
Defines functions boxB

Documented in boxB

boxB <- function(x, k=1.5, method='asymmetric', weights=NULL, id=NULL, 
                 exclude=NA, logt=FALSE){
    # units' identifiers
    if(is.null(id)) id <- 1:length(x)
    # removes values in exclude vector
    tst <- x %in% exclude
    if(sum(tst) == 0) {
        to.check <- integer(0)
        yy <- x
        lab <- id
        ww <- weights
    else {
        to.check <- id[tst]
        yy <- x[!tst]
        lab <- id[!tst] 
        ww <- weights[!tst]

    # optional log-transformation
        yy <- log(yy+1)
        warning('Please note that log(x+1) transforation is considered')
    #identifies bounds

    if(is.null(weights)) qq <- quantile(x=yy, probs=c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75))
    else qq <- Hmisc::wtd.quantile(x=yy, weights=ww, probs=c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75))

    # identifies ranges
    if(method == 'resistant' | method == 'boxplot'){
        vql <- vqu <- qq[3] - qq[1]
        if(abs(vql)<1e-06) warning("IQR is 0")
        low.b <- qq[1] - k*vql
        up.b <- qq[3] + k*vqu
    if(method == 'asymmetric'){
        vql <- qq[2] - qq[1]
        if(abs(vql)<1e-06) warning("(Q2-Q1) = 0")
        vqu <- qq[3] - qq[2]
        if(abs(vqu)<1e-06) warning("(Q3-Q2) = 0")
        low.b <- qq[1] - 2*k*vql
        up.b <- qq[3] + 2*k*vqu
    if(method == 'adjbox'){
        warning("With method='adjbox' the argument k is set equal to 1.5")
        ck <- inherits( try( robustbase::mc(yy), silent=TRUE),  "try-error") 
        if(ck) medc <- robustbase::mc(yy, doScale = TRUE)
        else medc <- robustbase::mc(yy, doScale = FALSE)
        # medc <- robustbase::mc(yy)
        message('The MedCouple skewness measure is: ', round(medc, 4))
            if(ck) aa <- robustbase::adjboxStats(x=yy, doScale = TRUE)
            else aa <- robustbase::adjboxStats(x=yy, doScale = FALSE)
            low.b <- aa$fence[1]
            up.b <- aa$fence[2]    
            if(medc >= 0){
                low.b <- qq[1] - 1.5*exp(-4*medc)*(qq[3]-qq[1])
                up.b  <- qq[3] + 1.5*exp( 3*medc)*(qq[3]-qq[1])
                low.b <- qq[1] - 1.5*exp(-3*medc)*(qq[3]-qq[1])
                up.b  <- qq[3] + 1.5*exp( 4*medc)*(qq[3]-qq[1])
    names(low.b) <- 'low'
    names(up.b) <- 'up'
    outl <- (yy < low.b) | (yy > up.b)
    ###### distinction between outliers according to the tail
    lower <- (yy < low.b)
    upper <- (yy > up.b)
    if(sum(outl)==0) message('No outliers found')
        message('No. of outliers in left tail: ', sum(yy < low.b))
        message('No. of outliers in right tail: ', sum(yy > up.b), '\n')
    # output 
    fences <- c(low.b, up.b)
    names(fences) <- c('lower', 'upper')
        fine <- list(quartiles=qq, fences=fences,
                     excluded=to.check, outliers=integer(0)) 
        fine <- list(quartiles=qq, fences=fences,
                     excluded=to.check, outliers=lab[outl],
                     lowOutl=lab[lower], upOutl=lab[upper])

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univOutl documentation built on May 31, 2022, 9:06 a.m.