#' Slices a phylogenetic tree following a 'rootward' orientation
#' @description
#' This function slices a phylogenetic tree in a 'rootward' orientation, starting from the root and moving towards the tips of the tree.
#' @usage squeeze_root(tree, time, criterion = "my", dropNodes = FALSE)
#' @param tree phylo. An ultrametric phylogenetic tree in the "phylo" format.
#' @param time numeric. A value that determines the time, or accumulated phylogenetic diversity (PD), at which the tree should be cut.
#' @param criterion character string. The method for cutting the tree. It can be either "my" (million years) or "PD" (accumulated phylogenetic diversity). Default is "my".
#' @param dropNodes logical. A logical value indicating whether the nodes that were sliced (void nodes, presenting no branch length) should be preserved in the node matrix. Default is FALSE.
#' @return The function returns a time-slice of an inputted phylogenetic tree in the "phylo" format, following a 'rootward' orientation.
#' @details
#' \bold{Slicing approach}
#' The treesliceR package uses a simple approach for cutting phylogenies, which reduces branch lengths in relation to an inputted temporal threshold.
#' @seealso Other slicing methods: [squeeze_tips()], [squeeze_int()], [prune_tips()], [phylo_pieces()].
#' @author Matheus Lima de Araujo <>
#' @references
#' See the tutorial on how to use this function on our [website](
#' @examples
#' # Generate a random tree
#' tree <- ape::rcoal(20)
#' # Slice "rootwardly" the phylogeny at 0.1 million years
#' tree <- squeeze_root(tree, time = 0.1)
#' # Plot it
#' plot(tree)
#' @export
squeeze_root <- function(tree, time, criterion = "my", dropNodes = FALSE){
# Getting the nodes configurations
tree <- nodes_config(tree)
# If the criterion for cutting is based on time:
if(criterion == "my"){
if(time < max(tree$config$YearEnd)){
# Capturing the tree length (cutting end)
j <- max(tree$config$YearEnd)
if(time > 0){
### Cutting the phylogeny ROOTWARDLY (ROOT -> TIPS):
# The threshold occupy different nodes with different requirements for node slicing?
# (ex: several nodes starting before and after a given threshold)
if(length(unique(c(which(sort(unique(tree$config$YearEnd)) >= j)[1], which(sort(unique(tree$config$YearEnd)) >= (j-time))[1]))) > 1){ # + de 1 TRUE
## Correcting the length of those nodes that ends inside the given interval,
# but start before the threshold established in (j - n):
tree$edge.length[tree$config$YearEnd >= (j-time) & tree$config$YearEnd <= (j) & tree$config$YearBegin < (j-time)] <-
(tree$config$YearEnd[tree$config$YearEnd >= (j-time) & tree$config$YearEnd <= (j) & tree$config$YearBegin < (j-time)] - (j-time))
## All nodes ending before my threshold (j-n), turn into zero their lengths
tree$edge.length[tree$config$YearEnd < (j-time)] <- 0
## All nodes originating befores my threshold (j - n) and ending after my threshold (j)
# (an entire branch length within the interval), assign (n) to its edge.length
tree$edge.length[tree$config$YearBegin < (j-time) & tree$config$YearEnd >= j] <- time
## If all remaining nodes had its edges bigger than the interval:
if(length(unique(c(which(sort(unique(tree$config$YearEnd)) >= j)[1], which(sort(unique(tree$config$YearEnd)) >= (j-time))[1]))) == 1){ # ! de 0, porque ele n?o foi cortado; o bra?o ?ntegro (sem recorte) que o valor de recorte
## Turn into 0 those edges ending before my threshold
tree$edge.length[which(tree$config$YearEnd < (j))] <- 0
## Those remaining nodes, turn into n their edge.lengths
tree$edge.length[tree$edge.length > 0] <- time
} else {
stop("The threshold inputted is bigger than the available by the phylogeny")
