
Defines functions coo2mat add.coo multiply.coo t.coo reduce.coo check.compatible.coo check.coo stop.coo make.coo coo

# package umap
# functions used in umap that manipulate coo graphs

#' Create a coo representation of a square matrix
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param x square matrix
#' @return matrix with three columns (from index, to index, value)
coo <- function(x) {
  if (!is(x, "matrix")) {
    stop("x must be a square matrix\n")
  if (nrow(x) != ncol(x)) {
    stop("x must be a square matrix\n")
  # construct coo matrix
  # (relies on as.vector linearizing matrix column-by-column)
  nx <- nrow(x)
  coo <- matrix(0, ncol=3, nrow=nx*nx)
  coo[,1] <- rep(seq_len(nx), nx)
  coo[,2] <- rep(seq_len(nx), each=nx)
  coo[,3] <- as.vector(x)
  colnames(coo) <- c("from", "to", "value")
  # for convention, sort by (from, to)
  coo <- coo[order(coo[,1], coo[,2]),]
  make.coo(coo, rownames(x), nrow(x))

#' Helper to construct coo objects
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param x coo matrix
#' @param names character vector
#' @param n.elements integer
#' @return coo object
make.coo <- function(x, names, n.elements) {
  x <- x[, 1:3, drop=FALSE]
  colnames(x) <- c("from", "to", "value")
  result <- list(coo=x, names=names, n.elements=n.elements)
  class(result) <- "coo"

# ############################################################################
# Argument checking

#' Stop execution with a custom message
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param msg1 character
#' @param msg2 character
stop.coo <- function(msg1, msg2="") {
  if (msg2 != "") {
    msg1 <- paste0(msg1, "(", msg2, ")")
  stop(paste0(msg1, "\n"), call.=FALSE)

#' Check class for coo
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param x object of class coo
#' @param msg character, message to print alongside error
check.coo <- function(x, msg="") {
  if (!is(x, "coo")) {
    stop.coo("expecting object of class coo ", msg)

#' Check that two coo objects are compatible for addition, multiplication
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param x object of class coo
#' @param y object of class coos
#' @param msg character, message to print alongside error
check.compatible.coo <- function(x, y, msg="") {
  if (!identical(x$n.elements, y$n.elements)) {
    stop.coo("error: incompatible coo objects (n.elements) ", msg)
  if (!identical(x$names, y$names)) {
    stop.coo("error: incompatible coo objects (names)\n", msg)

# ############################################################################
# Utility functions on coo objects

#' Remove some entires in a coo matrix where values are zero
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param x coo object
#' @return matrix based on x, perhaps with some lines in original removed
reduce.coo <- function(x) {
  check.coo(x, "reduce")
  bad.rows <- x$coo[, "value"] == 0 | !is.finite(x$coo[, "value"])
  x$coo <- x$coo[!bad.rows,, drop=FALSE]
  rownames(x$coo) <- NULL

#' Transpose a coo matrix
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param x coo object
#' @return another coo object describing a transposed matrix
t.coo <- function(x) {
  check.coo(x, "transpose")
  old.from <- x$coo[, "from"]
  x$coo[,"from"] <- x$coo[, "to"]
  x$coo[,"to"] <- old.from

#' Multiply two coo objects element-wise
#' The two input objects must be compatible (have equivalent names)
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param x coo object
#' @param y coo object
#' @param a numeric, scalar for multiplication
#' @return new coo object with produce a*x*y
multiply.coo <- function(x, y, a=1) {
  check.coo(x, "multiply")
  check.coo(y, "multiply")
  check.compatible.coo(x, y, "multiply")
  # perform the multiplication using a merge on the from/to columns
  product <- merge(x$coo, y$coo, by=c("from", "to"))
  product <- cbind(from=product[,"from"],
                  value=a*product[,"value.x"]*product[, "value.y"])
  result <- list(coo=product, names=x$names, n.elements=x$n.elements)
  class(result) <- "coo"


#' Add two coo objects element-wise
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param x coo object
#' @param y coo object
#' @param a numeric, scalar for addition
#' @param b numeric, scalar for addition
#' @return new coo object with (a*x) + (b*y)
add.coo <- function(x, y, a=1, b=1) {
  check.coo(x, "add")
  check.coo(y, "add")
  check.compatible.coo(x, y, "add")

  added <- merge(x$coo, y$coo, by=c("from", "to"), all=TRUE)
  added[is.na(added[, "value.x"]), "value.x"] <- 0
  added[is.na(added[, "value.y"]), "value.y"] <- 0
  added <- cbind(from=added[, "from"],
                 to=added[, "to"],
                 value=a*added[, "value.x"] + b*added[, "value.y"])
  result <- list(coo=added, names=x$names, n.elements=x$n.elements)
  class(result) <- "coo"


# ############################################################################
# Conversion to conventional matrices

#' Convert from coo object into conventional matrix
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param x coo object
#' @return matrix
coo2mat <- function(x) {
  result <- matrix(0, ncol=x$n.elements, nrow=x$n.elements)
  mat <- x$coo
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(mat))) {
    result[mat[i,"from"], mat[i,"to"]] <- mat[i, "value"]

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umap documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:12 p.m.