
Defines functions truncate_input

Documented in truncate_input

##' Truncate climate and tree data to common interval
##' Truncate climate and tree data either to common shared interval
##' (default) or to specified range of years. Depending on minmonth,
##' the climate data will need to start one year earlier than the tree
##' data, if data from the previous year should be used.
##' @param chrono a tree-ring chronology
##' @param climate the climate data as returned by as_tcclimate
##' @param timespan the timespan for truncating as vector with min and max year
##' @param minmonth the earliest month used for the calibration, as
##' returned by check_months
##' @param moving moving or not? (logical)
##' @return a list of truncated data.frames for climate and tree data
##' @keywords manip internal
truncate_input <- function(chrono, climate, timespan = NULL, minmonth,
                           dynamic, silent = FALSE) {

  ## get time spans of both input data
  chrono_years <- as.numeric(row.names(chrono))
  climate_years <- sort(unique(climate[, 1]))

  ## calculate overlap
  if (chrono_years[1] <= climate_years[1]) {
    overlap <- na.omit(climate_years[match(chrono_years, climate_years)])
  } else {
    overlap <- na.omit(chrono_years[match(climate_years, chrono_years)])

  ## take maximum overlap, when timespan is not set
  if (is.null(timespan)) {
    start_year <- overlap[1]
    end_year <- tail(overlap, 1)
  } else {
    if (minmonth > 0) {
      if (!is.element(timespan[1], overlap) ||
          !is.element(timespan[2], overlap)) {
        stop(paste("`timespan` has to be between ", overlap[1],
                   " and ", tail(overlap, 1),
                   " for start dates in current year.",
                   sep = ""))
      } else {
        start_year <- timespan[1]
        end_year <- timespan[2]
    } else {
      if (!is.element(timespan[1], overlap) ||
          !is.element(timespan[2], overlap)) {
        stop(paste("`timespan` has to be between ", overlap[1] +
                   1, " and ", tail(overlap, 1),
                   " for start dates in previous year.", sep = ""))
      } else {
        start_year <- timespan[1]
        end_year <- timespan[2]
  ## check if previous years are available in climatic data
  offset <- 0
  if (minmonth < 0 & minmonth > -13 && !((start_year - 1) %in% climate_years)) { 
    offset <- 1
  if (minmonth < -12 && !((start_year - 2) %in% climate_years)) { 
    offset <- 2
  if (offset != 0) {
    if (is.null(timespan) & !silent) {
      message(paste("treeclim tries to use the maximum overlap in timespan for chronology and climate data. The overlap starts in ",
                    ", but to be able to use climate data from the previous year(s) (as you chose by setting 'selection' accordingly), the analysis starts in ",
                    start_year + offset, ".", sep = ""))
    } else {
      if (!silent) {
        message(paste("`start_year` is set from", start_year, "to",
                      start_year + offset,
                      "to be able to use climate data from the previous year(s)."))
  interval_chrono <- (start_year + offset):end_year
  ## make sure that data get truncated properly	
  if (minmonth < 0) { 
    if (minmonth > -13) {
      interval_climate <- (start_year - 1 + offset):end_year
      pad <- 1
    } else {
      interval_climate <- (start_year - 2 + offset):end_year
      pad <- 0
  } else {
    interval_climate <- (start_year + offset):end_year
    pad <- 2

  a <- chrono_years %in% interval_chrono
  b <- climate[, 1] %in% interval_climate
  ## calculate timespan for analysis for reporting
  run_years <- chrono_years[a]

  ## truncate data
  chrono_trunc <- chrono[a, 1]
  climate_trunc <- climate[b, ]

  ## check for missing data in tree-ring data and report missing years
  missing <- FALSE
  if (any(is.na(chrono_trunc))) {
    missing <- TRUE
    missing_tree <- which(is.na(chrono_trunc))
    missing_years <- run_years[missing_tree]
    if (!silent) {
      if (length(missing_years) > 1) {
        if (length(missing_years) > 2) {
        ox_comma <- ","
        } else {
          ox_comma <- ""
        cat("Missing proxy data for ",
                  collapse = ", "), ox_comma, paste0(" and ", tail(missing_years, 1)),
            ".\n", sep = "")  
      } else {
        cat("Missing proxy data for ", missing_years, ".\n", sep = "")
    chrono_trunc <- chrono_trunc[-missing_tree]
    missing_rows_climate <- climate_trunc[,1] %in% missing_years
    climate_trunc <- climate_trunc[!(missing_rows_climate), ]
  ## throw error if climate data contains missing values
  if (any(is.na(climate_trunc))) {
    stop("Climate data for considered time span contains missing values.\n")
  ## report time span used
  if (dynamic == "static" & !silent) {
    cat("Running for timespan ", run_years[1], " - ", tail(run_years, 1), "...\n",
        sep = "")

  list(chrono = chrono_trunc,
       climate = climate_trunc,
       pad = pad,
       missing = missing)

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treeclim documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:22 p.m.