
Defines functions get_tune_colors is_windows is_latex_output bold silver blue green yellow red white black yellow

Documented in get_tune_colors

# nocov start

# For use in setting the `tune_symbol` active binding in `.onLoad()`

tune_symbol_utf8 <- list(
  "success" = "\u2713"

tune_symbol_windows <- list(
  "success" = "\u221A"

tune_symbol_ascii <- list(
  "success" = "v"

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# To remove the crayon dependency, use the cli analogs. However, these
# produce ansi_string objects and some of our logging code needs
# the character values. Will not be needed for cli >=
yellow <- function(...) as.character(cli::col_yellow(...))
black  <- function(...) as.character(cli::col_black(...))
white  <- function(...) as.character(cli::col_white(...))
red    <- function(...) as.character(cli::col_red(...))
yellow <- function(...) as.character(cli::col_yellow(...))
green  <- function(...) as.character(cli::col_green(...))
blue   <- function(...) as.character(cli::col_blue(...))
silver <- function(...) as.character(cli::col_silver(...))
bold   <- function(...) as.character(cli::style_bold(...))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# For use in setting the `tune_color` active binding in `.onLoad()`

tune_color_dark <- list(
  symbol = list(
    "warning" = yellow,
    "go" = white,
    "danger" = red,
    "success" = green,
    "info" = blue
  message = list(
    "warning" = yellow,
    "go" = white,
    "danger" = red,
    "success" = white,
    "info" = white

tune_color_light <- list(
  symbol = list(
    "warning" = yellow,
    "go" = black,
    "danger" = red,
    "success" = green,
    "info" = blue
  message = list(
    "warning" = yellow,
    "go" = black,
    "danger" = red,
    "success" = black,
    "info" = black

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# cli:::is_latex_output()
is_latex_output <- function() {
  if (!("knitr" %in% loadedNamespaces())) {

  get("is_latex_output", asNamespace("knitr"))()

# cli:::is_windows()
is_windows <- function() {
  .Platform$OS.type == "windows"

# nocov end

#' Get colors for tune text.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @rdname empty_ellipses
get_tune_colors <- function() tune_color

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tune documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:32 a.m.