
Defines functions s3_register release_bullets

#' @importFrom dplyr filter select %>% full_join mutate bind_rows case_when vars
#' @importFrom dplyr all_of ungroup slice bind_cols pull sample_n desc anti_join
#' @importFrom dplyr distinct arrange rename mutate_if starts_with inner_join
#' @importFrom dplyr last
#' @importFrom purrr map_int
#' @importFrom rlang call2 ns_env is_quosure is_quosures quo_get_expr call_name
#' @importFrom rlang is_false eval_tidy expr sym syms env_get is_function :=
#' @importFrom rlang is_missing %||%
#' @importFrom glue glue glue_collapse
#' @importFrom dials is_unknown encode_unit
#' @importFrom stats sd qt qnorm dnorm pnorm predict model.matrix setNames
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix model.response model.frame update
#' @importFrom yardstick rsq rmse accuracy roc_auc
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest nest
#' @importFrom GPfit GP_fit
#' @importFrom parsnip get_from_env required_pkgs
#' @importFrom recipes all_predictors all_outcomes
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes xlab geom_point geom_errorbar facet_wrap ylab
#' @importFrom ggplot2 facet_grid geom_line aes_string aes_
#' @importFrom cli cli_alert_danger cli_alert_info cli_alert_warning
#' @importFrom cli cli_alert_success cli_alert
#' @importFrom cli cli_inform cli_warn cli_abort qty
#' @importFrom foreach foreach getDoParName %dopar%
#' @importFrom tibble obj_sum size_sum

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Only a small number of functions in workflows.
# It is worth just importing everything.

#' @import workflows

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    "engine", "name", "func", "parsnip", "call_name", ".step", "call_info",
    "component", "component_id", "id", "control", ".pred", ".metric",
    ".estimator", ".estimate", "n", "note", "object", "splits", "grid",
    "resamples", ".iter", "mean", ".submodels", "metrics", "data", ".mean",
    ".sd", "iteration", "pkg", ".pred_class", "std_err", "const", "objective",
    "delta", "sd_trunc", "snr", "z", "..val", "max_val", "has_submodel", "res",
    ".extracts", ".metrics", "value", ".notes", ".loss", ".bound",
    ".column", ".totals", ".value", "direction", ".config", "Freq", "Prediction",
    "Truth", ".seed", ".order", ".iter_model", ".iter_preprocessor",
    ".iter_config", ".msg_model", "# resamples", "seed", "pre", "type",
    "rowwise", ".best", "location", "msg"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

release_bullets <- function() {
    "Update dependencies with `devtools::install_dev_deps()` and update the test objects via `R CMD BATCH --vanilla inst/test_objects.R`.",
    "Confirm issue cataloger gives expected output in `inst/test_catalog.R`."

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## function is called in .onLoad() in zzz.R

# nocov start
s3_register <- function(generic, class, method = NULL) {
  stopifnot(is.character(generic), length(generic) == 1)
  stopifnot(is.character(class), length(class) == 1)

  pieces <- strsplit(generic, "::")[[1]]
  stopifnot(length(pieces) == 2)
  package <- pieces[[1]]
  generic <- pieces[[2]]

  caller <- parent.frame()

  get_method_env <- function() {
    top <- topenv(caller)
    if (isNamespace(top)) {
    } else {
  get_method <- function(method, env) {
    if (is.null(method)) {
      get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env())
    } else {

  method_fn <- get_method(method)

  # Always register hook in case package is later unloaded & reloaded
    packageEvent(package, "onLoad"),
    function(...) {
      ns <- asNamespace(package)

      # Refresh the method, it might have been updated by [devtools::load_all()]
      method_fn <- get_method(method)

      registerS3method(generic, class, method_fn, envir = ns)

  # Avoid registration failures during loading (pkgload or regular)
  if (!isNamespaceLoaded(package)) {

  envir <- asNamespace(package)

  # Only register if generic can be accessed
  if (exists(generic, envir)) {
    registerS3method(generic, class, method_fn, envir = envir)


# nocov end

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tune documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 1:09 a.m.