
Defines functions warnings warningsBART

#warnings for GLM SA
warnings <- function(formula,     #formula: assume treatment is 1st term on rhs
                     resp.family,  #family for GLM of model for response
                     trt.family,  #family for GLM of model for treatment
                     theta,       #Pr(U=1) for binomial model
                     grid.dim,    #final dimensions of output grid
                     standardize,  #Logical: should variables be standardized?
                     nsim,        #number of simulated Us to average over per cell in grid
                     zero.loc,		#location of zero along line y=x, as fraction in [0,1], or "full" if full range is desired
                     buffer, 		  #restriction to range of coef on U to ensure stability around the edges
                     zetay.range,  	#custom range for zeta^y, e.g.(0,10), zero.loc will be overridden.
                     zetaz.range,  	#custom range for zeta^z, e.g.(-2,2), zero.loc will be overridden.
                     weights,     #some user-specified vector or "ATE", "ATT", or "ATC" for GLM.sens to create weights.
                     Y, Z, X,
                     data) {
  if(is.null(data)) stop(paste("Either a matrix or data.frame object must be specified in data field."))
  #check that data is a data frame
  if(identical(class(data),"matrix")) {
    if(verbose) warning("coerced matrix to data frame")
    data = data.frame(data)
  else if(!identical(class(data),"data.frame")) {
    stop(paste("Data is not a data.frame object"))
  #Code for listwise deletion
  nobs.deleted = dim(data)[1] - dim(postdata)[1]
  if ((verbose) & nobs.deleted>0) warning(nobs.deleted, " observations were deleted listwise.\n") 
  #check trt.family
  if(is.binary(Z)){ #binary treatment
    if(identical(class(trt.family),"family")) {
      if(identical(trt.family$family,"binomial")) {
        if(identical(trt.family$link,"probit")) {
          if(verbose) cat("Binomial family with probit link function is assumed in the treatment model.\n")
        }else if(identical(trt.family$link,"logit")) {
          warning("GLM.sens is not compatible with logistic link. Binomial family with probit link function is assumed in the treatment model.")
          trt.family = binomial(link="probit")
          stop(paste("binomial(link=\"probit\") is the only available option for the binary treatment."))
        stop(paste("binomial(link=\"probit\") is the only available option for the binary treatment."))
    if(identical(class(trt.family),"function")) {
      if(identical(trt.family,binomial)) {
        if(verbose) cat("Binomial family with probit link function is assumed in the treatment model.\n")
        trt.family = binomial(link="probit")        
        stop(paste("binomial(link=\"probit\") is the only available option with a binary treatment."))
    if(identical(class(trt.family),"character")) {
        if(verbose) cat("Binomial family with probit link function is assumed in the treatment model.\n")
        trt.family = binomial(link="probit")
      }else if(identical(trt.family,"logit")||identical(trt.family,"logistic")){
        warning("treatSens is not compatible with logistic link. Binomial family with probit link function is assumed in the treatment model.")
        trt.family = binomial(link="probit")        
        stop(paste("binomial(link=\"probit\") is the only available option with a binary treatment."))
  }else{ #continuous treatment
    if(identical(class(trt.family),"family")) {
      if(identical(trt.family$family,"gaussian")) {
        if(identical(trt.family$link,"identity")) {
          if(verbose) cat("Gaussian family with identity link function is assumed in the treatment model.\n")
          trt.family = gaussian
          stop(paste("Gaussian family with identity link function is the only available option with a continuous treatment."))
        stop(paste("Gaussian family with identity link function is the only available option with a continuous treatment."))
    if(identical(class(trt.family),"function")) {
      if(identical(trt.family,gaussian)) {
        if(verbose) cat("Gaussian family with identity link function is assumed in the treatment model.\n")
        stop(paste("Gaussian family is the only available option with a continuous treatment."))
    if(identical(class(trt.family),"character")) {
      if(identical(trt.family,"gaussian")||identical(trt.family,"Gaussian")||identical(trt.family,"normal")||identical(trt.family,"identity")||identical(trt.family,"continuous")) {
        if(verbose) cat("Gaussian family with identity link function is assumed in the treatment model.\n")
        trt.family = gaussian     
        stop(paste("Gaussian family is the only available option with a continuous treatment."))
  #check resp.family
  if(is.binary(Y)){ #binary outcome
    stop(paste("An outcome variable needs to be continuous."))
  }else{ #continuous outcome
    if(identical(class(resp.family),"family")) {
      if(identical(resp.family$family,"gaussian")) {
        if(identical(resp.family$link,"identity")) {
          if(verbose) cat("Gaussian family with identity link function is assumed in the response model.\n")
          resp.family = gaussian
          stop(paste("Gaussian family with identity link function is the only available option in the response model."))
        stop(paste("Gaussian family with identity link function is the only available option in the response model."))
    if(identical(class(resp.family),"function")) {
      if(identical(resp.family,gaussian)) {
        if(verbose) cat("Gaussian family with identity link function is assumed in the response model.\n")        
        stop(paste("Gaussian family with identity link function is the only available option in the response model."))
    if(identical(class(resp.family),"character")) {
      if(identical(resp.family,"normal")||identical(resp.family,"continuous")||identical(resp.family,"gaussian")) {
        if(verbose) cat("Gaussian family with identity link function is assumed in the response model.\n")        
        resp.family = gaussian
        stop(paste("Gaussian family with identity link function is the only available option in the response model."))
  if (!is.numeric(theta) || length(theta) != 1L || is.na(theta) || theta <= 0 || theta >= 1)
    stop("theta must be a single number in (0, 1)")
  if (!is.numeric(nsim) || length(nsim) != 1L || is.na(nsim) || nsim < 1)
    stop("nsim must be an integer greater than or equal to 1")
  if (!is.integer(nsim) && as.double(as.integer(nsim)) != nsim)
    warning("nsim changed by coercion from double; supply an integer to be precise")
  nsim <- as.integer(nsim)
  if (length(zero.loc) != 1L || (is.character(zero.loc) && zero.loc != "full") ||
      (is.numeric(zero.loc) && (is.na(zero.loc) || zero.loc <= 0 || zero.loc >= 1)))
    stop("zero.loc must be \"full\" or a single number in (0, 1)")
  #check whether the dimentions of grid are at least 2.
  if(!is.null(grid.dim) && (length(grid.dim) != 2)) {
    stop(paste("Error: grid dimenstions must a vector of length 2"))
  #If single value entered for range with 1 cell grid, expand to length 2 to avoid errors
  if(!is.null(zetay.range) && length(zetay.range) == 1 && (grid.dim == 1 | all.equal(grid.dim, c(1,1)))) 
    zetay.range = c(zetay.range, zetay.range)
  if(!is.null(zetaz.range) && length(zetaz.range) == 1 && (grid.dim == 1 | all.equal(grid.dim, c(1,1)))) 
    zetaz.range = c(zetaz.range, zetaz.range)
  #If single value entered for range with >1 cell grid, return an error
  if(!is.null(zetay.range) && (length(zetay.range) != 2)) {
    stop(paste("Error: zeta.y range must a vector of length 2"))
  if(!is.null(zetaz.range) && (length(zetaz.range) != 2)) {
    stop(paste("Error: zeta.z range must a vector of length 2"))

