
# tests for running python umap

# for the python implemenation, small iris-based datasets give warnings
# so generate synthetic data 
d.train <- matrix(rnorm(400), ncol=4)
d.train[,1] <- d.train[,1] - 1
d.train[,2] <- d.train[,2] + 1
rownames(d.train) <- paste0("Train", seq_len(nrow(d.train)))
d.test <- matrix(rnorm(200), ncol=4)
rownames(d.test) <- paste0("Test", seq_len(nrow(d.test)))

# ############################################################################
# Only test if umap is available as python package

# this "try" block is necessary because:
# a system that does not have python at all will generate a warning,
# which can generate a NOTE during R CMD check (winbuilder)
has.umap.learn <- FALSE
  has.umap.learn <- reticulate::py_module_available("umap")
}, silent=TRUE)

if (has.umap.learn) {  
  # create initial embedding
  u1 <- umap(d.train, method="umap-learn", n_neighbors=10)

  test_that("python umap produces output", {
    # just check the rough type of expected output
    # i.e. that some output came out of the python UMAP fit
    expect_is(u1, "umap")
    expect_true("layout" %in% names(u1))
    expect_true("config" %in% names(u1))
    # python implementation sets config, conveys arguments used
    expect_gt(length(u1$config$umap_learn_args), 5)
    # output layout makes sense, has rownames
    expect_equal(dim(u1$layout), c(nrow(d.train), 2))
    expect_equal(rownames(u1$layout), rownames(d.train))
    # python implementation returns a UMAP object
    expect_true("UMAP" %in% names(u1))

  test_that("python umap can use specified arguments", {
    conf <- umap.defaults
    conf$n_neighbors <- 10
    conf$umap_learn_args <- c("n_neighbors", "random_state")
    result <- umap(d.train, conf, method="umap-learn")
    expect_message(umap(d.train, conf, method="umap-learn", verbose=1),
    # python implementation sets config, conveys arguments used
    expect_equal(length(result$config$umap_learn_args), 2)
  test_that("python umap considers user-specified inputs", {
    uconf <- umap.defaults
    uconf$n_neighbors <- 10
    uconf$random_state <- 567
    # repeat calculations should give same results
    result1 <- umap(d.train, uconf, method="umap-learn")
    result2 <- umap(d.train, uconf, method="umap-learn")
    # check reproducible results in layout
    expect_true(identical(result1$layout, result2$layout))
    # calculations with different setting should give different result
    result3 <- umap(d.train, uconf, method="umap-learn")
    expect_false(identical(result1, result3))
    result4 <- umap(d.train, uconf, method="umap-learn", spread=2)
    expect_false(identical(result3, result4))

  test_that("umap-learn without seeds creates different layouts each time", {
    uconf <- umap.defaults
    uconf$n_neighbors <- 5
    uconf$n_epochs <- 10
    result_1 <- umap(i.train, uconf, preserve.seed=FALSE)
    result_2 <- umap(i.train, uconf, preserve.seed=FALSE)
    expect_false(identical(result_1$layout[,1], result_2$layout[,2]))

  test_that("transform requires presence of UMAP components", {
    u1small <- u1
    u1small$UMAP <- NULL
    expect_error(predict(u1small, d.test), "available")
    u1bad <- u1
    u1bad$UMAP <- "some other object"
    expect_error(predict(u1bad, d.test), "corrupt")

  test_that("transform proeduces an embedding", {
    u2 <- predict(u1, d.test)
    expect_equal(dim(u2), c(nrow(d.test), 2))
    expect_equal(rownames(u2), rownames(d.test))

  test_that("transform adjust with min_dist", {
    # this test is based on a bug report
    # In the bug, min_dist was ignored because a/b were inadvertely converted
    # from NA into specific values during the R->python link.
    md1 <- umap(d.train, method="umap-learn",
                n_neighbors=5, min_dist=0.1, random_state=11)
    md2 <- umap(d.train, method="umap-learn",
                n_neighbors=5, min_dist=0.2, random_state=11)
    expect_false(identical(md1$layout, md2$layout))

  test_that("transform and predict on sparse dgCMatrix", {
    sm <- Matrix(0, ncol=4, nrow=40)
    sm[, 1] <- seq(0, 1, length=40)
    sm <- as(sm, "CsparseMatrix")
    result <- umap(sm, n_neighbors=10, method="umap-learn")
    expect_equal(dim(result$layout), c(40, 2))
    prediction <- predict(result, sm[1:6, ])
    expect_equal(dim(prediction), c(6, 2))

  test_that("transform and predict on sparse dgTMatrix", {
    sm <- Matrix(0, ncol=4, nrow=40)
    sm[, 1] <- seq(0, 1, length=40)
    sm <- as(sm, "TsparseMatrix")
    result <- umap(sm, n_neighbors=10, method="umap-learn")
    expect_equal(dim(result$layout), c(40, 2))
    prediction <- predict(result, sm[1:4, ])
    expect_equal(dim(prediction), c(4, 2))

  test_that("produces reproducible results", {
    result_1 <- umap(d.train, method="umap-learn", random_state=17)
    expect_equal(result_1$config$random_state, 17)
    result_2 <- umap(d.train, method="umap-learn", random_state=17)
    expect_true(identical(result_1$layout, result_2$layout))

  test_that("produces reproducible results with automatic seed", {
    result_1 <- umap(d.train, method="umap-learn")
    expect_true(result_1$config$random_state > 0)
    random_state <- result_1$config$random_state
    result_2 <- umap(d.train, method="umap-learn", random_state=random_state)
    expect_true(identical(result_1$layout, result_2$layout))

Try the umap package in your browser

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umap documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:12 p.m.