if(criterion == "pd"){
if(time < sum(tree$edge.length)){
## How many PD we have at each nodes spliting?
# Separating only the nodes inital information
nodes <- tree$config[!duplicated(tree$config$NodeBegin), c(1, 2, 4)]
## Making a matrix with these informations
df <- data.frame(time = sort(unique(nodes$YearBegin)), # Time which init the node
nBranch = 2:(length(unique(nodes$YearBegin)) + 1), # Number of branches
timeLength = c(sort(unique(nodes$YearBegin)), max(tree$config$YearEnd))[-1] - # time length of the node
# Calculating the cumulative TIME and PD per node split
df$cumulativeTIME <- cumsum(df$timeLength)
df$cumulativePD <- cumsum(df$nBranch * df$timeLength)
# Separating the node information
node_info <- df[which(df$cumulativePD >= time)[1],]
# How much of PD i will need to remove for each node
rmv <- (node_info[, 5] - time)/node_info[, 2] # time <- 5
# How much time i will need to remove? (based on the PD)
time <- node_info[, 4] - rmv # it is where the node begin
# cutting ending
j <- max(tree$config$YearEnd)
# Cutting
if(time > 0){
### Cutting the phylogeny ROOTWARDLY (ROOT -> TIPS):
# The threshold occupy different nodes with different requirements for node slicing?
# (ex: several nodes starting before and after a given threshold)
if(length(unique(c(which(sort(unique(tree$config$YearEnd)) >= j)[1], which(sort(unique(tree$config$YearEnd)) >= time)[1]))) > 1){ # + de 1 TRUE
## Correcting the length of those nodes that ends inside the given interval,
# but start before the threshold established in (j - n):
tree$edge.length[tree$config$YearEnd >= time & tree$config$YearEnd <= (j) & tree$config$YearBegin < time] <-
(tree$config$YearEnd[tree$config$YearEnd >= time & tree$config$YearEnd <= (j) & tree$config$YearBegin < time] - time)
## All nodes ending before my threshold (j-n), turn into zero their lengths
tree$edge.length[tree$config$YearEnd < time] <- 0
## All nodes originating befores my threshold (j - n) and ending after my threshold (j)
# (an entire branch length within the interval), assign (n) to its edge.length
tree$edge.length[tree$config$YearBegin < time & tree$config$YearEnd >= j] <- j-time
## If all remaining nodes had its edges bigger than the interval:
if(length(unique(c(which(sort(unique(tree$config$YearEnd)) >= j)[1], which(sort(unique(tree$config$YearEnd)) >= time)[1]))) == 1){ # ! de 0, porque ele n?o foi cortado; o bra?o ?ntegro (sem recorte) que o valor de recorte
## Turn into 0 those edges ending before my threshold
tree$edge.length[which(tree$config$YearEnd < (j))] <- 0
## Those remaining nodes, turn into n their edge.lengths
tree$edge.length[tree$edge.length > 0] <- j-time
} else {
stop("The threshold inputted is bigger than the available by the phylogeny")
## If there are some void nodes/edges inside our algorithm, remove them
if(dropNodes == TRUE){
# Which are our void nodes with 0 length?
rm_nd <- which(!(tree$edge[,2] %in% c(1:length(tree$tip.label))) & tree$edge.length == 0) # tree <- teste
if(length(rm_nd) > 0){
# Correcting their values
for (i in 1:length(rm_nd)) { # i <- 1
# which node comes after our node
val <- tree$edge[rm_nd[i], 2]
# all places with this value, need to be turned into its previous node
tree$edge[which(tree$edge[,1] == val), 1] <- tree$edge[rm_nd[i], 1]
# Them, removing those edges and edgelenghts that are 0 and are node-to-node
tree$edge <- tree$edge[-c(rm_nd), ] # Removing from the edge matrix
tree$edge.length <- tree$edge.length[-c(rm_nd)] # Removing from the edge length vectors
tree$Nnode <- length(unique(tree$edge[,1])) # Adding the new number of nodes
# Unique tree nodes
oldnodes <- sort(unique(tree$edge[,1]))
# Renaming the tree nodes
for (i in 1:length(oldnodes)) { # i <- 1
tree$edge[which(tree$edge[,1] == oldnodes[i]), 1] <- length(tree$tip.label) + i
tree$edge[which(tree$edge[,2] == oldnodes[i]), 2] <- length(tree$tip.label) + i
return(tree) # Subtrai o comprimento observado de cada n? pela diferen?a
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