
Defines functions subset.coo concomp.coo laplacian.coo identity.coo

# package umap
# functions using coo graphs related to spectral analysis

## ############################################################################
## Utility functions relevant for spectral decomposition of coo objects

#' Construct an identity matrix
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param n.elements integer, number of elements
#' @param names character vector, names associated with the elements
#' @return new coo object
identity.coo <- function(n.elements, names=NULL) {
  if (!is.null(names)) {
    if (length(names) != n.elements) {
      stop.coo("identify", "n.elements and names don't match")

  # construct coo matrix encoding diagonal elements
  coo <- matrix(1, ncol=3, nrow=n.elements)
  coo[,1] <- coo[,2] <- seq_len(n.elements)

  make.coo(coo, names, n.elements)  

#' Construct a normalized Laplacian for a graph
#' This implementation constructs the laplacian  element-by-element.
#' Diagonals: 1, Element_ij = -1/sqrt(deg_i deg_j)
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param x coo object encoding a graph
#' @return new coo object 
laplacian.coo <- function(x) {
  check.coo(x, "laplacian")
  # rely on a reduced representation of coo
  x <- reduce.coo(x)

  num.from <- length(unique(x$coo[, "from"]))
  if (num.from != x$n.elements) {
    stop.coo("laplacian", "singular degrees")

  # get degrees
  degrees <- x$coo[order(x$coo[, "from"]), ]
  degrees <- vapply(split(degrees[,"value"], degrees[, "from"]), sum,
  # construct diagonal part of the laplacian
  result <- identity.coo(x$n.elements, x$names)
  # construct matrix with non-diagonal parts
  nondiag <- x$coo
  nondiag <- nondiag[nondiag[,1] != nondiag[,2], , drop=FALSE]
  # fill values of nondiagonal parts
  oldvalues <- nondiag[, "value"]
  nondiag[, "value"] <- degrees[nondiag[,"from"]] * degrees[nondiag[, "to"]]
  nondiag[, "value"] <- -oldvalues/sqrt(nondiag[, "value"])
  # combine diagonal and non-diagonal parts
  result$coo <- rbind(result$coo, nondiag)
  result$coo <- result$coo[order(result$coo[, "from"], result$coo[, "to"]), ]

#' Count the number of connected components in a coo graph
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param x coo object
#' @return list with number of connected components and a vector
#' assigning rows in object to components
concomp.coo <- function(x) {
  check.coo(x, "submat")
  count <- 0
  components <- rep(NA, x$n.elements)
  visited <- rep(FALSE, x$n.elements)
  pick.next <- function() {
  # make sure only looking at non-zero components
  x <- reduce.coo(x)
  # get lists of neighbors
  # (this will be a list with keys e.g. "1", "2", etc.)
  neighbors <- split(x$coo[, "to"], x$coo[, "from"])

  epoch <- 0
  tovisit <- pick.next()
  while (!any(is.na(tovisit))) {
    epoch <- epoch + 1
    unvisited <- which(!visited[tovisit])
    unvisited <- tovisit[unvisited]

    # mark as visited
    if (length(unvisited) > 0) {
      visited[tovisit] <- TRUE
      components[tovisit] <- count
      # identify all neighbors
      tovisit <- unique(unlist(neighbors[as.character(tovisit)]))

    # perhaps start a new component if this one is done
    if (length(unvisited) == 0 | length(tovisit) == 0) {
      count <- count + 1
      tovisit <- pick.next()
  list(n.components = count, components = components, epoch = epoch)

#' Subset a coo
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param x coo object
#' @param items items (indexes) to keep
#' @return new smaller coo object
subset.coo <- function(x, items) {
  check.coo(x, "subset")
  # check for early exit
  if (length(items) == x$n.elements) {
    return (x)
  # get logical vector for x indexes to keep
  x.keep <- rep(FALSE, x$n.elements)
  x.keep[items] <- TRUE

  # create result by trimming the input coo table
  result <- x
  result$coo <- x$coo[x$coo[,"from"] %in% items & x$coo[, "to"] %in% items, ]
  if (!is.null(x$names)) {
    result$names <- x$names[x.keep]
    names(result$names) <- NULL
  result$n.elements <- length(items)
  # re-label from-to
  new.indexes <- rep(NA, x$n.elements)
  new.indexes[which(x.keep)] <- seq_along(items)
  result$coo[, "from"] <- new.indexes[result$coo[, "from"]]
  result$coo[, "to"] <- new.indexes[result$coo[, "to"]]

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umap documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:12 p.m.