(tokens, tag='span', span_adjacent=F, doc_id=NULL, unfold=NULL, ...) {
  attr_str = tag_attr(...)
  if (is.null(attr_str)) return(tokens)
  if (length(attr_str) == 1) attr_str = rep(attr_str, length(tokens))

 has_attr = attr_str != ''
  tokens = ifelse(!has_attr,
                  yes = as.character(tokens), ## if a token has no attributes, do not add a span tag.
                  no = add_tag(as.character(tokens), tag, attr_str, span_adjacent = span_adjacent, doc_id=doc_id))

  if (!is.null(unfold)) {
    n = length(tokens)

    if (methods::is(unfold, 'data.frame') | methods::is(unfold,'list')) {
      for (j in seq_along(unfold)) {
        v = unfold[[j]]
        if (methods::is(v, 'factor') | methods::is(v, 'character')) v = paste0('"', v, '"')
        if (length(v) != n) stop(sprintf('The vector %s in unfold is not of the same length as the number of tokens', names(unfold)[j]))
        if (j == 1) unfold_string = paste(names(unfold)[j], v[has_attr], sep=' = ')
        if (j > 1) unfold_string = paste(unfold_string, paste(names(unfold)[j], v[has_attr], sep=' = '), sep=', ')
    } else {
      if (length(unfold) != n) stop('the unfold vector is not of the same length as the number of tokens')
      unfold_string = unfold[has_attr]
    tokens[has_attr] = sprintf('<unfoldspan>%s</unfoldspan><font style="display:none;" color="blue"> [%s]</font>', tokens[has_attr], unfold_string)

#' Highlight tokens
#' This is a convenience wrapper for tag_tokens() that can be used if tokens only need to be colored.
#' @param tokens    A character vector of tokens
#' @param value     Either a logical vector or a numeric vector with values between 0 and 1.
#'                  If a logical vector is used, then tokens with TRUE will be highlighted (with the color specified in pos_col).
#'                  If a numeric vector is used, the value determines the alpha (transparency), with 0 being fully transparent
#'                  and 1 being fully colored.
#' @param class     Optionally, a character vector of the class to add to the span tags. If NA no class is added
#' @param col       The color used to highlight
#' @param unfold  Either a character vector or a named list of vectors of the same length as tokens. If given, all tokens with a tag can be clicked on to unfold the given text. If a list of vectors is given,
#'                the values of the columns are concatenated with the column name. E.g. list(doc_id = 1, sentence = 1) will be [doc_id = 1, sentence = 2].
#'                This only works if the tagged tokens are used in the html browser created with the \code{\link{create_browser}} function (as it relies on javascript).
#' @param span_adjacent If TRUE, include adjacent tokens with identical attributes within the same tag
#' @param doc_id  If span_adjacent is TRUE, The document ids are required to ensure that tags do not span from one document to another.
#' @return a character vector of color-tagged tokens
#' @export
#' @examples
#' highlight_tokens(c('token_1','token_2','token_3'),
#'                  value = c(FALSE,FALSE,TRUE))
#' highlight_tokens(c('token_1','token_2','token_3'),
#'                  value = c(0,0.3,0.6))
highlight_tokens <- function(tokens, value, class=NULL, col='yellow', unfold=NULL, span_adjacent=F, doc_id=NULL) {
  tokens = gsub('[<>]', '', tokens)

  col = highlight_col(value, col=col)
  tokens = tag_tokens(tokens,
             style = attr_style(`background-color` = col),
             unfold = unfold,
             span_adjacent=span_adjacent, doc_id=doc_id)

