
Defines functions exceptionalScores

Documented in exceptionalScores

#' Find exceptional scores
#' A function to detect participants that consistently respond exceptionally.
#' @param dat The dataframe containing the variables to inspect, or the vector
#' to inspect (but for vectors, [exceptionalScore()] might be more
#' useful).
#' @param items The names of the variables to inspect.
#' @param exception When an item will be considered exceptional, passed on as
#' `prob` to [exceptionalScore()].
#' @param totalOnly Whether to return only the number of exceptional scores for
#' each row in the dataframe, or for each inspected item, which values are
#' exceptional.
#' @param append Whether to return the supplied dataframe with the new
#' variable(s) appended (if TRUE), or whether to only return the new
#' variable(s) (if FALSE).
#' @param both Whether to look for both low and high exceptional scores (`TRUE`)
#' or not (`FALSE`; see [exceptionalScore()]).
#' @param silent Can be used to suppress messages.
#' @param suffix If not returning the total number of exceptional values, for
#' each inspected variable, a new variable is returned indicating which values
#' are exceptional.  The text string is appended to each original variable name
#' to create the new variable names.
#' @param totalVarName If returning only the total number of exceptional
#' values, and appending these to the provided dataset, this text string is
#' used as variable name.
#' @return Either a vector containing the number of exceptional values, a
#' dataset containing, for each inspected variable, which values are
#' exceptional, or the provided dataset where either the total or the
#' exceptional values for each variable are appended.
#' @examples exceptionalScores(mtcars);
#' @export
exceptionalScores <- function(dat, items=NULL,
                              exception=.025, totalOnly=TRUE, append=TRUE,
                              both=TRUE, silent=FALSE, suffix = "_isExceptional",
                              totalVarName = "exceptionalScores") {

  if (is.data.frame(dat)) {
    if (is.null(items)) {
      items <- names(dat);
      if (!silent) {
        cat("No items specified: extracting all variable names in dataframe.\n");
    exceptionalScores <- dat[, items];
  } else {
    ### Vector provided; store in dataframe.
    exceptionalScores <- data.frame(dat);
    names(exceptionalScores) <- deparse(substitute(dat));

  originalCols <- ncol(exceptionalScores);
  exceptionalScores <- data.frame(exceptionalScores[, unlist(lapply(exceptionalScores, is.numeric))]);
  if ((originalCols > ncol(exceptionalScores) & !silent)) {
    cat0("Note: ", originalCols - ncol(exceptionalScores), " variables ",
         "were not numeric and will not be checked for exceptional values.\n");

  namesToUse <- paste0(colnames(exceptionalScores), suffix);

  exceptionalScores <- apply(exceptionalScores, 2,
                             exceptionalScore, prob = exception, both=both, silent=silent);

  colnames(exceptionalScores) <- namesToUse;

  if (totalOnly) {
    totalTrues <- rowSums(exceptionalScores, na.rm=TRUE);
    if (append) {
      dat[, totalVarName] <- totalTrues;
    } else {
  } else {
    if (append) {
    } else {


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