
Defines functions column.seeds center.embedding clip make.epochs.per.sample find.ab.params

# package umap
# functions of generic nature used in umap_naive 

#' Estimate a/b parameters
#' This performs a brute-force search in parameter space.
#' The algorithm assumes a narrowing-down search will produce a decent fit.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param spread numeric
#' @param min.dist numeric
#' @param alim numeric vector of length 2, initial search range for parameter a
#' @param blim numeric vector of length 2, initial search range for parameter b
#' @param tolerance numeric, determines how deeply to search 
#' @return vector with componets "a" and "b" that are most appropriate
#' for the given spread and min.dist.
find.ab.params <- function(spread, min.dist,
                           alim=c(0, 20), blim=c(0, 20),
                           tolerance=1e-8) {
  # compute square error between two vectors
  sum.err.2 <- function(x, y) {
    xy <- (x-y)

  # compute y values given parameters a, b
  abcurve <- function(x, a, b) {
    xb2 <- x^(2*b)

  # create x values and target y values
  xv <- seq(0, spread*3, length=300)
  xv.high <- xv[xv>=min.dist]
  yv <- rep(0, length(xv))
  yv[xv<min.dist] <- 1
  yv[xv>min.dist] <- exp((min.dist-xv.high)/spread)

  # internal recursive helper. Tries different combinations of a/b.
  find.ab.recursive <- function(alim, blim) {
    avals <- seq(alim[1], alim[2], length=10)
    bvals <- seq(blim[1], blim[2], length=10)
    # compute square error of curve for all combinations of a/b
    ab <- expand.grid(avals, bvals)
    errors <- apply(ab, 1, function(x) {
      yvals <- abcurve(xv, x[1], x[2])
      sum.err.2(yvals, yv)
    # identify combination with smallest error
    best <- as.numeric(ab[which.min(errors)[1],])
    # determine if exit or keep looking in narrower interval
    mid <- c(mean(alim), mean(blim))
    if (sum(abs(best-mid))>tolerance) {
      alim <- best[1] + (avals[2]-avals[1])*c(-1.5, 1.5)
      blim <- best[2] + (bvals[2]-bvals[1])*c(-1.5, 1.5)
      best <- find.ab.recursive(alim, blim)
  result <- find.ab.recursive(alim, blim)
  names(result) <- c("a", "b")

#' Compute a value to capture how often each item contributes to layout
#' optimization
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param w numeric vector or matrix
#' @param epochs integer
#' @return numeric vector of same length as w
make.epochs.per.sample <- function(w, epochs) {
  result <- w
  result[seq_len(length(w))] <- rep(-1, length(w))
  n.samples <- epochs*(w/max(w))
  n.positive <- n.samples>0
  result[n.positive] <- epochs / n.samples[n.positive]

#' Force (clip) a value into a finite range
#' This implementation exists mainly to
#' facilitate testing the Rcpp version.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param x numeric; single value or a vector
#' @param xmax maximum value for x
#' @return numeric values in range [-xmax, xmax]
clip <- function(x, xmax=4) {
  x[x>xmax] <- xmax
  x[x<(-xmax)] <- -xmax

#' Adjust a matrix so that each column is centered around zero
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param x matrix
#' @return matrix of same shape as x
center.embedding <- function(x) {
  colcenters <- colMeans(x)
  V <- nrow(x)
  x - matrix(rep(colcenters, each=V), ncol=ncol(x), nrow=V)

#' deterministically produce random-like integers for each column in a dataset
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param x matrix, items in columns
#' @param key numeric, a "salt" used trigger different random-like integers
#' @importFrom openssl md5
#' @return vector of integers
column.seeds <- function(x, key=123) {

  # internal helper to process a batch of x
  batch.seeds <- function(xsmall) {
    temp <- apply(xsmall, 2, paste, collapse="")
    temp <- md5(paste0(key, temp))
    strtoi(substr(temp, 1, 7), 16)

  # split up the large matrix into parts, then batch-md5 each part
  # (splitting into parts avoids creating string-like representations
  # of entire dataset)
  xlen <- ncol(x)
  xparts <- split(seq_len(xlen), floor(seq_len(xlen) / 256))
  result <- rep(0, xlen)
  for (i in seq_along(xparts)) {
    ivec <- xparts[[i]]
    result[ivec] <- batch.seeds(x[, ivec,drop=FALSE])
  result[is.na(result)] <- key

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umap documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:12 p.m.