#warnings for BART SA

warningsBART <- function(formula,     #formula: assume treatment is 1st term on rhs
                         theta,       #Pr(U=1) for binomial model
                         grid.dim,    #final dimensions of output grid
                         zetay.range,  	#custom range for zeta^y, e.g.(0,10), zero.loc will be overridden.
                         zetaz.range,  	#custom range for zeta^z, e.g.(-2,2), zero.loc will be overridden.
                         weights,     #some user-specified vector or "ATE", "ATT", or "ATC" for GLM.sens to create weights.
                         data) {
  if(is.null(data)) stop("either a matrix or data.frame object must be specified in data field")
  #check that data is a data frame
  if(identical(class(data),"matrix")) {
    if(verbose) warning("coerced matrix to data frame")
    data = data.frame(data)
  else if(!identical(class(data),"data.frame")) {
    stop("data is not a data.frame object")
  #Code for listwise deletion
  nobs.deleted = dim(data)[1] - dim(postdata)[1]
  if ((verbose) & nobs.deleted>0) warning(nobs.deleted, " observations were deleted listwise") 
  #extract variables from formula
  form.vars <- parse.formula(formula, resp.cov = NULL, data)

  Y = form.vars$resp
  Z = form.vars$trt
  X = form.vars$covars 
  if (!is.numeric(theta) || is.na(theta) || length(theta) != 1 || theta <= 0 || theta >= 1)
    stop("theta must be a single number in (0, 1)")
  if (!is.numeric(nsim) || is.na(nsim) || length(nsim) != 1 || nsim < 1)
    stop("nsim must be an integer greater than or equal to 1")
  if (!is.integer(nsim) && as.double(as.integer(nsim)) != nsim)
    warning("nsim changed by coercion from double; supply an integer to be precise")
  nsim <- as.integer(nsim)
  #check whether the dimentions of grid are at least 2.
  if(!is.null(grid.dim) && (length(grid.dim) != 2)) {
    stop("grid dimenstions must a vector of length 2")
  #If single value entered for range with 1 cell grid, expand to length 2 to avoid errors
  if(!is.null(zetay.range) && length(zetay.range) == 1 && (grid.dim == 1 | all.equal(grid.dim, c(1,1)))) 
    zetay.range = c(zetay.range, zetay.range)
  if(!is.null(zetaz.range) && length(zetaz.range) == 1 && (grid.dim == 1 | all.equal(grid.dim, c(1,1)))) 
    zetaz.range = c(zetaz.range, zetaz.range)
  #If single value entered for range with >1 cell grid, return an error
  if(!is.null(zetay.range) && (length(zetay.range) != 2)) {
    stop("zeta.y range must a vector of length 2")
  if(!is.null(zetaz.range) && (length(zetaz.range) != 2)) {
    stop("zeta.z range must a vector of length 2")
       nsim = nsim,

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treatSens documentation built on March 18, 2018, 1:54 p.m.