
Defines functions .complete_components .tween_individuals tween_components

Documented in tween_components

#' Interpolate individual component
#' This function is much like [tween_elements()] but with a slightly different
#' syntax and support for many of the newer features such as enter/exits and
#' tween phase identification. Furthermore it uses tidy evaluation for time and
#' id, making it easier to change these on the fly. The biggest change in terms
#' of functionality compared to `tween_elements()` is that the easing function
#' is now given per column and not per row. If different easing functions are
#' needed for each transition then `tween_elements()` is needed.
#' @inheritParams tween_state
#' @param .data A data.frame with components at different stages
#' @param time An unquoted expression giving the timepoint for the different
#' stages of the components. Will be evaluated in the context of `.data` so can
#' refer to a column from that
#' @param id An unquoted expression giving the component id for each row. Will
#' be evaluated in the context of `.data` so can refer to a column from that
#' @param range The range of time points to include in the tween. If `NULL` it
#' will use the range of `time`
#' @param enter_length,exit_length The lenght of the opening and closing
#' transitions if `enter` and/or `exit` is given. Measured in the same units as
#' `time`
#' @return A data.frame with the same columns as `.data` along with `.id` giving
#' the component id, `.phase` giving the state of each component in each frame,
#' and `.frame` giving the frame membership of each row.
#' @family data.frame tween
#' @examples
#' from_zero <- function(x) {x$x <- 0; x}
#' data <- data.frame(
#'   x = c(1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2),
#'   y = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1),
#'   time = c(1, 4, 10, 4, 8, 10),
#'   id = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2)
#' )
#' data <- tween_components(data, 'cubic-in-out', nframes = 100, time = time,
#'                          id = id, enter = from_zero, enter_length = 4)
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang enquo eval_tidy
tween_components <- function(.data, ease, nframes, time, id = NULL, range = NULL, enter = NULL, exit = NULL, enter_length = 0, exit_length = 0) {
  time <- enquo(time)
  time <- eval_tidy(time, .data)
  id <- enquo(id)
  id <- if (quo_is_null(id)) rep(1, nrow(.data)) else eval_tidy(id, .data)
  if (is.null(enter_length)) enter_length <- 0
  if (is.null(exit_length)) exit_length <- 0
  .data <- .complete_components(.data, time, id, enter, exit, enter_length, exit_length)

  .tween_individuals(.data, ease, nframes, range)

.tween_individuals <- function(.data, ease, nframes, range) {
  if (nframes == 0) return(.data[integer(), , drop = FALSE])
  if (nrow(.data) == 0) return(.data)
  if (length(ease) == 1) ease <- rep(ease, ncol(.data) - 3)
  if (length(ease) == ncol(.data) - 3) {
    ease <- c(ease, 'linear', 'linear', 'linear') # To account for .phase and .id columns
  } else {
    stop('Ease must be either a single string or one for each column', call. = FALSE)
  if (!is_integerish(nframes, 1L)) {
    stop("`nframes` must be a single count", call. = FALSE)

  timerange <- if (is.null(range)) range(.data$.time) else range
  if (diff(timerange) == 0) stop('range must have a length', call. = FALSE)
  framelength <- diff(timerange) / (nframes - 1)
  .data <- .data[order(.data$.id, .data$.time), , drop = FALSE]
  frame <- round((.data$.time - min(timerange[1])) / framelength) + 1
  .data$.time <- NULL
  colClasses <- col_classes(.data)
  tweendata <- lapply(seq_along(.data),  function(i) {
    d <- .data[[i]]
    e <- rep(ease[i], length(d))
      numeric = interpolate_numeric_element(d, .data$.id, frame, e),
      logical = interpolate_logical_element(d, .data$.id, frame, e),
      factor = interpolate_factor_element(d, .data$.id, frame, e),
      character = interpolate_character_element(d, .data$.id, frame, e),
      colour = interpolate_colour_element(d, .data$.id, frame, e),
      date = interpolate_date_element(d, .data$.id, frame, e),
      datetime = interpolate_datetime_element(d, .data$.id, frame, e),
      constant = interpolate_constant_element(d, .data$.id, frame, e),
      numlist = interpolate_numlist_element(d, .data$.id, frame, e),
      list = interpolate_list_element(d, .data$.id, frame, e),
      phase = get_phase_element(d, .data$.id, frame, e)
  tweenInfo <- tweendata[[1]][, c('group', 'frame')]
  tweendata <- lapply(tweendata, `[[`, i = 'data')
  tweendata <- structure(tweendata, names = names(.data), row.names = .set_row_names(length(tweendata[[1]])), class = 'data.frame')
  tweendata$.frame <- tweenInfo$frame
  tweendata$.id <- tweenInfo$group
  tweendata <- tweendata[tweendata$.frame >= 1 & tweendata$.frame <= nframes, , drop = FALSE]
  attr(tweendata, 'framelength') <- framelength
  tweendata[order(tweendata$.frame, tweendata$.id), , drop = FALSE]

#' @importFrom vctrs vec_rbind
#' @importFrom rlang as_function
.complete_components <- function(data, time, id, enter, exit, enter_length, exit_length) {
  if (length(id) != nrow(data) || length(time) != nrow(data)) {
    stop('id and time must have the same length as the number of rows in data', call. = FALSE)
  data$.id <- id
  data$.phase <- rep('raw', nrow(data))
  data$.time <- time
  if (any(!is.null(enter), !is.null(exit))) {
    time_ord <- order(time)
    if (!is.null(enter)) {
      enter_data <- as_function(enter)(data[time_ord[!duplicated(id[time_ord])], , drop = FALSE])
      enter_data$.phase <- 'enter'
      enter_data$.time <- enter_data$.time - enter_length
    } else {
      enter_data <- data[0, , drop = FALSE]
    if (!is.null(exit)) {
      exit_data <- as_function(exit)(data[time_ord[!duplicated(id[time_ord], fromLast = TRUE)], , drop = FALSE])
      exit_data$.phase <- 'exit'
      exit_data$.time <- exit_data$.time + exit_length
    } else {
      exit_data <- data[0, , drop = FALSE]
    data <- vec_rbind(enter_data, data, exit_data)

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tweenr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:32 a.m.