#' Color tokens using colorRamp
#' This is a convenience wrapper for tag_tokens() that can be used if tokens only need to be colored.
#' @param tokens     A character vector of tokens
#' @param value      A numeric vector with values between -1 and 1. Determines the color mixture of the scale colors
#'                   specified in col_range
#' @param alpha      Optionally, the alpha (transparency) can be specified, with 0 being fully transparent and 1 being
#'                   fully colored. This can be a vector to specify a different alpha for each value.
#' @param class     Optionally, a character vector of the class to add to the span tags. If NA no class is added
#' @param col_range  The colors used in the scale ramp.
#' @param unfold  Either a character vector or a named list of vectors of the same length as tokens. If given, all tokens with a tag can be clicked on to unfold the given text. If a list of vectors is given,
#'                the values of the columns are concatenated with the column name. E.g. list(doc_id = 1, sentence = 1) will be [doc_id = 1, sentence = 2].
#'                This only works if the tagged tokens are used in the html browser created with the \code{\link{create_browser}} function (as it relies on javascript).
#' @param span_adjacent If TRUE, include adjacent tokens with identical attributes within the same tag
#' @param doc_id  If span_adjacent is TRUE, The document ids are required to ensure that tags do not span from one document to another.
#' @return a character vector of color-tagged tokens
#' @export
#' @examples
#' colorscale_tokens(c('token_1','token_2','token_3'),
#'                  value = c(-1,0,1))
colorscale_tokens <- function(tokens, value, alpha=0.4, class=NULL, col_range=c('red', 'blue'), unfold=NULL, span_adjacent=F, doc_id=NULL) {
  tokens = gsub('[<>]', '', tokens)

  col = scale_col(value, alpha=alpha, col_range=col_range)

             style = attr_style(`background-color` = col),
             span_adjacent=span_adjacent, doc_id=doc_id)

#' Highlight tokens per category
#' This is a convenience wrapper for tag_tokens() that can be used if tokens need to be colored per category
#' @param tokens    A character vector of tokens
#' @param category  Either a factor, or a numeric vector with values representing category indices. If a numeric vector is used, labels must also be given
#' @param labels    A character vector with labels for the categories
#' @param alpha      Optionally, the alpha (transparency) can be specified, with 0 being fully transparent and 1 being
#'                   fully colored. This can be a vector to specify a different alpha for each value.
#' @param class     Optionally, a character vector of the class to add to the span tags. If NA no class is added

#' @param colors    A character vector with color names for unique values of the value argument. Has to be the same length
#'                  as unique(na.omit(category))
#' @param unfold   Either a character vector or a named list of vectors of the same length as tokens. If given, all tokens with a tag can be clicked on to unfold the given text. If a list of vectors is given,
#'                 the values of the columns are concatenated with the column name. E.g. list(doc_id = 1, sentence = 1) will be [doc_id = 1, sentence = 2].
#'                This only works if the tagged tokens are used in the html browser created with the \code{\link{create_browser}} function (as it relies on javascript).
#' @param span_adjacent If TRUE, include adjacent tokens with identical attributes within the same tag
#' @param doc_id  If span_adjacent is TRUE, The document ids are required to ensure that tags do not span from one document to another.
#' @return a character vector of color-tagged tokens
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tokens = c('token_1','token_2','token_3','token_4')
#' category = c('a','a',NA,'b')
#' category_highlight_tokens(tokens, category)
category_highlight_tokens <- function(tokens, category, labels=NULL, alpha=0.4, class=NULL, colors=NULL, unfold=NULL, span_adjacent=F, doc_id=NULL) {
  tokens = gsub('[<>]', '', tokens)

  ncategories = length(unique(stats::na.omit(category)))

  if (methods::is(category, 'character')) category = factor(category, labels=stats::na.omit(unique(category)))
  if (methods::is(category, 'numeric')) {
    if (is.null(labels)) stop('If category is numeric, labels must be provided')
    if (max(category, na.rm = T) > length(labels)) stop('The maximum category value is higher than the number of labels')
  if (methods::is(category, 'factor')) {
    if (is.null(labels)) labels = levels(category)
    category = as.numeric(category)

  if (is.null(colors)) colors = grDevices::rainbow(ncategories)
  if (!length(colors) == ncategories) stop(sprintf('The number of colors (%s) is not equal to the number of categories (%s)', length(colors), ncategories))

  if (length(alpha) == 1) alpha = rep(alpha, length(category))
  tcolor = colors[category]
  alpha[is.na(tcolor)] = NA

  col = highlight_col(alpha, col=tcolor)
  tokens = tag_tokens(tokens,
                      style = attr_style(`background-color` = col),
                      title = labels[category],
                      span_adjacent=span_adjacent, doc_id=doc_id)
  #tokens = tag_tokens(tokens, 'a', tag_attr(href = stringi::stri_paste('#nav', category, sep='')),
  #                    span_adjacent=T)

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tokenbrowser documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 6:54 p.m.